In the known arithmetic sequence {an} and arithmetic sequence {BN} with nonzero tolerance, B1 = A2 = 1, B2 = A3, B3 = A6 (1) find the general term formula of {an} {BN} (2) Let CN = [(an + 1) λ ^ n] / 2 + 2 ^ n (λ≠ 0), find the sum of the first n terms of the sequence {CN} (3) It is proved that CN + 1 / cn ≤ C2 / C1 holds for any n ∈ n +

In the known arithmetic sequence {an} and arithmetic sequence {BN} with nonzero tolerance, B1 = A2 = 1, B2 = A3, B3 = A6 (1) find the general term formula of {an} {BN} (2) Let CN = [(an + 1) λ ^ n] / 2 + 2 ^ n (λ≠ 0), find the sum of the first n terms of the sequence {CN} (3) It is proved that CN + 1 / cn ≤ C2 / C1 holds for any n ∈ n +

(1) Let the tolerance of sequence {an} be D, and the common ratio of sequence {BN} be QaN = a1 + (n-1) d, BN = b1q (n-1) A2 = a1 + D = 1, A3 = a1 + 2D = A2 + D = 1 + D, A6 = a1 + 5D = A2 + 4D = 1 + 4D; B2 = b1q = q, B3 = a1q2 = q2b2 = A3, B3 = A6, that is: q = 1 + D, Q2 = 1 + 4D, so: q = 3, d = 2An = a1 + (n-1) d = A2 + (n-2) d = 1 + (n -
Are there two equal ratio sequences {an}, {BN} such that b1-a1, b2-a2, b3-a3 and b4-a4 are equal difference sequences with non-zero tolerance?
If it exists, find the general formula of anbn. If it does not exist, explain the reason
Question 5, question 2
It doesn't exist. Let the tolerance be D, and the scale coefficients of the two equal ratio sequences be K1 and K2. Then use the four formula on the right minus two formula equals to three formula minus one, and a comparison will come out
In the arithmetic sequence {an} and proportional sequence {BN} with non-zero tolerance, we know that A1 = B1 = 1, A2 = B2, a8 = B3; (1) find the tolerance D of {an} and the common ratio Q of {BN}; (2) let CN = an + BN + 2, find the general term formula CN and the first n term and Sn of {CN}
(1) From A2 = b2a8 = b3a1 = B1 = 1, we get 1 + D = Q1 + 7d = Q2 (3 points) ∧ (1 + D) 2 = 1 + 7d, that is, D2 = 5D, and ∫ D ≠ 0, ∧ d = 5, so q = 6 (6 points) (2) ∫ an = a1 + (n-1) d = 5n-4, BN = b1qn-1 = 6n-1 ∧ CN = an + BN = 5n-4 + 6n-1 + 2 = 6n-1 + 5n-2 (9 points), so Sn = 1-6n1 -
Let A1 = 1, B1 = 1, A2 = B2, a8 = B3 in the arithmetic sequence {an} and the arithmetic sequence {BN} with non-zero tolerance
1 find the tolerance of sequence {an} and the common ratio of sequence {BN}
2. Find the sum of the first n terms of the sequence {BN}
3. Whether there are constants A and B that belong to R such that for all positive integers n, an = log a BN + B holds (a is below log). If a exists, find out the value of ab. if not, explain the reason
Thank you for the details!
1+d=q; 1+7d=q^2
a^5=6; n-4/5-b/5=n-1
Using the nature of division: 375 / (75 / 5)
When an object moves in a straight line with uniform acceleration, the displacement in T1 before a certain time is S1, and the displacement in T2 after this time is S2___ .
The average speed in T1 before a certain time is equal to the instantaneous speed in the middle time: V1 = s1t1, and the average speed in T2 after this time is equal to the instantaneous speed in the middle time: V2 = s2t2. The time between two intermediate times is: T = T12 + T22. According to the definition of acceleration: a = v2-v1t = 2s2t1-2s1t2t2t2t2 (T1 + T2), so the answer is: 2s2t1-2s1t2t2t2t2 (T1 + T2)
How many problems are there in the mixed operation of rational numbers
Kneeling rational number of mixed operations, inequality problems, to complex, how many to how many
If it's OK, I'll give you all my share, thanks
What is the nature of division
What is the nature of division
Strictly speaking, it is the law of distribution by multiplication
Because division by a number is multiplied by the reciprocal of the number, it can be regarded as the law of multiplicative distribution
Do uniform speed linear motion of the object in two consecutive periods of time T1, T2 displacement occurred in S1, S2, try to find the acceleration of the object movement!
Use proportion to solve the problem
In the uniformly accelerated linear motion, the instantaneous velocity at the midpoint of a period of displacement time = the average velocity of this period of displacement
T = (1 / 2) T1 is the midpoint of S1, and the velocity at t is V1 = S1 / T1
T '= T1 + (T2) / 2 is the midpoint of S2, and the velocity at t' is V2 = S2 / T2
a=(V2-V1)/(T'-T)=(S2/t2 -S1/t1)/{[t1+(t2)/2]-(1/2)t1}
Mixed operation problems of rational numbers (115)
Let's help me find 200 rational number calculation problems in the first semester of junior high school (people's Education Press), not equations, as long as rational number calculation (not too simple, such as 1 + 1, etc.)
Do not a test paper, as long as 200 rational number calculation questions
39+[-23]+0+[-16]= 0
[-18]+29+[-52]+60= 19
[-3]+[-2]+[-1]+0+1+2= -3
[-301]+125+301+[-75]= 50
[-1]+[-1/2]+3/4+[-1/4]= -1
[-7/2]+5/6+[-0.5]+4/5+19/6= 1.25
[-26.54]+[-6.14]+18.54+6.14= -8
1.125+[-17/5]+[-1/8]+[-0.6]= -3
Mixed operation of addition and subtraction of rational numbers