On the singular and plural in English grammar however,rumours can trigger people's curiosity.so They were never stopped

On the singular and plural in English grammar however,rumours can trigger people's curiosity.so They were never stopped

Hello, the "they were" here is a grammatical error, it should be changed to "they were"
Baidu education team [Haina Baichuan group] answers for you
Hello, the "they were" here is a grammatical error, it should be changed to "they were"
Baidu education team [Haina Baichuan group] answers for you
It's kind of me
They refer to rumours. Rumours is an uncountable noun. The predicate verb must be singular
But they are all plural.
Dizzy, dizzy, really dizzy.
The subject is plural
We should take the subject as a whole, so we use the singular form.
Why let x ≥ 0 be the set of function values of quadratic function y = x-4?
Because x can't be less than 0
Why can X be equal to 0
How to use the singular and plural in English grammar
Pro, it depends on what sentence pattern you use, such as this / that is a + countable noun singular, but if it is these / those are + countable noun plural, in short, specific sentence pattern analysis
It depends on how the sentence is written
There is a desk. There are three desks
We should distinguish the singular and plural predicate from the singular and plural noun. To learn it well, there are two steps. First, we should learn how to form plural, and then we should make clear the consistency of subject and predicate (especially those special structures)
1. Given the function y = f (x), X ∈ [a, b], then the number of elements in the set {(x, y) | y = f (x), X ∈ [a, b]} {(x, y) | x = 2} is
2. Given that the odd function f (x) defined on R satisfies f (x + 2) = - f (x), then f (6)=
3. The odd function f (x) decreases monotonically on (- infinity, 0), f (2) = 0, and the solution set of inequality (x-1) f (x-1) > 0 is
4. It is known that the function y = f (x) is an even function defined on R. when x < 0, f (x) is monotonically increasing, then the solution set of the inequality f (x + 1) > F (1-2x) is
5. If f (x) is an odd function on R and an increasing function in (0, + infinity), and f (- 3) = 0, then the solution set of (x-1) f (x) < 0 is
6. Let f (x) be an odd function on (negative infinity, positive infinity), f (x + 2) = - f (x), if 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, f (x) = x, then f (7.5) =
7. If the function y = f (x) defined on (0, positive infinity) satisfies f (XY) = f (x) + F (y), f (1 / 3) = 1 and x > 1, f (x) < 0
(1) It is proved that y = f (x) is a monotone decreasing function on (0, positive infinity)
(2) If f (x) + F (2 / 3-x) ≤ 2, find the value of X
1. If 2 is not between the interval [a, b], then the number is 0, if 2 is between the interval [a, b], then the number is 1.2. Because it is an odd function, then f (0) = 0, f (6) = - f (4) = f (2) = - f (0) = 0.3. F (x) is an odd function, symmetric about the origin, so f (x) = - f (- x), so f (- 2) = - f (2) = 0
How to teach students the singular and plural of English grammar nouns,
How to teach pupils to learn? Take an example
But how to teach pupils to learn? For example
Let f (x), X ∈ F, set a = {(x, y) | y = f (x), X ∈ f}, B = {(x, y) | x = 1}, ask a ∩ B the number of elements contained in several possibilities, why?
The first possibility: if 1 does not belong to F, then x in set a cannot be 1 in any case, so a and B intersect as empty sets;
The second possibility: 1 belongs to F. at this time, only (1, f (1)) elements in set a may belong to set B at the same time. Note that in the case of x = 1, y in set B can take any value, so f (1) can also be taken. So (1, f (1)) must belong to B at the same time. So in this case, there is one element in the intersection of a and B
English grammar problems: singular, plural, simple and triple forms
And more ironically, the US, which keeps trying to assimilate minorities in a barbaric way, never ceases to point fingers at China, spouting how the government has "violated" the rights of ethnic minorities.
Is it right to use the simple three form after never? Is it not the prototype after the negative sentence?
Barack Obama being elected as the president has reflected that there are now no public areas still labeled "whites only" in the US.
There is now no public areas, right?
All the above sentences are from the Global Times website
Although it is a negative sentence, it has no auxiliary verb don't or doesn't, so it should be followed by three simple forms
There are now no public areas is a plural be verb
I'm using magic cube work artifact recently. I'm waiting for Xueba to answer all the questions that I don't know. The answer speed is pretty good. You can also search Baidu, and you can download it
Given the function f (x) = λ· 2x-4x, the domain of definition is [1,3]. (1) if λ = 6, find the range of function f (x); (2) if function f (x) is an increasing function in the interval [1,3], find the range of real number λ
(1) Let y = - T2 + 6T = - (T-3) 2 + 9, 2 ≤ t ≤ 8  t = 3 when t = 2x, ∵ x ∈ [1,3], t ∈ [2,8] λ = 6, i.e. when x = log23, y takes the maximum value of 9; when t = 8, i.e. x = 3, y takes the minimum value of - 16, the value range of function f (x) is [- 16,9]; (2) from the meaning of the question, f '(x) = λ 2x · ln2-4x · ln4 ≥ 0 is constant on [1,3], i.e. λ ≥ 2X + 1 is constant on [1,3]; λ ≥ 16
English grammar, on the singular and plural directions
Can we use the family or the families when we treat the family as a family member?
The family are all listening to the speech of the president?
When a family is treated as a family member, the family can be used to refer to the whole family, not the families
The family are all listening to the speech of the president
Family is a collective noun without the form of families. When viewed as a whole or as an individual, it changes to be verbs, such as my family is large.
My family are all early risers.
The sentence you wrote is correct. When it means individual member, the verb be should change to be. Ha ha, there are families. You haven't seen them before
Family is a collective noun without the form of families. When viewed as a whole or as an individual, it changes to be verbs, such as my family is large.
My family are all early risers.
The sentence you wrote is correct. When it means individual member, the verb be should change to be. Follow up: ha ha, there are families that you haven't seen before
Given the function f (x) = a ^ (2x ^ 2-1), G (x) = a ^ (x ^ 2) (a > 0, and a ≠ 1), when x takes what value, f (x) > G (x)? Please have a clear process,
When a > 1, f (x) > G (x) = > 2x ^ 2-1 > x ^ 2 = > x ^ 2 > 1 = > x1
When 02x ^ 2-1x ^ 2-1