One part plus one part plus one part plus one part plus one part plus one part equals one, fill in different natural numbers

One part plus one part plus one part plus one part plus one part plus one part equals one, fill in different natural numbers

Simple harmonic motion and the period formula of simple pendulum
Explain the basic formula of calculus clearly
This is a second order "differential equation" with constant coefficients
The general solution is: x = a * cos {√ (K / M) * t}
For a simple pendulum, f = - (mg / L) * x, that is, k = mg / L
Substituting: T = 2 π √ (L / g)
If the edge length of a cube is known to be 2, then the volume of its circumscribed sphere is
4 times root 3
What's one in eleven? Different natural numbers
Derivation of period formula of simple harmonic motion
How to deduce the period formula of simple harmonic motion, it is better not to use integration,
First of all, in essence, simple harmonic motion is a second-order linear differential equation (it must be integrated). What's more, it needs more in-depth integration (it won't be taught in high school) (if necessary)
But if you don't use that one, there's another way. It's based on the assumption that you already know that simple harmonic motion can be regarded as a projection of circular motion
T = 2pai R / V of circular motion is obviously impossible to measure, so according to f = MV ^ 2 / R
We obtain v = sqrt (FR / M)
The centripetal force F can be transformed into the restoring force by trigonometric function, that is, f = KX / cos a;
Because the relationship between X and R is: x = RCOs α
Then V is brought into the previous circular motion T, and the formula is obtained
If we know that the volume of the circumscribed sphere of a cube is 323 π, then the edge length of the cube is equal to ()
A. 22B. 233C. 423D. 433
If the volume of the circumscribed sphere of the cube is 323 π, then the radius of the circumscribed sphere is r = 2, the length of the diagonal of the cube is 4, and the length of the edge is 433
One tenth is equal to a fraction plus a fraction plus a fraction plus a fraction. It's a different natural number
There are many. The answer is not the only one
For example:
Period formula of simple harmonic motion of spring oscillator?
Stiffness coefficient K
When t = 2 π, M is the mass and t is the period
If we know that the volume of the circumscribed sphere of a cube is 323 π, then the edge length of the cube is equal to ()
A. 22B. 233C. 423D. 433
If the volume of the circumscribed sphere of the cube is 323 π, then the radius of the circumscribed sphere is r = 2, the length of the diagonal of the cube is 4, and the length of the edge is 433
Fill in different natural numbers in (). One tenth is equal to one part plus one part
One twelfth is equal to one part plus one part plus one part
One tenth is one of (30) plus one of (15)
One in 12 is equal to one in 72 plus one in 36 plus one in 24
72 36 24