As + adjective or adverb + as, does the adverb need to be changed to the original level? Does the adjective need to be changed? Why? And the usage of this phrase?

As + adjective or adverb + as, does the adverb need to be changed to the original level? Does the adjective need to be changed? Why? And the usage of this phrase?

As... As... "The same as..." must add the original level between the two as, whether it is an adjective or an adverb. For example, he is as tall as I. He runs as fast as I. when this sentence pattern is used in a negative sentence, the first as can be written as so, for example, he isn't as tall as I. = he isn't s
If you add an adjective after one of, why can you only add the superlative?
If you don't add the superlative, it's wrong. Why? And the adjective modifies the noun
such as
he is one of _____ Singers, why can only fill in the most famous, not the famous or the famous directly? If I fill in it, I am wrong
Notice that I asked why
No, it's not. If you add an adjective after one of, you can only add the superlative_____ For example: John is one of the best swimmers in his classmary
Because it's a fixed collocation, baby paper, no why, it's just like a horse, the quantifier can only use horse, can't use other, understand? But in Chinese, it can be said that he is one of the famous singers. Needless to say, he is one of the most famous singers. In addition, if it is a fixed match, how can I say "he is one of the famous singers" in English? Pro, he is a famous singer, I tell you, you mean he is a famous singer, don't bother like you
Because it's a fixed collocation, baby paper, no why, it's just like a horse, the quantifier can only use horse, can't use other, understand? But in Chinese, it can be said that he is one of the famous singers. Needless to say, he is one of the most famous singers. In addition, if it is a fixed match, how can I say "he is one of the famous singers" in English?
What's the plural of boy if you change a noun to plural, a word ends with a consonant letter and y, change y to I and then add es?
What are the words whose nouns end with consonant letter + y that change y into I plus es? It's better to have more!
Except for some fixed words, all plural nouns ending with consonant + y change y to I plus es, right?!
Baby babies city Cities City factory factories factory families
Country - countries
What do you read when a word ending with a consonant letter plus y becomes I plus es?
cry——cries —— [kraiz]
study——studies—— ['stʌdis]
If you look at the above examples, you will find that:
When ending with a consonant, the sound is [is]
Basically, the pronunciation of the original word is followed by an S
For example:
Study -- Studies -- [pronunciation] study + S
Family - families - [pronunciation] family + S
The plural of country is countries
R is a consonant, so it's right
Can't countries be obtained by country changing y into I and adding es?
I hope I can help you. I wish you a better future_ ∩)O
You are welcome to ask me (*^__ ^ *
Didn't you say it yourself? Add y to consonant, change y to I, then add es.
The rule of plural change of words ending with f or Fe
Sometimes we change f or Fe to V and add es, and sometimes we just need to add s at the end of the word
For example:
Is there any rule in it, or can we just memorize it by rote
Now I'm teaching the children of grade one to remember this!
Only eight words ending in f or Fe are inside out, adding s directly without variant
chief belief strife
roof gulf cliff
safe proof
The rest needs to change
In my opinion, most of the living (including life) change f to V and then add es (followed by e directly plus s), and the others add s directly
What is the plural form? What is the rule of plural change for words ending in f or Fe?
On the left
Adv. on the left
n. Left; left; radical
v. Leave (past tense of leave)
What ends with f or Fe becomes ves left, as if it were a leaf
Left means left (or the past tense of leave). Can the word "left" have a plural form?
The past tense of "leave" changes as "leave left".
Third question: when a countable noun ending in f or Fe becomes plural, remove f or Fe as ves.
This question is not difficult. I know that I only got 90 points in 120!
Why do you sometimes add s at the end of a plural f or Fe word
The common is + es, but it has e, so just add s. It's special, just remember
The common one is + es, but it has e, so just add s
How to distinguish plural words ending in o plus s or es?
Such as the title
The rules of adding "s or ES" to nouns ending with the letter O are as follows: 1. In most cases, add S. for example: Radio, photo, piano, video, casino, tobacco, polo. 2. Only 5 to 6 nouns are added with ES, namely: potato, tomato, hero, motto, volcano
Only a few of them are plus es, just recite them
The living plus es, the inanimate plus s
Such as potatoes and tomatoes
Add s to the photo
The rules of adding "s or ES" to nouns ending with the letter O are as follows: 1. 2. Only 5 to 6 nouns are added es. Potato, tomato, hero, black and volcano can also be treated with the memory principle of "remember the minority, liberate the majority". In addition to
The rules of adding "s or ES" to nouns ending with the letter O are as follows: 1. 2. Only 5 to 6 nouns are added es. Potato, tomato, hero, black and volcano can also be treated with the memory principle of "remember the minority, liberate the majority". In addition, some of these nouns have the part of speech of verbs. If it is used as a verb, the third person singular present tense is always added with es. For example: for safety, he radios a short signal to us every 15 minutes
The rule of adding "s or ES" to nouns ending with the letter O is as follows:
1. Add s in most cases. For example: Radio, photo, piano, video, casino, tobacco, polo
2. Only 5 to 6 nouns are added es. Potato, tomato, hero, black man, volcano
We can also use "remember the minority, liberate..."
The rule of adding "s or ES" to nouns ending with the letter O is as follows:
1. Add s in most cases. For example: Radio, photo, piano, video, casino, tobacco, polo
2. Only 5 to 6 nouns are added es. Potato, tomato, hero, black man, volcano
We can also adopt the memory principle of "remember the minority, liberate the majority". Put it away
Most of them add s
Individual plus es. For example: Negro; hero; volcano; potato; tomato
There is a doggerel that can help you remember "Black Hero under the volcano in potatoes, tomatoes.".