A fraction of 13 plus a fraction of 18 fast

A fraction of 13 plus a fraction of 18 fast

How many seconds is 5 minutes 45 seconds
5 minutes is 5 * 60 = 300 seconds, so 5 minutes 45 seconds equals 345 seconds
A fraction plus a fraction is five out of twelve
How many minutes is three fifths
60 * 3 / 5 = 36 minutes
A fraction plus a fraction is 17 out of 30
this night
One half and one fifteenth is seventeen thirtieth
One in 15 plus one in 2
1 / 2 plus 1 / 15 OK
One in two plus one in 15 is seventeen out of thirty
One in half, one in fifteen
1 out of 15
One half plus one-fifth, just 17 out of 30.
Three degrees and five minutes are equal
3 degrees and 5 points = 3 * 60 + 5 = 185 points
What fraction of a week is 15 days?
What is one degree equal to
If it's an angle, one degree is 60 minutes
What fraction of a day is 27:00?
What fraction of a day is 27:00
27 △ 24 = 9 / 8 days
Xiaobai, I've convinced you. I ask: can you?
It's 0.5 yuan for one kilowatt hour. How much is it for five kilowatt hours
5 yuan per kilowatt hour, so 5 * 0.5 = 2.5 yuan
0.5x5 = 2.5 yuan
2.5 yuan
Two point five