Hands up and get out of your car

Hands up and get out of your car

Hands up! Get out of your car!
It's like a line that highway police love to say
Get out of the car and put your hands behind your head
What are the English verbs and verb phrases!
I have
English phrase: Rush
PS: fill in the blanks with the proper form of the word
He rushed out and carried the little boy to______ .(safe)
The meaning of running out
Rush out means rush out
In this place, it means to rush (out). It is often used to mean "impact" in business and finance.
Implied, not fully thought and prepared meaning
Rush out
He rushed out and carried the little boy to(safety)
Rush out of safety
English. Fill in the blanks with proper words and pay attention to the collocation of phrases
1.Please__________ me up at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.
2.He _______ with Mary about the best place for a holiday and they didn't agree with each other.
3.I thought I failed my test but I just ________ out I passed.
1 wake2 argused 3 found
English phrases with in out
A phrase containing in out, preferably a verb phrase
out:come out Look out! Run out of take out be stressed out keep out (the sun / rain) don't enter hand out distribute give out hang out help Help sb. Set up
come in come out take in take out get in get out turn in turn out ...
In English, fill in the blanks with proper words and pay attention to the collocation of phrases
1.To my ________ ,she was the mother of two children.
2.There is no_______ food in the kitchen.
3.You are not________ to take the books out of the reading room.
4.We will find ways to get ________ the difficulties.
5.We are________ out of the money.
6.No one is _________ this plan.We all agree.
7.He likes this job because he can________ a lot of money.
8.Don't laugh_________ her.She is right.
9. You can find buildings _________ Chinese style in China Town abroad.
10.Chinese girls _________ their hair brown in the past.
1.surprise 2.more
3.allowed 4.over
5.running 6.against
7.earn 8.at
9.in 10.dyed
Turn out explain the phrase in English and make sentences!
Be sure to explain it in English!
turn out1 be present at an event ,appeareg A vast crowd turned out to watch the match .2 take place or happen in the specified way ,prove to be eg If the day turns out wet we may have to change our pl...
Fill in the blanks with proper words and pay attention to the collocation of phrases
1.Lots ________ people went across the river _______ boat.
2.After _______ quick breakfast he went to school ________ the school bus.
3.He's a popular singer and has ________ large________ fans.
4.I like reading_________ home________ night.
5.Summer holidays are coming to an end.I will have to leave ________ school.
6.The twins are quite alike but you can still tell the difference ________ them.
1、 of ,by
2,having ,on
3, a, amount
This is a filling in the blanks about prepositional phrase collocation. I wish you success in your study,
English phrases ending with "out"
The more, the better
get out
freak out
come out
carry out
cry out
all out
give out
think out
hand out
buy out
That's too much. It's really hard. Almost all the common verbs can be used with out, which means "out"
turn out, make out, give out, cry out, take out,
work out
make out
carry out
buy out
sell out
give out
come out
go out
What elements can English phrases act as
For example, verbs, adverbs and so on? Please give me some examples, OK?
The question is too general to answer There are many English phrases, in addition to verb phrases and adverb phrases, there are prepositional phrases, noun phrases, adjectives and so on There are also some idiomatic fixed collocations which can be used as phrases