English translation Thousands of tourists; 90 percent; 199 Changfeng street; in the 1930s; August 8, 2008; quarter past two; in his thirties; the third time

English translation Thousands of tourists; 90 percent; 199 Changfeng street; in the 1930s; August 8, 2008; quarter past two; in his thirties; the third time

thousands of tourists
ninety percent
No.199,ChangFeng Street
in the 30s of the 20th century
august 8,2008
a quarter past two
in one's 30s
the third time
thousands of tourists
ninty percent
No 199, ChangFen Street
in the 30s of the 20th century
august 8, 2008
a quater past 14
in his/her 30s
for the third time
Please help translate a few English sentences, thank you!
1.In spite of the rain,she liked the trip.
2.He is like his dad. He's an optimist.
3.Why don't you go away for the weekend? A short break would be good or you.
4.I gave them a copy of your report and I told them that we needed to have the website redesigned.
5.It was a traditional wedding, and it took place in a church rather than in a register office.
Help to finish a few short sentences
Do you know whether_________________ Shanghai is in the east of China
Before I went to see my girlfriend,I_______________ (got a haircut)
A:I found the film quite interesting.
B: ______________ (me too)
1. Although it's raining, he still likes this trip. 2. He's like his father. He's an optimist. 3. Why don't you go out for a walk at the weekend? A short rest is good for you. 4. I gave them a copy of your report and told them we need to register the website. 5. This is a traditional wedding, wedding
English translation
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The present continuous tense of verbs
The normal change is adding ing after the verb prototype
2. Special changes:
1) For verbs ending in E, remove E and add ing
2) For verbs ending with stressed closed syllables, if there is only one consonant at the end (only one vowel followed by a consonant), double the ending consonant and add ing
Write five words for each, before and after change
1 teaching studying listening working reading
1) having,citing,managing,behaving,hiding
2) getting cutting digging hitting fitting
What is the smallest positive period π of the following functions?
A:y=sin2 x
B:y=sin x
C:y=cos x
D:y=tan x/2
Which is the answer? I don't have a mathematical foundation. How do you think about this,
The first is "π."
The second is "2 π."
The third is "2 π."
The fourth is "2 π."
A:y=sin2 x
Period T = 2 π / 2
The standard formula of sine function is y = asin ω x + ρ
Select a, because the period is equal to 2 pies divided by W, so BC period is 2 pies, while D original function period is 1 pie, so the period after transformation is also 2 pies
Hello, I'll answer. The answer is a
The period of B and C is the same, both are 2 π, which is the definition of sine and cosine function.
D. First of all, the period of tangent function is π. Y = Tan X / 2 is the expansion of y = Tan x on the x-axis, which is expanded by 2 times, so the period is extended by 2 times, which is 2 π
The answer a, y = sin2, X is the compression of y = SiNx on the x-axis, which is 1 / 2 of the original, so the period becomes 1 / 2 of y = SiNx, that is, the period is π... Expansion
Hello, I'll answer. The answer is a
The period of B and C is the same, both are 2 π, which is the definition of sine and cosine function.
D. First of all, the period of tangent function is π. Y = Tan X / 2 is the expansion of y = Tan x on the x-axis, which is expanded by 2 times, so the period is extended by 2 times, which is 2 π
The answer a, y = sin2, X is the compression of y = SiNx on the x-axis, which is 1 / 2 of the original, so the period becomes 1 / 2 of y = SiNx, that is, the period is π folded
Let a be the minimum positive period T = 2 π / W for sinwx coswx and the minimum positive period T = π / W for tanwx
Which verbs can use the present continuous tense to express the future?
The train leaves at six tomorrow morning. When does the bus star? It stars in
In the following functions, the minimum positive period π is ()
A. y=sin2xB. y=sinx2C. y=cos4xD. y=cosx4
A. If y = sin2x, then t = 2 π 2 = π, B, y = sinx2, then t = 2 π 12 = 4 π, C, y = cos4x, then t = 2 π 4 = π 2, D, y = cosx4, then t = 2 π 14 = 8 π
Are there any changes in the rules of the present participle, the ing form of the verb and the verb in the present continuous tense?
For example, the present participle of work, the verb ing and the present continuous tense are all working
1 add ing directly, such as sing sing
Go to e and add ing, such as dance dancing
3 end with stressed closed syllable, double write the last letter and add ing as run running
There are no irregular changes
I can't understand what you're talking about. I don't know if this is what you want
The verb in the present continuous tense is the ing form of the verb, which is the present participle
Find the period of the following function
Y = 3sin (x / 4) x belongs to R
The period is equal to 2 π / ω
So the first one is 8 π
The second is π
The period formula of sin (WT + m) is 2 π / W.... So the answer is 8 π and π
If there are two verbs in the present continuous tense in Chinese and English, should both verbs use the ing form
Are you enjoying living here?
The problem with this sentence is this:
You are enjoying living here
Enjoy doing
But because of the present continuous tense (to be changed to the verb ing), we add ing to enjoy,
But living is changed to living because it has to match with enjoy
If there are two verbs in the present continuous tense, should both verbs use the ing form
I don't know if you understand