The numerator and denominator of a true fraction are two consecutive natural numbers. If the denominator is added with 4, the fraction will be about two-thirds of the following. It turns out that the fraction is many

The numerator and denominator of a true fraction are two consecutive natural numbers. If the denominator is added with 4, the fraction will be about two-thirds of the following. It turns out that the fraction is many

Let the numerator of the true fraction be a, and the denominator be two continuous natural numbers,
Then the true fraction is a / (a + 1)
If you add 4 to the denominator, the score is about two-thirds,
That is, a / (a + 1 + 4) = 2 / 3
The true fraction is a / (a + 1) = 10 / 11
Motor speed formula
F-power frequency
P-number of motor poles
N-synchronous speed
Is the motor speed the fastest, but also 1500 rpm under 50 Hz
Answer: Yes
Synchronous speed: n = 60F / P
F-power frequency
P-number of motor poles
N-synchronous speed
Actual speed: only when there is relative motion between the rotor and the rotating magnetic field, the magnetic flux can cut the rotor guide bar, and there is rotor electromotive force, rotor current and torque, so there is a speed difference between the actual rotor speed and the rotating magnetic field: s
Actual speed: n = n * (1-s)
As shown in the figure: triangle ABC is an equilateral triangle whose side length is 4 / 3 and root number is 3. P is the moving point on side ab. let BP = x and the area of triangle PBC is y
(1) Find the analytic expression of the function of Y with respect to X and the value range of X, and draw the image of the function in the rectangular coordinate system
(2) When the area of triangle BPC is root 3 / 3, the distance between point P and point a is calculated
The image of the function drawn in the rectangular coordinate system y = 2 * x is a straight line with a slope of 2 passing through the origin o
Root < 3 / 4
When y = root 3 / 3, x = root 3 / 6. The distance between P and a = 4 / 3 root 3 - root 3 / 6 = 7 / 6 root 3
Give me the picture!!
The numerator and denominator of a true fraction are two consecutive natural numbers. If you add 2 to the denominator, the fraction will be about 2 / 3. What is the original fraction?
The denominator is 1 larger than the numerator
If you add 2 to the denominator, it's 1 + 2 = 3
Molecule: 3 ÷ (3 / 2-1) = 6
Original denominator: 6 + 1 = 7
Original score: 6 / 7 (6 / 7)
Calculation formula of motor speed and torque (torque)
P = t * n / 9550 P output power, t output torque, n is speed
It is known that PA = root 6, BC = 1, and angle ACB = 45 ° if PA is perpendicular to plane ABC, plane PAB is perpendicular to plane PBC
(1) Verification: ab vertical BC
(2) Find the angle between PC and plane ABC
(3) Finding the tangent of dihedral angle p-bc-a
There's something wrong with your question. I'm wrong
(1) Make an auxiliary line ad perpendicular to Pb from point a (Pb is the common intersection of two planes), so PD is perpendicular to PBC, PD is perpendicular to BC, because PA known previously is perpendicular to BC, BC is perpendicular to PAB, and BC is perpendicular to ab
The numerator and denominator of a true fraction are two continuous natural numbers. If you add 19 to the denominator, the fraction will be divided into 1 / 2. How much is the original fraction
True fraction: let the number x / (x + 1) x / (x + 1 + 19) = 1 / XX = 20 and the fraction be 20 / 21
Calculation formula of motor speed
The calculation formula of motor speed is (1-s) 60 * f / P
F is the number of poles of the power frequency P motor s motor slip
It's not a problem. Just ask the motor
If △ ABC is similar to
Delta def, then the third side of delta DEF is
Root 2
The denominator of the fraction 87 / 53 plus a natural number, the numerator plus the same natural number, the resulting fraction is about 13 / 11, the number is ()
I want to know why it is so calculated. Who can explain it to me? Tell the children
-- don't answer
Solution equation: x = 134