Words and phrases that can be translated into English?

Words and phrases that can be translated into English?

Now that is the most appropriate English to reflect Chinese
Since man has done so much damage, it is up to put the matters right, As he had plenty of money, he was able to help the poor
Since now that
As there is no bus, we will have to walk。
English translation
1. Why not do something 2. Have fun 3. Someone takes some time to do something 4. Stay away 5. Someone, one day 6. Write to me 7. Until... 8. In order to 9. Quantity 10. From 11.12. Trapped by sandstorm 13. Provide something for someone 14. Lead... To 15. Use your mind 16. Get an opportunity to do something 17. Someone in Shanghai 18. Close to... 19. Extinguish 20. Fool someone 21. Divide... Into 22. Keep quiet
1.why don't you do sth.2.enjoy yourself 3. sb.spends some time in doing sth.4.get away from
5.one day,someone 6.write an letter to me 7.not```until```8.in order to 9.the number of
10.come/be from 11.the answers to these questions 12.be stuck by sand storm 13.offer sth.to sb.14.bring```to``` 15.use oen's mind 16.get the chance to do sth.18.be close to 19.put out 20.fool sb.21.devite sth.into sth.22.keep quiet
Landlord, these are all played by myself, one by one, but I don't understand the 17 questions. Does "someone in Shanghai himself" mean someone in Shanghai? sb.in I am an English major,
why don’t to do sth
have a good time
why dont do this thing
Two future tenses, two past tenses, two ordinary present tenses and one present continuous tense
My family there are five people in my family, my father, my mother, my younger brother, my younger sister and I.We live together happily
What is the condition that the limit of a function of one variable exists at a certain point?
If the limit of a function of one variable exists at a certain point, the function may not be continuous at that point;
If the function is continuous at a certain point, there must be a limit at that point;
So it is necessary and not sufficient condition
Make sentences with the simple present tense, the present progressive tense, the past tense, the future tense and the passive voice
Don't use simple sentences, sentences should be longer, just two
Thank you
Jack likes swimming
It's raining
We felt happy after the visit
I'm going to Beijing
I was deeply moved by what I saw
He works hard and always wins the first place in the exams
They are constantly making the same mistake
I have't seen him since I left my home
Look at th
He works hard and always wins the first place in the exams
They are constantly making the same mistake
I have't seen him since I left my home
Look at the cloud. It looks as if it is going to rain
I didn't expect that I would be asked to speak in the meeting
Are there any functions with everywhere limit but everywhere discontinuity
The limit of a function that is equal to 1 / P at rational x = q / P and 0 at irrational x is 0 everywhere, but it is discontinuous at rational point. This example for reference does not necessarily meet your requirements
The general present tense, the present continuous tense, the general past tense, the general future tense and the present perfect tense
Who will. Teach me. Answer the whole will give points
I want the formula
It's a new concept
That's all the tenses we learned before lesson 86 in new concept 1
Subject + (don't / doesn't) + v-prototype + sentence
Subject + be (not) + v-ing + sentence
Subject + (didn't) past tense + sentence
Subject + will / shall (not) + v-prototype + sentence
Subject + have / has (not) + past participle + sentence
The question sentence is to advance the auxiliary verb in it
It's a simple present subject + is / AM / are + predicative... Subject + is / AM / are + not... ; / AM / are + subject + predicative...?
I / you / we / they + action verb.... I / you / we / they + don't + action verb prototype.... Do + I / you / we / they + action verb.... ?
How to judge the existence and nonexistence of function limit?
If the left limit and the right limit of a function are equal at a certain point, then the function limit exists and is the left and right limit. If the left and right limits are not the same or do not exist, then the function limit does not exist at that point. Whether the function limit exists or not has nothing to do with the function value at that point
The present continuous passive voice, the general past passive voice, the general present passive voice
Three examples are given respectively
The past participle of the present continuous passive voice AM / is / are + being + transitive verb
Uncle Wang is mending my bike now.→
My bike is being repaired by Tom now.
They are planting trees over there.→
Trees are being planted over there by them.
The subject is the receiver of the thing
The past participle of the general past passive voice was / were + transitive verb
A new shop was built last year.
Dinosaur eggs were laid long long ago.
It happened in the past
The past participle of is / AM / are + transitive verb
Our classroom is cleaned everyday.
I am asked to study hard.
Knives are used for cutting things.
The most common thing that happens now
I hope I can help
I am being asked to answer the question now
I am now being asked to answer questions
I was asked to answer the question last week
I was asked to answer questions last week
I am asked to answer the question now
I was asked to answer questions
Ha ha ha, it's just for me to answer your question..
A road is being built here now.
A road was being built here last month.
A road is built here now.
How to judge the existence of limit for piecewise function
A given function domain is divided into finite intervals. If the mathematical expressions representing the corresponding rules are the same in each interval, but the function values at the common endpoints of each interval are defined separately; or if the mathematical expressions representing the corresponding rules are not exactly the same in each interval, such a function is called a piecewise function, The common end point of segment interval is called dividing point