English translation sit on that pile of newspapers ask me to write a composition on newspapers soon after the term started some Grade Eight students at Mayfield School publish a newspaper hold a meeting elect Joyce to be the chief editor ought to elect a secretary ask for suggestions have experience start taking notes

English translation sit on that pile of newspapers ask me to write a composition on newspapers soon after the term started some Grade Eight students at Mayfield School publish a newspaper hold a meeting elect Joyce to be the chief editor ought to elect a secretary ask for suggestions have experience start taking notes

Sit on that pile of newspapers
Ask me to write a composition on newspapers
Soon after the term started
Some grade eight students at Mayfield school
Publish a newspaper
Hold a meeting
Elect Joyce to be the chief editor
You should elect a secretary
Ask for suggestions
Have experience
Start taking notes
Sitting on that pile of newspapers
Please give me an article about the newspaper
Not long after the term began
Some eighth graders at the American and Philippine schools
Publish a newspaper
Hold a meeting
Joyce was elected editor in chief
You should choose a secretary
Request for advice
Start taking notes
Sitting in that pile of newspapers
Let me write a composition in the newspaper
Soon after the term began
Some eighth graders are at Mayfield school
Publishing newspapers
Hold a meeting
Joyce was elected editor in chief
A secretary should be chosen
offer a proposal
Start taking notes
English translation
Marketing Director
General manager of international trade company
Doctor of Engineering
Be sure to translate correctly and make business cards
Marketing Director = sales and Marketing Supervisor / Manager / Office / Supervisor see where you use it
The business card should be short and easy to print
Marketing & Sales Director
Managing Director, Int'l Trading
Marketing &Sales Director
General Maneger of International Trading Company
ENN D Doctor of Engineering
My translation is for reference
Both + uncountable noun and + uncountable noun +
Plural, because there is a predicate after it, so it connects two subjects. Although it is uncountable, the predicate has to use plural form
Let a = {3,10}, B = {1,8}. For any x ∈ a, X → ax + B denotes the function from set a to set B, and the values of real numbers a and B are obtained
Because x belongs to a, when x is equal to 3, 3A + B = 1, 10a + B = 8, a = 1, B = - 2 or 3A + B = 8, 10a + B = 1, a = - 1, B = 11
Why should both be changed in a negative sentence? What about the singular or plural predicate?
A = {3,10} B = {1,8} for any x belonging to a, X -- ax + B means to find the value of real number a B from the function from set a to set B
There are only four answers
When x = 3, 3-3a + B = 1 or 8
Let (1) B-3A = - 2 or 5
When x = 10, 10-10a + B = 1 or 8
Let (2) b-10a = - 9 or - 2
If the two types are combined, then
(1) When formula = - 2, (2) formula = - 9, a = 1, B = 1
(1) When formula = - 2, (2) formula = - 2, a = 0, B = - 2
(1) When equation = 5 and (2) equation = - 9, a = 2, B = 11
(1) When equation = 5 and (2) equation = - 2, a = 1, B = 1
There are four answers, but only three
The singular and plural forms of predicate verbs
It ( ) Jane and Mary who helped me the other day.
A.was B.were
This is an emphasis sentence structure
It is / was + emphasized part + that + other parts of the sentence
Eg Jane and Mary helped me
It was Jane and Mary who helped me
Your answer should be yes
We can only use is or was
It's been who ……
Because it is
The function f (x) = x2 + ax + B, a, B ∈ R, and a = {x | x = f (x)}, B = {x | x = f [f (x)]}
Let f (x) = x2 + ax + B, a, B ∈ R, and a = {x | x = f (x)}, B = {x | x = f [f (x)]}
(1) Verification: A, B;
(2) If a = {- 1,3}, find set B
A={x| x=f(x)}, B={x| x=f(f(x))}
x ∈ A
=> x = f(x)
=> f(x) = f(f(x))
=> x = f(f(x)) ( x= f(x))
=> x ∈ B
=> A is subset of B
x= x^+ax+b
sum of roots
-(a-1) = 2
a = -1
product of roots
=> f(x) = x^2-x-3
f(f(x)) = (x^2-x-3)^2 -(x^2-x-3) -3 = x
(x^2-x)^2-6(x^2-x) + 9 - x^2=0
x = -1 or 3 or -√3 or √3
B = {-1 , 3 , -√3 , √3}
What are the singular and plural forms of predicate verbs, for example?
The singular and plural forms of the predicate are for the subject. For example, the subject of the word "have" is plural. For example, we use "have" when the subject is plural and "has" when the subject is singular. If it is "turn", the plural uses the prototype "turn" and the singular uses "turns", It depends on memory
Function f (x) = (x2 + 2x-3) / (x-1) (x > 1) ax + 1 (x)
The function is continuous at x = 1
Then LIM (x → 1 +) (x ^ 2 + 2x-3) / (x-1) = a * 1 + 1 = a + 1