Use 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 to form a 2-digit number and a 3-digit number. What are the maximum and minimum product numbers? How can we calculate it as soon as possible

Use 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 to form a 2-digit number and a 3-digit number. What are the maximum and minimum product numbers? How can we calculate it as soon as possible

using namespace std;
int main()
int a,b,ans,max,min;
for(int i=1;i
Maximum: 531 * 42 = 22302
At the maximum, two multipliers should be as large as possible, from high to low, 5 rows of 3-digit hundred, 4 rows of 2-digit ten, 3 rows of 3-digit ten
Minimum: 135 * 24 = 3240
At the minimum, the two multipliers should be as small as possible, from low to high, 1 row of 3-digit hundred, 2 rows of 2-digit ten... How can we calculate it as soon as possible? The maximum: 531 * 42 = 22302, when the maximum, the two multipliers should be as large as possible, from high to low, 5 rows of 3-digit hundred, 4 rows of 2 tens
Maximum: 531 * 42 = 22302
At the maximum, two multipliers should be as large as possible, from high to low, 5 rows of 3-digit hundred, 4 rows of 2-digit ten, 3 rows of 3-digit ten
Minimum: 135 * 24 = 3240
At the minimum, the two multipliers should be as small as possible, from the low to the high, the first row is 3-digit hundred, the second row is 2-digit ten
Xiao Ming read a story book. On the first day, he read 40% of the whole book. On the second day, he read 60 pages. There are 48 pages left. How many pages are there in this book?
Suppose there are x pages in the whole book
We can get x = 180
There are 180 pages in the book
Calculation: 1 + 2-3 + 4 + 5-6 + +2005+2006-2007=
0+3+6+…… +2004=3(1+2+…… +668)=3*669*334=1002*669=670338
The first group: 1 + 2-3, the second group: 4 + 5-6, the third group A total of 2007 numbers, can be divided into 2007 △ 3 = 669 numbers, each group is 0 + 3 × 1 + 3 × 2 + +3×(669-1)=3(1+2+3+… ... + 668) the rest will count~~
1+2-3+4+5-6+…… +2005+2006-2007=0+3+6+9+......+2004=3(1+2+3+....+664)=662340
If the product of 2 boxes multiplied by 4 is two digits, what is the maximum number in the box? If the product is three digits, what is the minimum number in the box?
Fill in 4 and fill in 5
4 5
I'm wrong. I can fill in 2 at most
In the second day, there were 43 pages of stories in the book. How many pages did you read in the first day?
(42 + 43) △ 1-83%, = 85 △ 17%, = 500 (pages); a: this story book has 500 pages
Simple calculation of sixth grade math problems 2006 * 2008 * (1 / 2006 * 2007 + 1 / 2007 * 2008)
The correct answer will have a high reward, please write the calculation process
2006 * 2008 * (1 / 2006 * 2007 + 1 / 2007 * 2008)
Original formula = 2006 * 2008 * (1 / 2006 minus 1 / 2007 plus 1 / 2007 minus 1 / 2008)
=2006 * 2008 * (1 / 2006 minus 1 / 2008)
=Ask: No, I wrote the formula right
Use 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to form a three digit number and a two digit number to maximize the product of the two multiplication
How many pages did Xiao Ming read in the first day?
Please choose one of the following conditions to fill in the brackets and answer it
① There are 132 pages in two days. There are 48 pages left
③ There are still four fifths of the book left to be read. 4. The ratio of pages read to pages not read is 11:4
(1) (132-60)/40%=180
(2) (48+60)/(1-40%)=180
(3) 60/(1-40%-4/15)=180
(4) 60/(1-40%-4/(11+4))=180
1. The suburban vegetable base transported a batch of vegetables to the city. The original plan was to load 1 200 kg per car, but actually 1 680 kg per car. As a result, two cars were used less. How many cars were planned?
2. Two engineering teams build the same road. Team a builds 168 kilometers from east to west every day, and team B builds from west to East. After five days, the two teams meet. It is known that team a needs 15 days to build the road alone, but how many meters does team B build every day?
1. 1680 * 2 / (1680-1200) = 7 (vehicles)
Answer: originally planned 7
2. 168 * 15 / 5-168 = 336 (km)
A: Team B repairs 336 meters a day
1. (1680-1200) △ 2 = 240 (vehicles)
A: the original plan is to use 240 cars.
2.168 ÷ (15-5) = 16.8 (m)
A: the team has repaired 16.8 meters a day.
1. (1680-1200) divided by 2 = 240
2.168 divided by (15-5) = 16.8
1. 1200 * x = 1680 * (X-2) x = 7 vehicles
2. (168 + x) * 5 = 168 * 15 x = 336km
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 make up two three digit numbers to maximize their product
631 × 542 = 342002 is the largest!
First of all, one of these two numbers must start with 6 and the other with 5, otherwise the number is obviously small
There are six combinations at the beginning of 6 and 5, which are written according to the way of making up the largest number. We can get the following six formulas
Obviously 631 × 542 = 342002 is the biggest!
Five and six must be hundreds
Three and four must be ten
One and two must be a bit
According to experience, it should be 631 542
Do not repeat! If so, it is:
Obviously, the first two numbers are 6 and 5 respectively. For other numbers, they are all smaller. For example, 65A * 4bc < 660 * 440 = 2904 < 600 * 500;
Let the two numbers be 6ab and 5CD respectively, then C must be 4. Suppose a is 4, then:
63b * 54d = 630 * 540 + 540B... Expansion
Do not repeat! If so, it is:
Obviously, the first two numbers are 6 and 5 respectively. For other numbers, they are all smaller. For example, 65A * 4bc < 660 * 440 = 2904 < 600 * 500;
Let the two numbers be 6ab and 5CD respectively, then C must be 4. Suppose a is 4, then:
(2) - (1) we get: 1000 + 10b-10d > 900 > 0, the first two combinations should be: 63 and 54;
631 * 542-632 * 541 = 631 * 541 + 631-632 * 541 = 631-541 = 90, that is, the combination of this number is 631 and 542