Fraction addition and subtraction simple mixed operation 200! Fraction fraction + fraction fraction fraction Score + score + score + score .

Fraction addition and subtraction simple mixed operation 200! Fraction fraction + fraction fraction fraction Score + score + score + score .

Sorry, I only have 10
What is the relationship between frequency and speed?
Is the calculation method of frequency and speed the same? Only the unit is different?
Definition: frequency is the reciprocal of the cycle, speed is the number of turns per unit time
Rotational speed n = ω / 2 π = 1 / T = ν
Frequency ν = 1 / T
Therefore, the two calculation methods are the same, and the units are different: the general frequency is Hz, and the rotational speed is (RPM) or (RPM)
If all the vertices of a cuboid are on the same sphere and the lengths of the three edges on one vertex are 1, 2 and 3 respectively, the surface area of the cuboid is 0______ .
The answer is that the diameter of the cuboid is equal to 14 π = 12 π
Fifth grade volume two mathematics score addition and subtraction mixed operation application problem
A basket of apples weighs 161kg (3 / 3). Half of the apples sold weigh 144Kg (5 / 5). How many kg does this fruit basket weigh?
Make your thinking clear and your formula clear!
Using 161kg of 3 minus 144Kg of 5 to get 373kg of 15 parts of half fruit weight, multiplying by 2 to get 746kg of 15 parts of fruit weight
The weight of fruit basket is 59kg in 15 parts by subtracting 746kg in 15 parts from 161kg in 3 parts
What is the physical meaning of velocity time image in physics?
Indicates the change of speed in a certain period of time
If the four vertices of a regular tetrahedron are all on a sphere with a surface area of 36 π, the height of the regular tetrahedron is equal to______ .
If the cube is abcd-a1b1c1d1, then the tetrahedron is acb1d1. If the radius of the sphere is r, then 4 π R2 = 36 π, { r = 3 { AC1 = 6, { AD1 = 26, if the center of the bottom Acb1 is O, then Ao = 22 { the height of the tetrahedron is d1o = Ad12 − AO2 = 24 − 8 = 4
There is a process of adding answers to 10 mixed operation questions
(1) (-9)-(-13)+(-20)+(-2)
(2) 3+13-(-7)/6
(3) (-2)-8-14-13
(4) (-7)*(-1)/7+8
(5) (-11)*4-(-18)/18
(6) 4+(-11)-1/(-3)
(7) (-17)-6-16/(-18)
(8) 5/7+(-1)-(-8)
(9) (-1)*(-1)+15+1
(10) 3-(-5)*3/(-15)
(11) 6*(-14)-(-14)+(-13)
(12) (-15)*(-13)-(-17)-(-4)
(13) (-20)/13/(-7)+11
(14) 8+(-1)/7+(-4)
(15) (-13)-(-9)*16*(-12)
(16) (-1)+4*19+(-2)
(17) (-17)*(-9)-20+(-6)
(18) (-5)/12-(-16)*(-15)
(19) (-3)-13*(-5)*13
(20) 5+(-7)+17-10
(21) (-10)-(-16)-13*(-16)
(22) (-14)+4-19-12
(23) 5*13/14/(-10)
(24) 3*1*17/(-10)
(25) 6+(-12)+15-(-15)
(26) 15/9/13+(-7)
(27) 2/(-10)*1-(-8)
(28) 11/(-19)+(-14)-5
(29) 19-16+18/(-11)
(30) (-1)/19+(-5)+1
(31) (-5)+19/10*(-5)
(32) 11/(-17)*(-13)*12
(33) (-8)+(-10)/8*17
(34) 7-(-12)/(-1)+(-12)
(35) 12+12-19+20
(36) (-13)*(-11)*20+(-4)
(37) 17/(-2)-2*(-19)
(38) 1-12*(-16)+(-9)
(39) 13*(-14)-15/20
(40) (-15)*(-13)-6/(-9)
(41) 15*(-1)/12+7
(42) (-13)+(-16)+(-14)-(-6)
In physics, is the distance faster than time the same definition?
Velocity is the ratio of displacement to time
Speed is distance over time
This is high school physics
In classical physics, speed is defined as the distance traveled divided by time.
Einstein's definition of speed is different. In order to keep the speed of light constant, we must modify the time (clock slow) and distance (ruler contraction) to keep the speed of light constant. So Einstein's theory is incompatible with other physical theories.
Compared with the distance in unit time.
It's also called a problem?
The distance per unit time is the speed.
The same distance is shorter than time
If the tetrahedron to four vertices are all on a sphere, and the volume of the regular tetrahedron is 8 √ 3, then the volume of the sphere is
The tetrahedron is composed of four non adjacent vertices of a cube. Its face diagonal is the edge of the tetrahedron, and the cube is connected to a circle. The body diagonal of the cube is the diameter of the ball. Suppose the side length of the cube is a, the volume of the tetrahedron is one third of the cube of a = 8 * radical 3, and the cube of a = 24 * radical 3 = the body diagonal length =
Urgently seeking 20 mixed operation problems of mathematical addition and subtraction (addition and subtraction)