English translation

English translation

want to do sth
English translation
1. Why not join
2. Never miss
3. Little is known
4. Share these books
5. Walking his pet pig
6. Water the flowers
7. In his spare time
8. I used to play
9. I used to listen
10. It's changing all the time
1,why don't you join2 never miss3 poorly understood4 share these books5 walk his pet pig6,watering the flowers7 in his spare time8 used to play9 used to listen to10 have been changed
1、Why does not put in
2、never misses
3、What of knowing is few
4、Share these books
5、strolls his pet pig
6、waters flowers
7、is in his off-hour
8、plays in the past often
9、listens to in the past often
10、always be in unexpected turn of events
Who has a detailed explanation of the present tense / past tense / future tense / present continuous tense
The language is better written
Summary of English Tenses
Author: Wang Yali source: updated date: December 5, 2004
Tenses are verb forms that express actions, actions and states under various time conditions. Therefore, when we talk about tenses, we mean verb forms in corresponding tenses
English tenses are divided into 16 types: general present, general past, general future, past future tense, and their progressive, perfect and perfect progressive tenses. Here, we will focus on the usage and precautions of the most common 11 tenses
1. General present tense: we'll start learning this in primary school. Let's go now
A) If it is not too much trouble, I would like a cup of tea
B) Idiom: this should be accumulated by myself, because there are too many idioms, I don't explain too much
Ie: Believe it or not, his discovery had created a stir in scientific circles.
"Believe it or not" is often said in spoken English, which means "believe it or not" and "what I say is true". Believe it or not is a fixed saying, which is equivalent to an parenthesis. There is no morphological change in "believe it or not" in the phrase
C) Regular and habitual movements
Ie: he always helps others
D) Ex: he said that the sun rises in the East, But first of all, you should have this concept: objective fact, no matter what the tense of the predicate is, use the simple present tense
E) It means an action that will take place according to regulations, plans or arrangements. It can be used with adverbials indicating future time. The common usage is: plane, train, ship, car and other modes of transportation that run at fixed points on a regular basis
The plane leaves at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Why not use the future tense
F) In the adverbial clauses of time and condition, we often use the present (and sometimes the present perfect tense) to express the future
Ie: when you finish the report, I will have waited for 3 hours
2. The usage of the present continuous tense: teach it on the first day of junior high school. It's simpler than the ordinary present. It means the action that we are doing now, but we should pay attention to that some verbs can't be used in the continuous tense. These words are called transient verbs, such as, open, borrow, etc
3. Have done: it's an important test point. After grade two, almost all of them are in the perfect tense
A) Indicates that the action has been completed or has just been completed
ex: I have just finished my homework.
B) It means an action or situation that starts from a certain time in the past and continues to the present, and may continue to do so. In this case, it is often used as a continuous verb. Time adverbials are often used to add a past time point, or for a period of time, or by and a present time point
C) It refers to an action or situation that happened in the past but still has influence on the present. It is usually used as a point verb, such as: arrive, begin, find, give, love, etc
John has broken his left leg
be careful:
A) The present perfect tense is the link between the past and the present. The difference between the present perfect tense and the past tense is that the present perfect tense emphasizes the dynamic action, or is influenced by the dynamic action, which is the result of the dynamic action and has an influence on the present; the past tense only indicates the action that happened in a specific time in the past and has no connection with the present
He worked in that hospital for 8 years
He has worked in that hospital for 8 years
B) Because the completion of the adverbial of time, which contains for plus a period of time or since plus a time point, has the characteristics of dynamic and continuity, we can't use the terminal verb or the instantaneous verb
My sister has been married for 5 years
My sister has married. Don't disturb her
C) In "this is the first / second / third time that…… The perfect tense is required in the sentence pattern
This is the second time that the products of our company have been shown in the international exhibition
D) The sentence pattern "it is / has been Both tenses used in "since" are correct
It is / has been 10 years since I last saw him
E) In "no sooner than", "hard / scarcely When, before, prior to, etc
I haven't met that Professor prior to today
4. Have been doing: very similar to the present continuous
1) Usage: it means that an action starts at a certain time in the past, continues or repeats until now, or will continue to the future
We have been working on this project for over a month now
2) Note: compared with the present perfect tense, the present perfect continuous tense emphasizes that the action or state has been continuous or repeated from the past to the present
5. General past tense
A) An action or situation occurring at a time in the past
ex:I went to Beijing last year.
B) The sentence pattern "would / used to do" is used to express the past tense
Ex: I used to live here
C) Sometimes it can replace the present tense to express a tactful, polite, polite and consultative tone
Ex: would you mind my sitting here
Could you pass me the pen?
be careful:
A) Pay attention to the collocation of time adverbials. Generally, the time adverbials of the past tense should be words or phrases expressing a certain time in the past, such as yesterday, last month, in 1999, two days ago, etc. they should not be used with recently, in the past 10 years, this month, etc. because these time adverbials are related to the present, they should be used in the present perfect or the general present tense, By the second day of junior high school, it will be a test center. It can't be avoided, almost every time
B) The negative form and the interrogative form of used to do are very special: you can write correctly. Take the negative form as an example: used not to do, didn't used to do, didn't use to do
6. Had done
Usage: it refers to the action or existing state that has happened before a certain time or action in the past. It is often said that it refers to the past action or state
Draw a time axis, past complete general past general present
2) Note: the logical relationship of "past" is often reflected by context, not necessarily limited by a time adverbial
ex: There had been some one in our room just now, because I noticed a burning cigarette end on the floor when we opened the front door.
Would / should do (would / should do) means to see what will happen at a certain time in the past
I should see my friend the next day
8. Was / were doing
A) The action that happened at a specific time in the past
ex: I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.
B) If one of the main and subordinate sentences guided by time adverbials such as when and while is the simple past tense, the other sentence is usually the past continuous tense
ex: I was washing my hair when you knocked at the front door.
9. General future tense
A) The basic structure is will / shall do
B) Some verbs, such as: arrive, be close, come, do, done, go, have, leave, open, play, return, sleep, start, stay, etc., are used in the general continuous tense, and they are usually used with a time adverbial indicating the future time, which can indicate the future tense, In junior high school, I have hardly seen sleep used in this way. Leave, come and arrive are also common
ex: My mother is coming to visit me next week and is staying here until May.
C) Ex: I was about to speak when you interrupted me
D) There are five usages of "be to do":
a) According to the plan, arrangement, about to happen or intend to do something
She is to be seen in the lab on Monday
b) What should or shouldn't be done (in tone close to should, must, ought to, have to) indicates a kind of imperative and persuasive tone
You are to go to bed and keep quiet, kids. Our guests are arriving in less than 5 minutes
c) Can or can't happen
How am I to pay such a debt
d) What will inevitably happen will happen later