There is a square in the circle. The area of the square is 6 square centimeters, and the area of the circle is () square centimeters?

There is a square in the circle. The area of the square is 6 square centimeters, and the area of the circle is () square centimeters?

Let the radius of the circle be r, then the length of the diagonal of the square = the diameter 2R
So, the area of the square is 2R * 2R / 2 = 6
So R ^ 2 = 3
So, the area of the circle = 3.14r ^ 2 = 9.42 square centimeters

The area of the square in the figure is 20 square centimeters. The area of the smallest circle outside the square is______ .

Let the radius of the circle be r,
Then the area of the square is 2r2 = 20 square centimeters,
So 3.14 × 10 = 31.4 (square centimeter);
A: the area of the smallest circle outside the square is 31.4 square centimeters
So the answer is: 31.4 square centimeter

If the area of the circle is 6.28 square centimeter, the largest area of square inside the circle is () square centimeter

The area of the circle is π R 2, π ≈ 3.14
So R 2 = 2
Diameter = 2R = 2 times root number 2
The square ABCD is the largest, so AC = CD = diameter = 2 times root 2
So the side length is equal to 2 (Pythagorean theorem)
The area is four

There is one largest circle in a square. If the area of the circle is 20 square centimeters, what is the area of the square

Let the side length of the square be 2L (for the convenience of calculation)
Then the radius is 2R = 2L
Because s-circle = π R ^ 2 = π L ^ 2 = 20
So the square area is 2L * 2L = 4L ^ 2 = 4 * 20 / π = 80 / π square centimeter

The area of the square in the figure is 20 square centimeters. The area of the smallest circle outside the square is______ .

Let the radius of the circle be r,
Then the area of the square is 2r2 = 20 square centimeters,
So 3.14 × 10 = 31.4 (square centimeter);
A: the area of the smallest circle outside the square is 31.4 square centimeters
So the answer is: 31.4 square centimeter

Calculate the perimeter or area of the shadow part in the following figure respectively

(1) 2 × 3.14 × 6 △ 2, = 3.14 × 6, = 18.84 (CM). A: the circumference is 18.84 cm. (2) [3.14 × (10  ̄ 2) 2  ̄ 2-10 × (10  ̄ 2) × 2, = [3.14 × 25  ̄ 2-10 × 5  ̄ 2] × 2, = [39.25-25] × 2, = 14.25 × 2, = 28.5 (square centimeter)

Six pieces of square paper of different sizes are assembled into a figure as shown in the figure. The smallest square area known is 1. Question: what is the area of the Red Square in the figure?

As shown in the figure, the side length of square 2 is a + 1, the side length of square 3 is a + 2, and the side length of square 4 is a + 3. Therefore, CD = a + (a + 1) = 2A + 1, ab = (a + 2) + (a + 3) = 2A + 5

The side length, edge center distance and area of inscribed regular triangle and square with radius of 1 are calculated respectively

Take two adjacent angles and connect the center of the circle to get an isosceles triangle. Make the contour line of the isosceles triangle, the high line, the center line and the bisector of the angle of the isosceles triangle are the same. Therefore, the contour line divides an isosceles triangle into two equal right triangles, and the waist length of the isosceles triangle is the radius
Bottom = polygon side length
High line = edge center distance
Regular triangle:
Cut into an isosceles triangle with a waist angle of 30 degrees
Equilateral triangle side length = isosceles triangle base = 2 * (1 * √ 3 / 2) = √ 3
The length of an equilateral triangle and the distance between the sides and the center of the equilateral triangle = the contour line of the isosceles triangle = (1 * 1 / 2) = 1 / 2
Height of regular triangle = height of isosceles triangle + waist length of another triangle = 1 + 1 / 2 = 3 / 2
Area of regular triangle = √ 3 * (3 / 2) / 2 = 3 √ 3 / 4
Cut into an isosceles triangle with a waist angle of 45 degrees
Square side length = isosceles triangle base = 2 * (1 * 1 / √ 2) = √ 2
Square side length edge center distance line = isosceles triangle line = (1 * 1 / √ 2) = √ 2 / 2
Square area = square side length * square side length = √ 2 * √ 2 = 2

The center of circumscribed circle of an equilateral triangle is O and its radius is R. find the edge length, perimeter P, edge center distance r and interfaces of △ ABC

The center of circumscribed circle of an equilateral triangle is O and its radius is r,
Side length = root 3R
Perimeter P = 3 root sign 3R
Edge center distance r = 2 / R
Plane s = 3 / 4 root sign 3 (square of R)

The side length of equilateral triangle ABC is 10. Find its area and perimeter

The height is 5 times root 3, area 25 times root 3