Unit of converted angle 32.18°=____ °_____ '_____ " 42.36°=____ °_____ '_____ "

Unit of converted angle 32.18°=____ °_____ '_____ " 42.36°=____ °_____ '_____ "

The angle is 60, 1 ° = 60 '
Input three coordinates, judge whether to form a triangle, if constitute, output its area, write a C language program
In the sequence {an}, A1 = 1 / 2, sum of the first n terms Sn = n square an, find an + 1?
S (n + 1) = (n + 1) ^ 2xa (n + 1) = Sn + a (n + 1) = n ^ 2xan + a (n + 1) has the following equation
A (n + 1) / an = n / (n + 2)
About unit conversion
Who can tell me the unit conversion of nanometer, micron and meter? And the conversion of MHz, GHz and Hz?
1 m = 1000 000 μ M = 10 ^ 9 nm
G is gillion
M is a million
K is kilo
Using C language to write a program, its function is to calculate the area of triangle according to the length of three sides of triangle
#include#includemain{int a,b,c;int p,s;scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c);p=(a+b+c)/2;if (a+b>c && a+c>b& & b+c>a){s=sqrt(p*(p-a)*(p-b)*(p-c));printf("The area of a triangle is%d",s);}elseprint("Three edges do ...
In the known sequence {an}, A1 = 1, Sn is the sum of the antecedents of {an}, when n > = 2, Sn square = an (sn-0.5)
So 1 / Sn is an arithmetic sequence with 1 as the first term and 2 as the tolerance
How to divide electric power and electric work
Electric work is equivalent to electric energy, which means the work done by the current over a period of time (that is, the electric energy consumed by electrical appliances over a period of time). It is indicated by the letter "W". Its scientific name is kW. H, and its more commonly used unit is Joule
And the electric power is the speed of consuming electric energy! It is indicated by the letter "P", its unit is Watt, and the symbol is w (Note: here w is different from the above, the above is the letter representing a physical quantity, and here it refers to the unit symbol)
Our class teacher said: "it's not easy to distinguish the two, the difference of a word represents different meaning." so, in the process of doing questions, you should pay attention to avoid mistakes!
Electric work is the work done, and electric power is the efficiency of the work done. Pay attention to the understanding of "rate". That's how I understand it, wrong or wrong. Anyway, I didn't miss it.
Electric power: P = UI
Electric work: w = uit
Derivation process of area formula of circle
Perimeter formula is to use rope to measure circles of different sizes. It is found that perimeter is always more than three times the diameter of the circle
Another is to roll a circle on the ruler to get the circumference, which is always more than 3 times the diameter of the circle
Then we get the circumference of the circle = pi * diameter = 2 * pi * radius
The area formula is to divide the disc into two semicircles, Ba, and each semicircle is equally divided into several parts along the center of the circle (the more, the better) to form an approximate rectangle. The length of the rectangle is half of the circumference of the circle, and the width is the radius of the circle
Area = circumference * radius * radius
3.14 times radius times radius
Area (s) = circumference π (3.14) * square of radius (R)
In the sequence {an}, the square of A1 = 1 and Sn = n is multiplied by an, and the general term an and the sum of the preceding terms Sn are obtained
I think I know the answer tonight,
SN-S (n-1) = an = an * n-a (n-1)
It is reduced to an / [a (n-1)] = (n-1) / (n + 1)
A2/A1=1/3 A3/A2=2/4.An/A(n-1)=(n-1)/(n+1)
The multiplication of each term yields an / A1 = 2 / [n (n + 1)]
So an = 2 / [n (n + 1)]
Sn = 2n power / [n (n + 1)]
What's the difference between electric work and electric power
Electric work refers to the amount of electric energy consumed, w = uit, in joules and kilowatt hours
Electric power refers to the speed of power consumption, P = UI. The units are w and kW
The relation between them is p = w / T
1. Electric power
(1) Definition: the work done by the electric field force on the moving charge in the circuit, referred to as electric work, is also commonly referred to as the work of current.
(2) Essence: the transformation of energy and the embodiment of the law of conservation in the circuit.
Electric energy is converted into other forms of energy by doing work with electric current.
In the previous chapter, we learned the work of electric field force on the charge. If the charge q moves from a to B under the action of electric field force, and the potential difference between two points is, then the electric field force does work.
For a section of conductor, if the potential difference between two ends is u, and the charge q is moved from one end to the other, the work of the electric field force is expanded
Electric work
(1) Definition: the work done by the electric field force on the moving charge in the circuit, referred to as electric work, is also commonly referred to as the work of current.
(2) Essence: the transformation of energy and the embodiment of the law of conservation in the circuit.
Electric energy is converted into other forms of energy by doing work with electric current.
In the previous chapter, we learned the work of electric field force on the charge. If the charge q moves from a to B under the action of electric field force, and the potential difference between two points is, then the electric field force does work.
For a section of conductor, if the potential difference between the two ends is u and the charge q is moved from one end to the other end, the work of the electric field force forms a current in the conductor, and (if the electric quantity transported in the time interval T is Q, then the current through the conductor section is I,). This is the expression of electric work done by electric field force in circuit.
(3) Expression:
(1) the physical meaning of the expression: the work of the current in a circuit is proportional to the voltage at both ends of the circuit, the current intensity in the circuit and the power on time.
(2) applicable conditions: I and u do not change with time constant current.
(4) Unit: current unit is ampere (a), voltage unit is volt (V), time unit is second (s), then the unit of electric work is Joule (J).
(5) Electric power
(1) expression:
Physical meaning: the power on a circuit is proportional to the voltage at both ends of the circuit and the current intensity in the circuit.
Unit: work in joules (J), time in seconds (s), and power in watts (W).
1W = 1J / S
The difference is very big. Electric work is w, electric power is p, and P = w / T, t is time. That means that electric work is energy, and electric power is the speed of energy consumption...