What can an ammeter measure besides the current?

What can an ammeter measure besides the current?

The ammeter can not only measure the current, but also indirectly measure the power and circuit resistance. Of course, it needs simple calculation
When measuring the current with an ammeter, the correct way to do it is not to estimate the current in advance
A. First take a wire head of the circuit to try to touch the terminal with a larger range. If the pointer indication is within a smaller range, then use a small range
B. First take one end of the circuit to try to touch the terminal with a small range. If the pointer indicates a large number, then use a large range
C. Choose any range
D. Direct use of a large number of procedures
Is the accuracy of digital ammeter or ammeter better?
Both digital ammeter and ammeter can measure current. The problem is how accurate the current you want to measure. Choose the meter with corresponding accuracy according to the current accuracy you need to measure
In the circuit diagram shown in the figure, the indication of voltmeter V is 6 V, and that of ammeter A1 is 0.5 A. if the resistance of R2 is 6 ohm, calculate: (1) the indication of ammeter a I. (2) the total resistance of the circuit R
(1) The current through resistance R2: I2 = UR2 = 6v6 Ω = 0.1A, ∵ in parallel circuit, the main current is equal to the sum of branch currents ∵ the indication of ammeter A: I = 0.5A + 0.1A = 0.6A; (2) ∵ I = ur, ∵ the total resistance of the circuit: r = UI = 6v0.6a = 10 Ω. Answer: (1) the indication of ammeter A is 0.6A. (2) the total resistance of the circuit is 10 Ω
What is the parallel resistance between a 100 ohm 4 / 1 watt resistor and a 200 ohm 4 / 1 watt resistor, and the power becomes 2 / 1 watt
Resistance 66.7 Ω, power 0.5W
The resistance is 66.66 Ω and the total power should not exceed 0.375 W
No, they work at different voltages
There are five "220v800w" white burning lamps in a family, one with the same power resistance furnace. How to calculate the total power, total current, and electric energy consumed in a month?
Each electric furnace with 5 grid lamps has 800 watts, and the total power is 6 * 800 = 4800W = 4.8KW
Current = 4800 / 220 = 21.82a ≈ 22a
Monthly power consumption = 30 days * 24 hours / day * 4.8KW = 3456 degrees
Each electric furnace with 5 grid lamps has 800 watts, and the total power is 6 * 800 = 4800W = 4.8KW
Current = 4800 / 220 = 21.82a ≈ 22a
Monthly power consumption = 30 days * 24 hours / day * 4.8KW = 3456 degrees
800 * 5 = 4kw * 2 = 8kw
8 * 24 * 30 = 5760 kw
It should be parallel
P lamp total = 800 * 5 = 4kw
P total = 2p total = 8kw
I = P divided by u = 36.4a
W = Pt = 8000w * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 20726000000 joules
Two lamps marked with the words of 220v100w and 220v40w are connected in series in the circuit of 220 v. the ratio of power consumed by the two lamps is?
What is the reason
R = u & sup2 / P is obtained from P = UI and I = u / R, respectively
P = I & sup2; R is obtained from P = UI and I = u / R, and the actual power ratio of two bulbs in series is calculated
Series, the same current, the power ratio is equal to the resistance ratio, is equal to the inverse ratio of rated power, is 5:2
The current of the series circuit is equal. According to P = I ^ 2R, the power is proportional to the resistance. The resistance ratio of the two bulbs calculated by P = u ^ 2 / R is the inverse ratio of the power, so the power ratio is 2:5.
Formula P = u ^ 2 / R R1 = u ^ 2 / P = (220x220) / 100 = 22x22 R2 = u ^ 2 / P = (220x220) / 40 = 110x11
P = I ^ 2XR series current L1 / L2 = R1 / r2 = 22x22 / (110x11) = 2:5
Method: 100W / 220V = 0.45a, 40W / 220V = 0.18a
220 V / 0.45 = 488.8 Ω 220 V / 0.18 = 1222 Ω
P=I*I*R I*I*R1/(I*I*R2)=P1/P2=R1/R2
Series, the same current, the power ratio is equal to the resistance ratio. Calculation by power formula with resistance
Series, the same current, the power ratio is equal to the resistance ratio, is equal to the inverse ratio of rated power, is 2:5, the answer is written in reverse.
The total power is 14 kW. How many meters should I buy
When single-phase power supply is used, select single-phase meter: its current is equal to = 14000 / 220 / 0.8 = 80A, in which the power factor is assumed to be 0.8; when three-phase power supply is used, select three-phase meter: its current is equal to = 14000 / 380 / 1.732/0.8 = 27a, in which the power factor is set to be 0.8, and 1.732 is the value of 3 root
Which is the same as the rated one in terms of actual current, voltage and power?
Suppose the load resistance value of an electrical appliance is a ohm, and when the voltage applied to it is b v, then the current flowing through it and the power consumed by it can be calculated. Do you think it is a fixed value? Or when the current applied to it is constant, then the voltage applied to it and the power consumed by it can be calculated, then do you think it is a fixed value? Besides, If it consumes a certain amount of power, is it a fixed value to calculate the voltage applied to it and the current flowing through it?
As long as there is one condition: this appliance is a fixed load, resistance load, by V = IR and P = UI, you can only know two values (one is the resistance value, the other is the voltage or current or power you applied), you can know the other two values, everything is a fixed value, brother!
It's all the same
What is the resistance of a 220 V, 800 w electric furnace in normal operation
P = UI = u & # / R (P --- power, u --- voltage, R --- resistance)
So r = u & # 178 / P = 220 & # 178; △ 800 = 60.5 Ω
5 Ω, P = u / R
sixty point five