As shown in the figure, in the hexagon ABCDEF, AF ∥ CD, ab ∥ ed, ∠ a = 140 °, B = 100 °, e = 90 °. Calculate the degrees of ∠ C, ∠ D and ∠ F

As shown in the figure, in the hexagon ABCDEF, AF ∥ CD, ab ∥ ed, ∠ a = 140 °, B = 100 °, e = 90 °. Calculate the degrees of ∠ C, ∠ D and ∠ F

Through point BG ∥ AF, through point C as CH ≓ AB, ∵ AF ∥ CD, ab ∥ ed, ? BG ∥ AF ∥ CD, CH ∥ ab ∥ De, ? a + ∥ ABG = 180 °, BCD + CBG = 180 °, that is, ? ABC + ∥ BCD = 360 °, a = 140 °, ABC = 100 °, BCD = 120 °, similarly, ∠ ABC + ∠ B

Every inner angle of the hexagon ABCDEF is 120 ° AF = AB = 2, BC = CD = 3, q is to find the length of De and ef

If FA and CB intersect at h, AB and DC intersect at I, BC and ED intersect at J, CD and Fe intersect at K, de and AF intersect at L, EF and Ba intersect at m, then the two complementary angles are 60 degrees, △ ABH, △ BCI, △ dcj, △ DEK, △ EFL, △ fam are all positive △, △ HJl and △ mik are also positive △, BH = AB = 2

As shown in the figure, in the hexagon ABCDEF, AF ∥ CD, ab ∥ De, and ∠ a = 120 ° and ∠ B = 80 °, find the degrees of ∠ C and ∠ D

Connect AC
And ∠ ACB = 180 ° - ∠ B - ∠ BAC,
Connect BD
And ? BDC = 180 ° - ∠ BCD - ∠ CBD,

Every inner angle of the hexagon ABCDEF is 120 ° AF = AB = 3, BC = CD = 2. Find the length of De and ef

Connect BD, BF, extend BF, de and intersect with a point G
Because every inner angle is equal to 120 ° and AF = AB = 3, BC = CD = 2
Therefore, △ ABF and △ BCD are isosceles triangles with a base angle of 30 degrees
It can be obtained that:
From the fact that each internal angle is equal to 120 degrees, we can get that:
Let EF = x, ed = y
Ge = 2x, GF = √ 3x, BG = BF + FG = 3 √ 3 + √ 3x = 2bd = 4 √ 3
So: x = 1
So: y = 4
So: de = 4, EF = 1

If the center distance of a regular hexagon is root 6, what is the side length of the regular hexagon

Pingzeyou, 107: Hello
The side length of a regular hexagon is equal to the radius of its circumcircle
Let the radius of circumscribed circle be n
Then: N 2 - (0.5N) 2 = (√ 6) 2
Answer: the side length of a regular hexagon is √ 8
Good bye

The denominator of (1 + third root 2 + third root 4) is rational Just want to know the process, three times the root 2 + 1

Using the cubic difference formula
Multiply three times root 2-1
Then the denominator = (cubic root 2-1) (cubic root 4 + cubic root 2 + 1) = (cubic root 2) ^ 3-1 = 2-1 = 1
Numerator = cubic root 2-1
So it turns out to be a triple root 2-1

What is the rational denominator of root 3 minus 1 / 2 of root

(2 * Radix 3-radix 2) / 2

How to rationalize the denominator if you subtract one third of the root sign from two

= (√2+√3)/[(√2+√3)(√2-√3)]
Please accept it

2 root sign 3 of 6x (denominator rationalization)


Rationalize the following formula: 3 / [2 radical (6x)]
