How to say arrival phrase in English

How to say arrival phrase in English

Arrive in
Arrive at a small place
Get to arrive
arrive at
I wish you a happy study! (*^__ ^ *
Please accept it in time, thank you!
get to
I'm a little nervous
a bit nervous
a little nervous
a bit nervous
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I wish you progress. If it helps you, please take it in time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I love you i11, Hello!
English Translation: a little nervous
That's it, I hope~
I wish you a good result in the exam
In addition to in possessionof, and (1) take charge of, what other similar phrases do you have?
In charge of
In the charge of
In front of
In the front of
Is there anything else in the front of and in front of? 2. By day and by the day 3. By sea and by the sea 4. Go to school and go to the school 5. In the future and in the future 6
In the front of and in front of: is there anything else?
For example: in charge of, in need of, in spit of
in the name of in terms of in the act of in the middle of in consequence of in consideration ofin control of in favor of in front of in the interests of in the hope of in the wake of in view of
in possesion of , in honor of , in memory of, in case of,
Is he in charge of such a preposition + prepositional phrase
In here is already included in in charge of. The whole phrase is a prepositional phrase, so there is only a prepositional phrase and no separate preposition
Fill in the blanks with prepositions. Each word or phrase can only be used once (in, on, at, under, behind, in front of, in the front of, out of, after)
1 He does well( )writing English 2 Look( )the old woman( )England
3 I am old.I must sit( )the bus.4 There are some tigers jumping( )the chairs( )the trees.
5 He is sitting( )his father( )talking.
6 You can ask your teacher( )help( )class
7 Brush your teeh( )you go to bed
2.after----form the front of
2.after----from the front of
7. before
English directional words like in front of, behind, next, etc. are there any more words like this
Add meaning
1 in front of before 2 in the front of before 3 at the back of after 4 behind after 5 near near 6 next next next 7 between
Above (above / not necessarily directly above)
Beside (beside)
Behind (after)
On (the adjacency of something in a certain area)
In front of
By (beside)
Above (above / not necessarily directly above)
Beside (beside)
Behind (after)
On (the adjacency of something in a certain area)
In front of
By (beside)
Outside (outside)
Over (directly above the vertical)
Below / not necessarily vertical_ Thank you
Thank you very much for not adopting your answer
The usage of "next to" in English
The general expressions of "next" are by, beside, near and next to
1) By and beside both mean "in It can be changed
There is a chair by the table
She stood by the window
The hotel is beside (/ by) the river
Come and sit beside me
Put your shoes beside mine
2) Near means "in "Nearby" means a little farther than by and beside
There is a theatre near his home
Don't play near the road
There is a post office near No.1 middle school
3) Next to means "next to "Next to me"
The new building next to the bookstore is a cinema
There is a caf é next to the barber's
What is the difference between English in front of and in the front of
The former is in front of an object, while the latter is in front of an object In front of
In front of?
Behind to
The opposite of in the front of is in the back of