How to deduce the period formula of simple harmonic motion of spring oscillator?

How to deduce the period formula of simple harmonic motion of spring oscillator?

In the process of moving, the force acting on the spring oscillator is proportional to the displacement, and the direction is opposite. F = - KX. That is to say, the force acting on the spring oscillator is a variable force. However, it is still true (Niu II). [x0df = ma = - Kmx] using the knowledge of higher numbers, it can be deduced that the spring oscillator is a periodic motion
If the length of a triangular pyramid is equal to that of the two edges, and the lengths are root 5, root 10 and root 13 respectively, then the volume of the circumscribed sphere of a triangular pyramid is?
The triangle pyramid can be inlaid into the cuboid, so that the diagonal length of each side is root 5, root 10, root 13, the cuboid edge length is a, B, C, then a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 = 5, a ^ 2 + C ^ 2 = 10, C ^ 2 + B ^ 2 = 13, and the three formulas are added to get a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 + C ^ 2 = 14, the cuboid diagonal length is √ 14, and the circumscribed sphere radius is r, then 2R = √ 14, r = √ 14 / 2
A little difficult
Subtract a natural number from 29 / 43, add the sum to the denominator, divide the fraction into 3 / 5, and find the natural number
So the natural number is two
Given the expression of a sinusoidal alternating current, find the maximum value, period, frequency and initial phase
The general formula of alternating current is as follows:
I = im * sin (WT + a), IM is its maximum amplitude, W is the angular frequency, and a is the initial phase
We know:
The effective value is 0.707 * IM, that is, the amplitude divided by the root 2
The amplitude is 2 and the angular frequency is 314
The correct answer can be obtained by substituting the corresponding value into the above formula
Maximum im = 2A
Period T = 2pi / w = 0.02s
Frequency f = 50 Hz
Initial phase - 45 degrees
If two of the edges of a tetrahedron are 2 and 3 in length and the rest are all 1 in length, its volume will decrease______ .
Draw the figure from the title meaning, PA = Pb = PC = BC = 1, ab = 2, AC = 3, so △ ABC is a right triangle, O is the midpoint of AC, Po is vertical to the bottom ABC; it is easy to know that Po = 12; the volume of triangular pyramid is: 13 × 12 × 1 × 2 × 12 = 212, so the answer is: 212
A natural number is subtracted from 27 / 43 of the numerator. The denominator plus the natural number is about 5 / 9. What is the natural number?
Are you sure you're right?
What is the conversion condition between AC motor and alternator?
If the power angle lags behind, it is the motor, if the power angle is ahead, it is the generator
If you think my answer is more satisfactory, because the adoption of the answer is the driving force for us to work tirelessly for it!
Electric motor is the conversion of electrical energy into magnetic energy, and then into mechanical energy. A generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Well, I know.
Given that the edge length of tetrahedron is 1,1,1,1 and the root sign is 2, the maximum volume of tetrahedron can be obtained?
The bottom three sides of this tetrahedron are 1, 1 and 1. This is an isosceles right triangle, and the bottom area is s = √ 3 / 4
At this point, the other two edges are 1 and 1
This figure is the combination of equilateral triangle and isosceles right triangle
When the length of the last side is √ 2, the volume is the largest
Subtract the same natural number from the numerator and denominator of 29 out of 35 at the same time to get 3 out of 5
Is there any conversion relationship between AC voltage, current and power? How to convert? I hope to give a conversion formula
P = UI = I2R = U2 / R is the same as that of DC. What we use to calculate is the effective value