English translation You can go almost anywhere in the city by bus

English translation You can go almost anywhere in the city by bus

You can almost get to any place in this city by bus.or You are taken to any place by bus in this city.
English translation
Be as authentic as possible,
China's economy, an advancing aircraft carrier, has no fear in the face of the global financial storm
It's automatic at first sight···
Facing the economic crisis crashing the world, child economy, which likes a aircraft carrier that keeps moving forward, is hardly to go through the sea
On the singular and plural of predicate verbs
1、How and why Jack came to china is unkown.
2、What I say and think are no of your business.
Why is the first is and the second is no
What I want to ask is why the predicate of the first sentence is is is and the predicate of the second sentence is are
The first sentence refers to an accident
The second sentence refers to two accidents
Although all the subject clauses are connected by and, we can judge whether they refer to one thing or two things according to the meaning
No, I don't understand, but thank you very much_ ∩)O~
Given that 13 ≤ a ≤ 1, if f (x) = ax2-2x + 1 in the interval [1,3], the maximum value is m (a), and the minimum value is n (a), let g (a) = m (a) - n (a), find the functional expression of G (a)
The symmetry axis of F (x) = ax2-2x + 1 is x = 1a, ∵ 13 ≤ a ≤ 1, ∵ 1 ≤ 1a ≤ 3, ∵ f (x) on [1,3], n (a) = f (1a) = 1-1a. ∵ f (x) = ax2-2x + 1 on interval [1,3], the maximum value is m (a), the minimum value is n (a), ∵ ① when 1 ≤ 1a ≤ 2, i.e. 12 ≤ a ≤ 1, m (a) = f (a)