What is the relationship between mass, orbit radius and centripetal force in binary system?

What is the relationship between mass, orbit radius and centripetal force in binary system?

In a binary star system, two stars make a circular motion around a point on their center line. The distance between the center and the point is the radius of the circular motion. Their angular velocity is the same, and the centripetal force is provided by each other's gravitational force, that is, the size of the centripetal force is the same
The bottom radius of a cone is R and its height is (radical 3) * r. the maximum surface area of the inscribed regular prism of the cone is obtained
Excuse me, let the height of this rectangle be h, why the bottom = (R-H / radical 3) * 2?
The section along the vertical plane is a triangle. This triangle is an isosceles triangle. The bottom edge is 2R and the height is root sign 3R (here I understand that R is outside the root sign), so this is an equilateral triangle
Let the height of the regular quadrangular be h. The definition of the regular quadrangular is a straight quadrangular with a square bottom. The cross section of the vertical plane along the diagonal of the bottom of the regular quadrangular must be an equilateral triangle plus an inscribed rectangle. The height of the rectangle is h, and the bottom = (R-H / radical 3) * 2. Because the bottom of the rectangle is the diagonal of the bottom of the regular quadrangular, Because the bottom is square, the side length of the bottom = (R-H / radical 3) * 2 / radical 2 = (R-H / radical 3) * radical 2, so the surface area of the regular quadrangular is 2 * [(R-H / radical 3) * radical 2] ^ 2 + 4 * (R-H / radical 3) * radical 2 * h. The quadratic function about h is matched into a flat way, and then the maximum value of the function is determined according to the value range of H (0, H)
The addition and subtraction of the eighth grade lower fraction
First question:
Given ABC = 1, find the value of a / AB + A + 1 + B / BC + B + 1 + C / Ca + C + 1
Second question: given a + B + C = 0
A (1 / B + 1 / C) + B (1 / C + 1 / a) + C (1 / A + 1 / b) + 3
1. A / AB + A + 1 = A / AB + A + ABC = 1 / B + 1 + BC, so a / AB + A + 1 + B / BC + B + 1 = 1 + B / BC + B + 1 = ABC + B / BC + B + ABC = AC + 1 / C + 1 + AC, so the original formula = AC + 1 / C + 1 + AC + C / Ca + C + 1 = 12, the original formula = A / B + A / C + B / C + B / A + C / A + C / B + 3 = a + C / b
Formula of linear velocity and angular velocity
In uniform circular motion, the magnitude of linear velocity is equal to the ratio of the arc length (s) through which the moving particle passes and the time taken (△ T), that is, v = s / △ T, which is also v = 2 π R / T, But its direction changes all the time. The relationship between it and angular velocity is v = w * r. when a moving particle moves in a circle, it also moves in a translational motion. For example, at a certain point on a car wheel, the linear velocity of the particle is the vector sum of the linear velocity of the circular motion (w * r) and the velocity of the translational motion (V '): v = w * r + V' v = Δ L / Δ t
It is known that the base radius of a cone is R and its height is 3R. In all its inscribed cylinders, the maximum of its total area is______ .
Let the bottom radius of inscribed cylinder be r, the height be h, and the total area be s, then 3R − h3r = RR  H = 3r-3r 〉 s = 2 π RH + 2 π R2 = - 4 π R2 + 6 π RR = - 4 π (r2-32rr) = - 4 π (r-34r) 2 + 94 π R2 〉 when r = 34R, the maximum value of S is 94 π R2. So the answer is: 94 π R2
On the addition and subtraction of the marks in the fifth grade of primary school
1. Fill in the box below with the same integer, so that the sum of the four formulas equals 56
( )×1=
( )-9=
( )+8=
+ ( )÷6=
2. There are three simplest fractions with the same denominator. The numerator is 14, 8 and 11 respectively. Their sum is about 11 / 5. Can you fill in the denominator of these three fractions?
The title above, thank you
Process, write the first topic clearly, copy it, let me see it clearly!
1. Fill in the following box with the same integer, so that the calculation results of the four formulas add up to 56. (18) × 1 = 18 (18) - 9 = 9 (18) + 8 = 26 + (18) △ 6 = 3____________________ 5 62. There are three simplest fractions with the same denominator. The molecules are 14, 8 and 11 respectively
1. About the centripetal force, centripetal acceleration, angular velocity and linear velocity of circular motion, the following statements are correct
1. Regarding the centripetal force, centripetal acceleration, angular velocity and linear velocity of circular motion, the following statements are correct ()
A. The external force on the object in circular motion is the centripetal force, and its direction must point to the center of the circle
B. The greater the centripetal acceleration of an object moving in a uniform circular motion, the faster the speed of the object moving changes
C. The greater the angular velocity of an object in uniform circular motion, the faster the velocity direction changes
D. The greater the linear velocity of an object in uniform circular motion, the faster the radius of the orbit connecting the object and the center of the circle turns
What's wrong with D
According to my question, I will only analyze option D, and I will not talk about the other three. I believe you know that the greater the angular velocity of an object moving in a uniform circular motion, the faster the orbital radius connecting the object and the center of the circle will transfer. Then, according to V = ω R, there is a conclusion: under the premise of constant half diameter, the linear velocity and angular velocity are positive
If each vertex of a regular octahedron with a surface area of 2 √ 3 is on the same sphere, the volume of the sphere is_____
&The composition of a regular octahedron is symmetrical up and down, with a square in the middle and a regular pyramid at the top and bottom of the square. From the symmetry, we know that the cross section of the square is a big circle. As long as we find out the half distance of the diagonal of the square, which is the radius of the circumscribed circle, we can get the area formula of a regular octahedron if the side length ab of the regular octahedron is a... = (2 √ 3) × A & # 178; & nbsp; = & nbsp; 2 √ 3 & nbsp;; & nbsp; a = 1 & nbsp; & nbsp; ob = √ 2 / 2 × a = √ 2 / 2 & nbsp; & nbsp;, r = ob = {2 / 2} the volume of the ball = 4 / 3 & nbsp; × π × (√ 2 / 2) & # 179; = √ 2 π / 3
Fourth grade mixed mathematical operation rules
What about multiplication and division?
Before the brackets is a plus sign, and after removing the brackets, the sign inside remains unchanged
Before the brackets is a minus sign, after removing the brackets, the "+" inside becomes "+", "-" becomes "+"
Before the bracket is a plus sign, and the sign inside will remain unchanged after removing the bracket; before the bracket is a minus sign, and the sign inside will become the opposite sign after removing the bracket.
The "+" sign is in front of the bracket, and the sign remains unchanged after removing the bracket.
The parenthesis is preceded by a "-" sign, and the sign will change if the parenthesis is removed.
Before the bracket is a multiplication sign, and the sign inside will remain unchanged after removing the bracket; before the bracket is a division sign, and after removing the bracket, if the sign inside is a multiplication sign, it will become a division sign, if it is a division sign, it will become a multiplication sign.
On angular velocity in circular motion
Angular velocity is a vector, which has both magnitude and direction. In uniform circular motion, the magnitude of angular velocity remains unchanged, but the direction changes at any time or remains unchanged?
How can some say they are changing all the time, and some say they are not? Which one is right?
Asd0167424 - Assistant Level 2
You're crazy. I told you that angular velocity is a vector, and you said it's a scalar
Direction unchanged:
The direction of angular velocity should be studied only in University, but not in high school
For example, if a circular motion is clockwise, the direction of its angular velocity is perpendicular to the inside of the circle
Perpendicular to a circular surface