Dissolve 10 grams of sugar in 37 grams of water to make syrup. What's the proportion of sugar in syrup? What's the proportion of sugar in syrup?

Dissolve 10 grams of sugar in 37 grams of water to make syrup. What's the proportion of sugar in syrup? What's the proportion of sugar in syrup?

47 percent of sugar is water
Once upon a time, there was a small mountain village. In the small mountain village, a trumpet came from the South with a five Jin toad in hand
It is known that the function FX = sin (x + π / 6) + sin (x - π / 6) + acosx + B (a, B ∈ R) is constant
It is known that the function FX = sin (x + π / 6) + sin (x - π / 6) + acosx + B (a, B ∈ R) is constant
Finding the minimum positive period of function FX
The minimum positive period is 2 π
Triangle + circle = 90, square + circle = 75, square + triangle = 47, then triangle =? Circle =? Square =?
Square + circle - (square + triangle) = 75-47
Circle triangle = 28
Triangle = (90-28) △ 2 = 31
Circle = 90-31 = 59
Square = 47-31 = 16
Ternary linear equation, triangle 31, circle 59, square 16
(90 + 75 + 47) / 2 is equal to two triangles + two circles + two squares, so as to find one zero + one □ + one △. It can be subtracted from 90, 75 and 47. This is actually the most basic system of linear equations with three variables
It can be obtained by subtracting three equations,
□=16 ○=59 △=31
Triangle = 31
Circle = 59
Square = 16
Triangle + circle = 90, (1)
Square + circle = 75, (2)
Square + triangle = 47 (3)
Add the two sides of the three formulas and divide them by 2
Triangle + circle + square = 108.5 (4),
(4) By subtracting (1) (2) (3) respectively
Square = 18.5
Triangle = 33.5
Circle = 61.5
It's really 222. I have nothing to say for picking up more orders
Given the function f (x) = sin (x + 30 degrees) + sin (X-30 degrees) + acosx + B, (a, B belong to R and are constants) (1) find the minimum positive period of F (x). (2) if f (...)
Given the function f (x) = sin (x + 30 degrees) + sin (X-30 degrees) + acosx + B, (a, B belong to R and are constants)
(1) Find the minimum positive period of F (x)
(2) If f (x) increases monotonically on [- 60 degrees, 0], and the minimum value of F (x) can be taken as 2, try to find a, B
F (x) = sin (x + 30) + sin (X-30) + cosx + one
=Sinxcos30 + sin30cosx + sinxcos30 sin30cosx + cosx + a [expand]
=2sinxcos30 + cosx + one
=√ 3sinx + cosx + one
=2Sin (x + 30) + one
Period T = 2 π
When x belongs to [- 90 degrees, 90 degrees]
=60 degrees for maximum value
When 2 + a = 1
= -1
Triangle + circle + square = 10, triangle + triangle + circle + square = 12, triangle + circle + square + square = 15
It's not easy to change the graphics into letters
(2) (1) x = 2
(3) (1) get z = 5
Substituting (1) gives y = 3
So triangle = 2 circle = 3 square = 5
The known function f (x) = sin (x + Π / 6) + sin (x - Π / 6) = cosxa + a (a ∈ R, a is a constant)
Finding the minimum positive period of function f (x)
The title should be "f (x) = sin (x + Π / 6) + sin (x - Π / 6) + cosx + a". F (x) = sin (x + Π / 6) + sin (x - Π / 6)) + cosx + a '= sinxcos Π / 6 + cosxsin Π / 6 + sinxcos Π / 6-cosxsin Π / 6) + cosx + a' = 2sinxcos Π / 6) + cosx + a '= √ 3sinx + cosx + a' "
Three circles and two triangles add up to 26, five circles and two triangles add up to 38, what are circles and triangles
I know the circle is 6, the triangle is 4, the trick?
Three circles and two triangles add up to 26, five circles and two triangles add up to 38
3 circles + 2 triangles = 26
5 circles + 2 triangles = 38
5 circles = 2 circles + 3 circles
SO 2 circles + 3 circles + 2 triangles = 38
3 circles + 2 triangles = 26
SO 2 circles = 38-26 = 12
Circle = 6
3 circles + 2 triangles = 26
18 + 2 triangle = 26
2 triangle = 26-18 = 8
Triangle = 4
- 3X+2Y=26
2X=12 X=6 Y=4
One is five and the other is seven
Binary linear equations
Why don't you write a quadratic equation of two variables
It is proved to be a periodic function
It is known that the function f (x) is an odd function with the domain R, and the image is symmetric with respect to the line x = 1
Because the function f (x) is an odd function whose domain is r, so (x) = - f (- x), because the image is symmetrical about the line x = 1, so f (x) = f (2-x), f (- x) = f (2 + x), that is, f (- x) = - f (x) = f (2 + x). So f (x) = - f (2 + x), (x + 2) = - f (4 + x), so f (x) = f (4 + x), because the domain of function f (x) is symmetrical about the origin
The sum of two triangles is equal to the sum of three squares, the sum of three squares is equal to the sum of four circles, a triangle plus a square plus two circles
The sum of two triangles is equal to the sum of three squares, the sum of three squares is equal to the sum of four circles, and the sum of one triangle plus one square plus two circles is 400. Then what are the triangles, squares and circles?
Triangle 150
Square 100
Round 75
How to prove periodic function
The first time I run into this problem, I can see that it is a periodic function, but I don't know how to prove it
The original question is f (x + 2) = - f (x). To prove the periodic function, I just want to write this: F (x + 4) = - f (x + 4) = f (x). To what extent does this kind of question need to be proved before it is finished
Because f (x + 2) = - f (x), let x = x + 2
So f (x + 4) = - f (x + 2) = f (x)
This should be OK
If f (x + 4) = f (x), it is a periodic function, and the period is 4
It's over to find f (x + a) = f (x), where a is the period