Two seventh is the sum of three fractions? It's a fraction of 1 + fraction of 1 + fraction of 1 = 2 of 7. Note that "fraction of 1" is solved to 2 of 21, but we have to fill in a fraction of 1 on the test paper Let's see if there is any mistake. Let's look at the question carefully

Two seventh is the sum of three fractions? It's a fraction of 1 + fraction of 1 + fraction of 1 = 2 of 7. Note that "fraction of 1" is solved to 2 of 21, but we have to fill in a fraction of 1 on the test paper Let's see if there is any mistake. Let's look at the question carefully

Three 2 / 21
2 / 7 times 3 = 2 / 21
How many hours, minutes and seconds is 2 days and 10 hours
Two days and ten hours is 58 hours, 3480 minutes and 208800 seconds
2 * 24 + 10 = 58 hours = 58 * 60 = 3480 minutes = 58 * 3600 = 208800 seconds
Two days and ten hours equals 58 hours equals 3480 minutes equals 208800 seconds
58 hours, 34680 minutes, 2080800 seconds
It depends on the starting time. A day is 24 hours. If you start from 24 o'clock on a certain day, it's 10:00 in the morning of the next day.
2 days and 10 hours = 34 hours = 2040 minutes = 122400 seconds
One day = 24 hours, two days and 10 hours is 58 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds, 3480 minutes and 0 seconds, 208800 seconds
58 hours = 3480 minutes = 208800 seconds
Two out of seven plus three out of seven is equal
It's equal to one
Five out of seven
(results expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds) (1) 56.6 ° and 72 ° 42 ′
(2) 180 ° - 36 ° 54 '(results expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds)
(4)108°8′÷3 =108°6′120′′÷3=36°2′40′′
What is 1 × 3 / 2 + 3 × 5 / 2 + 5 × 7 / 2 + 7 × 9 / 2,
1 × 3 / 2 + 3 × 5 / 2 + 5 × 7 / 2 + 7 × 9 / 2 = 1x (2 / 3) + 3x (2 / 5) + 5x (2 / 7) + 7x (2 / 9) = 2x (1 / 3) + 2x (3 / 5) + 2x (5 / 7) + 2x (7 / 9) = 2 (1 / 3 + 3 / 5 + 5 / 7 + 7 / 9) = 2 (10 / 9 + 46 / 35) = 2 (1 + 1 / 0 + 1 + 11 / 35) = 2 (2 + 1 / 10 + 11 / 35) = 2 (2 + 7 / 70 + 22 / 70) = 2 (2 +
18.32 degrees in degrees, minutes and seconds, 216 degrees, 42 minutes in degrees
18.32 degrees is 18 degrees 19 minutes 12 seconds
Degree is 216.7 points
A twentieth is a fraction plus a fraction plus a fraction plus a fraction
The factors of 20 are (1,2,4,5,10,20). Take three of these factors (generally take the smallest three) 1 / 20 = 1 × (1 + 2 + 4) / 20 × (1 + 2 + 4) = 1 / 140 + 2 / 140 + 4 / 140 = 1 / 140 + 1 / 70 + 1 / 35, and 1 / 20 = 1 × (1 + 2 + 5) / 20 × (1 + 2 + 5) = 1 / 160 + 2 / 160 + 5 / 160 = 1 / 160 + 1 / 80 + 1 / 32
Add four eighties
12 degrees 23 minutes 42 seconds expressed in degrees
42 seconds = 42 / 60 = 0.7 minutes
23 points + 0.7 points = 23.7 points = 23.7 / 60 = 0.395 degrees
12 degrees + 0.395 degrees = 12.395 degrees
Base 60
Then add up to 12.395 degrees
A twentieth is a fraction minus a fraction
A twentieth is a fraction minus a fraction
A thirtieth is a fraction minus a fraction
One fifty sixth is one fraction minus one
The ball master answers quickly
In this case, you first divide the denominator into two consecutive numbers to multiply, and then subtract the reciprocal of the small number from the reciprocal of the large number
1/20 = 1/4-1/5
1/30 = 1/5-1/6
1/56 = 1/7-1/8
One twentieth is one fourth minus one fifth
One thirtieth is one fifth minus one sixth
One fifty sixth is one seventh minus one eighth
One twentieth is one fourth minus one fifth;
One thirtieth is one fifth minus one sixth;
One fifty sixth is one seventh minus one eighth;
One twentieth is one fourth minus one fifth
One thirtieth is one fifth minus one sixth
One fifty sixth is one seventh minus one eighth
Use degree to express 12 degrees 23 minutes 42 seconds = (); 26 degrees 12 minutes 18 seconds = () must give!
42 seconds = 42 / 60 = 0.7 minutes
23 points + 0.7 points = 23.7 points = 23.7 / 60 = 0.395 degrees
12 degrees + 0.395 degrees = 12.395 degrees
12'23 '' 42: 26'12 '' 18