English translation 15. Be careful 16.lead to In the way of Different from 19. Distance education

English translation 15. Be careful 16.lead to In the way of Different from 19. Distance education

in the terms of
be different from
teleducation;distance education; long-distance education
15.look out careful be careful take care
Lead to; lead to
Cause, cause
17。 With... The way
18And... different be different from
19Distance education
15 carefully
16.lead to
17 as... the way
18 be different from
19.the distance education
be careful
lead to
in.... (adj)way
differ from....
15: be careful
16: Lead to; lead to
17: in the manner of
18: be different from
19: Distance education or remote education
15. Watch out
16. Cause
17. in a way of
18. different from
19. remote education
English translation
1.A loveable loser
2.To make end meet
3.A huge mansion
4.To be in the public eye
5.To make it really big
6.To strand out from the crowd
7.A crowd puller
8.An overnight sensation
9.A burning ambition
12.Big belly laugh
13.full of himself
1. A lovable loser
2. To make end meet
3. A luxury mansion
4. To be in the public eye
5. To make it really big
6. To strand out from the crowd
7. A crowd puller
8. An overnight sensation
9. A burning ambition
Possessive, possessive
Sour faced
12. Big belly laugh
13. Full of himself
1. A pleasant loser
2. Make an end meeting
3. A huge mansion
4. Public familiarity
Make it really big
6. Stranded from the crowd
7. Crowd hat maker
8. Overnight feeling
9. Burning ambition
10. Possessiveness
11. Fermentation surface
12. Big belly laugh
13. Make full use of himself
1. A lovely lost person
It's a huge building. It's staring at the public. It's really big. It's going out from the public. It's going to the beach. It's something that attracts people. It's a feeling overnight. It's a passionate wish. It's owned. It's a big laugh. It's just thinking about yourself
A lovable loser
To make ends meet
A large mansion
4. To be in the public eye
5. To make it really big
A lovable loser
To make ends meet
A large mansion
4. To be in the public eye
To make it really big
6. To strand out from the crowd
7. A crowd puller
8. An overnight sensation
A burning ambition
Possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive possessive
11. Sour faced
12. Big Belle laugh's exaggerated smile
13. Full of himself
Should be like this, for reference only, if there are errors please correct ~! ~~Put it away
Let a > 0, f (x) = e Λ X / A + A / E Λ x satisfy f (- x) = f (x) on R. (1) find the value of a; (2) prove that f (x) is an increasing function on (0, + ∞)
(1) F (x) = (1 / a) e ^ x + AE ^ (- x) -- - ① f (- x) = (1 / a) e ^ (- x) + a (e ^ x) -- - ② because f (- x) = f (x), we get (1 / a) [e ^ x-e ^ (- x)] - a [e ^ x-e ^ (- x)] = [e ^ x-e ^ (- x)] (1 / A-A) = 0, because e ^ x-e ^ (- x) ≠ 0, so 1 / A-A = 0, a > 0, so a = 1  f (...)
On the change of the singular and plural of English nouns
There are thirteen ways to change the singular and plural of English nouns. One question for each type. Choose / fill in the blanks,
1.The boys are catching ____ .
A.butterfly B.butterflies C.butterflys
2.____ Most of the balls are round
3.We have got 4 ____ in the morning.
A.class B.classs C.classes
4. Religious believers (believers) of course go to the______ .
A. Church b.church c.church D.A Church
5.There are a lot of ____ On the grassland
A.sheep B.sheeps C.sheepes
6.Lots of ___ have their own cars.
A.person B.peoples C.persons
To be continued
If f (x) = (EX-1) / (ex + 1), it is proved that f (x) is an increasing function in the interval (0, + ∞)
F (x) = (EX-1) / (ex + 1) = (e ^ x + 1-2) / (e ^ x + 1) = 1-2 / (e ^ x + 1) let x2 & gt; X1 & gt; 0, then f (x2) - f (x1) = [1-2 / (e ^ x2 + 1)] - [1-2 / (e ^ X1 + 1)] = - 2 / (e ^ x2 + 1) + 2 / (e ^ X1 + 1) = so the function f (x) is an increasing function in the interval (0, + ∞)
What is the form of the predicate when one and a half + plural noun?
A passing friend to help, thank you
Use the plural, for example
One and a half students
Let a > 0, f (x) = e ^ X / A + A / e ^ X be the even function on R, 1, the value of a 2 prove that f (x) is an increasing function on (0,)
F (x) = f (- x), then (e ^ x) / A + A / (e ^ x) = e ^ (- x) / A + A / [(e ^ (- x))] (e ^ x) / A + A / (e ^ x) = 1 / (AE ^ x) + AE ^ x, that is, (e ^ x) (1 / A-A) + (A-1 / a) / (e ^ x) = 0 (A-1 / a) [1 / (e ^ x) - e ^ x] = 0. Because of the arbitrariness of X, only A-1 / a = 0, that is, a ^ 2-1 = 0, from a > 0, so a = 1
On the singular and plural of predicate verbs
Here ______ Some money and a pure?
Is it the principle of proximity? If it is the principle of proximity, what is the use of the principle of proximity?
In the sentence patterns of there be and here be, when there are two parts of nouns connected with and after the copula, the proper form of be is the noun next to the copula be
It is known that f (x) is an even function and G (x) is an odd function. If f (x) + G (x) = 1 / (x-1), we can find f (x) and G (x)
Because f (x) is an even function = = > F (- x) = f (x), because g (x) is an odd function = = > G (- x) = - G (x) f (x) + G (x) = 1 / (x-1) so that x is equal to - x, so = = = > F (- x) + G (- x) = 1 / (- x-1) = = = > F (x) - G (x) = 1 / (- x-1), the solution is f (x) = 1 / [(x-1) (x + 1)] g (x) = x / [(x-1) (x + 1)]
English singular and plural
Try not to make any - .
Noise or noises why?
Is any followed by plural
Because noise is an uncountable noun, there is no plural
If any is a negative some, it can be followed by a plural,
If any stands for any, it is followed by an odd number
But if it's uncountable, it's uncountable