The number of male students in a class is 5 / 1 more than that of female students. What is the ratio of female students to male students? What is the percentage of male students in the total number of students What's the formula

The number of male students in a class is 5 / 1 more than that of female students. What is the ratio of female students to male students? What is the percentage of male students in the total number of students What's the formula

Let the number of female students be 1 and that of male students be 1 + 1 / 5
Number of girls = number of boys (1 + 1 / 5)
The ratio of male to female is 6:5
Boys account for 6 / 11 of the total number of students, about 54.5%
Sina = 2cosa, find (1) 3sina + 2cosa (2) Sin & # 178; a + Sina × cosa + 3
(2) = Sin & # 178; a + 2cosa × cosa + 3 = Sin & # 178; a + 2cosa square + 3 = 1 + cosa square + 3 = 4 + cosa square
There are 45 students in class one of grade five, including 23 boys. What percentage of the class are girls?
What percentage of the class are boys?
There are 45 students in class 1 of grade 5, including 23 boys and 22 girls
Do not understand can ask, help please adopt, thank you!
1. When x = - 1, the value of the algebraic expression ax ^ 2-bx + 1 is 3, then the value of (a + B-1) (1-a-b) is equal to____
2. The perimeter of a quadrilateral is equal to 54 cm. It is known that the first side is equal to a cm, the second side is 4 cm shorter than the first side, and the third side is 3 cm more than one half of the second side. Then a is used to indicate that the fourth side is a cm____
3. Known ax ^ 4 + BX ^ 3 + CX ^ 2 + DX + e = (X-2) ^ 4
(1) Find the value of a + B + C + D + E;
(2) Try to find the value of a + C
1. Assignment method: after substituting, a + B = 2, so the formula is equal to (2-1) (1-2) = - 1
2. The fourth side is equal to: 54-a - (A-4) - [0.5 (A-4) + 3] = 57-2.5a
3. Let x = 1, we can get a + B + C + D + e = (1-2) ^ 4 = 1
Let x = - 1, we can get A-B + C-D + e = (- 1-2) ^ 4 = 81
Let x = 0, we can get e = (0-2) ^ 4 = 16, the first two formulas add to get 2A + 2C + 2E = 82, that is, a + C + e = 41, so a + C = 25
The value of a + B + 1 = 3, a + B = 2 (a + B-1) (1-a-b) is equal to = (2-1) (1-2) = - 1
If the number of male students in a class is 1 / 4 more than that of female students, how many parts of the class are male students
If x + (x + X / 4) = 1, then x = 4 / 9, and the ratio of boys is 1-4 / 9 = 5 / 9
If x = 1 and the value of the algebraic formula ax & # 178; + BX + 1 is 3, then (a + B-1) (1-a-b)
When x = 1, the value of the algebraic formula ax & # 178; + BX + 1 is 3
Substituting x, we get a + B + 1 = 3, a + B = 2
(a + 1-B) (a + 1-B)
Substituting a + B = 2
Equal to - 1
1. There are 20 boys in a class, accounting for 2 / 5 of the total number of students in the class, and there are () students in the class; girls account for a few parts of the total number of students in the class, and there are () students in the class
What's the number of boys?
Class 50
Girls 60%
30 girls
If a (A-2) (A & # 178; - b) = - 2, find the value of the algebraic formula 2 / A & # 178; + B & # 178; - ab
If a (A-1) - (A & # 178; - b) = - 2, find the algebraic formula 2 / A & # 178; + B & # 178; then - ab
The title is wrong. Please check the title
If the number of female students is 1 / 7 more than that of male students, what is the percentage of male students?
Suppose there are seven boys, then there should be eight girls {7 * (1 + 1 / 7) = 8}, so boys are seven eighths of girls [8 divided by 7]
Seven out of eight.
When a = 1 / 3, B = - 3, find the value of the algebraic formula A & # 178; - ab-b & # 178 / / ab-b
Thank you. I wish you success in your study
a. B were substituted into 118 / 9