Help translate several English phrases into English Quiet Please. No food is allowed No music No schoolbags, No smoking, Return the book on time

Help translate several English phrases into English Quiet Please. No food is allowed No music No schoolbags, No smoking, Return the book on time

Keep silence
No eating allowed
No music listening allowed
Bags are not permitted inside
No smoking allowed
Please return books on time
keep quiet NO eating NO listening to the music NO entering with backpack NO smoking Return book on time
Keep quiet!
No eating!
No listening to music!
No carrying of bags!
No smoking!
Return books on time!
Keep quiet
Don't eating food
Don't listening to music
Don't taking de school bag into
NO smorking
Books on right time
(write by yourself. No tools)
English translation
come back from school
have a big dinner
Come back from school have a big dinner
Hope to help you!
Come back from school
Have a big dinner
English translation
1 absolution, forgiveness, 2 self-confidence, 3 shyness, 4 permission, 5 make up, 6 make up, 6 serve the people, 7 share information with ····· 8 execute instructions, 9 in development, 10 focus, 11 pairs of ··· work, 12 calmly, 13 containers
1 forgiveness forgiveness,2 confident3 shy4 permission to do5 complement to make up for,6 to serve the people7 and · · · sharing information8 the instruction execution9 in developing10 attention11 ...
If f (x) is odd, G (x) is even, and f (x) - G (x) = 1 / x + 1, then f (x)=_ ,g(x)=_
Because f (x) is odd and G (x) is even, f (- x) = - f (x), G (- x) = g (x)
Because f (x) - G (x) = 1 / x + 1, 1
So f (- x) - G (- x) = - 1 / x + 1 = - f (x) - G (x) 2
① (2) f (x) = 1 / x, G (x) = - 1
The subtraction is exactly 1 / x + 1
The word plus is used in a sentence. Is the predicate verb singular or plural?
This is the original sentence that I excerpted from Bo Bing grammar book (high school edition)
P258 five plus two equals seven. The predicate here is in the singular form, but in Chapter 14 of p199, the subject and the predicate are consistent. 12. When the phrase expressing the calculation relationship is used as the subject, the predicate is used in the singular form, but when it is used for addition, if plus is used, the predicate is in the plural
Three plus two are five
PS: hehe, I think I read too seriously and found something I didn't understand
It's plural
Is f (x) = the third power of X + X an odd or even function
So it's an odd function
An odd function is f (- x) = - f (x) symmetric about the origin
Even functions are f (- x) = f (x) symmetric about the Y axis
So it's an odd function
Is the predicate verb after both he and I singular or plural?
For example, both he and I_ (be) teachers. What should I fill in the brackets? I've read other people's answers=
Both he and I are(be)teachers
1. Both... And... Are plural
2. Either ··· or ·· the predicate verb is singular. If the second one is either he or I, the predicate is am
3. Neither... Nor... Is the same as either or
It's the plural
We use "are" because "both" here means two people, followed by the plural of the predicate
It's plural~~
Both ~ ~ ~ and connect two subjects. The predicate should be plural
Use the plural are
Both means two, so it's two
Use are ~ ~ because you need to use the plural after both, regardless of the principle of proximity
There should be something wrong with me... Believe me...
Both means two together, in the plural
The principle of proximity should be adopted
Let f (x) = x2 + ax (x ≤ 1) x + B (x > 1). If the function is differentiable on the real number set R, the values of real numbers a and B and the minimum value of the function are obtained
According to the meaning of F '(1) = 2 + a = 1, limx → 1 + F (x) = f (1) = 1 + A, ∧ a = b = - 1, ∧ f (x) = x2 − x (x ≤ 1) x − 1 (x > 1), when x > 1, f (x) > 0, when x ≤ 1, f (x) = x2-x = (X-12) 2-14 ≥ - 14, ∧ the minimum value of the function is f (12) = - 14
Is the predicate verb of both... And... Singular or plural?
I've always been vague about this issue. I hope the expert can give me some advice!
The plural both and both Mr.Parmenter and Mr.Robbins Both parmont and Mr. Robbins live in the United States Mr.Sans and Prof.Mei were fairly sanguine about the future of ...
Plural. Because it refers to both.
It means "both... And" And Not only And "Since Again... " When connecting two components as subjects, the predicate should be plural
Both she and Sophia were please with the girl
Both my father and my uncle are teachers
Given the function f (x) = X2, the set a = {x | f (x + 1) = ax, X ∈ r}, and a ∪ R + = R +, then the value range of real number a is ()
A. (0,+∞)B. (2,+∞)C. [4,+∞)D. (-∞,0)∪[4,+∞)
∫ a ∪ R + = R +, a ⊂ R +, that is, X in set a must be greater than 0 and ∫ f (x) = x2 ≥ 0 ∪ ax ≥ 0 ⊂ a > 0, so select a