The center angle of 120 ° is 360 °______ The arc it is facing is corresponding to the circumference of the circle______ 1 / 2

The center angle of 120 ° is 360 °______ The arc it is facing is corresponding to the circumference of the circle______ 1 / 2

The arc to which it is directed is 1 of the circumference of the corresponding circle
Answer: the center angle of 120 ° is one third of 360 ° and the arc it faces is one third of the circumference of the corresponding circle
So the answer is: three; three

The arc length corresponding to the central angle of 1 ° is the circumference of the circle___ (fill in fraction) the arc length corresponding to the center angle of 360 ° is the circumference of the circle_____ (fill in the score)

The arc length corresponding to the central angle of 1 ° is 1 / 360 of the circumference of the circle___ The arc length corresponding to the center angle of 360 ° is 1 / 1 of the circumference of the circle_____ (fill in the score)

The radius of the circle where the sector is located is 6 decimeters, and its arc length is 12.56 decimeters. What is the central angle of the arc? What is the area of this sector

It's 120 degrees
S = square of R * 3.14 = 36 * 3.14 = 113.04
The area is 113.04 square decimeters

The area of the sector is 3.14 and the circumference of the circle is 12.56

π is taken as 3.14
Because 2 π r = 12.56
So r = 2
Because l = n π R / 180, l = 3.14
So: n = 90 degrees
Answer: the center angle of the sector is 90 degrees

What is the arc length of a fan-shaped circle with a circumference of 12.56 cm and an angle of 90 ° at its center?

12.56 △ 360 × 90 = 3.14cm
Answer: the arc length is 3.14 cm

It is known that the circumference of the circle is 12.56 cm, the radius is 2 cm, the center angle of the circle is 90 ° and the arc length is () cm

three point one four

In the same circle, what is the ratio of circumference to radius and the ratio of diameter to radius

The ratio of circumference to radius is 2 π: 1 (6.28:1)
The ratio of diameter to radius is: 2

When the size of a circle changes, how does the ratio of circumference to radius change?


In a circle, the ratio of diameter to circumference is () and the ratio of circumference to radius is ()

In a circle, the ratio of diameter to circumference is (1 / π), the ratio of circumference to diameter is (π), and the ratio of circumference to radius is (2 π)

A circle center angle is 50 ° and the circular angle of the arc it is facing is ----- the circular angle of the arc it is facing is-- Find the second empty parsing

When the center angle of a circle is 50 degrees, the circular angle of the arc it is facing is 25, because the circular angle of the arc is half of the circumference angle it is opposite
It contains a circumference angle of 180-25 = 155, because the sum of the diagonal angles of the inscribed quadrilateral of a circle is 180