How do you say this phrase in English Write down

How do you say this phrase in English Write down

write down
How to say "will" in English? It's a phrase
be going to do
be about to do
be to do
will do
The solution of function limit
Using function continuity: Lim f (x) = f (a) x - > A
(that is to directly take the trend value out of the function's independent variable. In this case, the denominator must not be 0.)
② Identical deformation
Factorization, etc
③ Through the known limit
In particular, two important limits need to be kept in mind
The general present tense and the past tense, the general future tense and the past future tense, the present continuous tense and the past continuous tense, the present perfect tense and the past perfect tense
Be sure to be more accurate
I was doing my home work at 9 p.m. last Sunday. 2. When an action is in progress, another action is in progress at the same time
It is proved that the function y = xcosx is unbounded in (0, + infinity), but when x → + infinity, this function is not infinite. The trouble will be solved in detail
For the convenience of input, n is used to represent the PI
When k - > + infinity, X - > + infinity
But in this case, xcosx = 2Kn * cos2kn = 2Kn is unbounded, that is, xcosx has an unbounded subline, so xcos is unbounded
Let x = 2Kn + n / 2, then xcosx = 0 when k - > + is infinite, that is, xcosx has a subsequence that is not infinite, so it does not approach infinity
No, because the value of cosx is between - 1 and 1, the value of xcosx fluctuates constantly. When X - > + infinity, it fluctuates between positive and negative infinity.
When x = 2K π, K ∈ n +, y = 2K π,
The function y = xcosx is unbounded in (0, + ∞).
When x = (K + 1 / 2) π, y = 0,
When x → + ∞, the function is not infinite.
The basic sentence patterns of the five tenses: the general present tense, the general past tense, the general future tense, the present progressive tense and the present perfect tense
Thank you in advance
future perfect
The future perfect tense is used to indicate an action that has been completed or has been continued before a certain time in the future. It is often used with before + future time or by + future time, and it can also be used with the present tense clause guided by before or by the time
1) Will / be going to do sth
2) Concept
a. State completion: the state in which something continues until a certain time in the future
b. Action completion: refers to the action or experience that has been completed before a certain future action or another future action
They will have been married for 20 years by then.
You will have reached Shanghai by this time tomorrow.
Composition of future perfect tense
The future perfect tense is composed of "shall / will + have + past participle"
Before long he will have forgotten all about the matter.
He will soon forget it all
He is somebody now.He will not have remembered his old classmates.
He is a man of status now. He may not remember his old classmates
Will you have known Kevin for 10 years next month?
You'll have known Kevin for 10 years by next month, right?
The usage of the future perfect
① It indicates the action completed before a certain time in the future, and often has an impact on a certain time in the future
We shall have learned 12 units by the end of this term.
By the end of this semester, we will have finished 12 units
By the time you get home I will have cleaned the house from top to bottom.
I'll clean the house thoroughly before you get home
② It is a conjecture, equivalent to "must have done" structure
You will have heard of this,I guess.
I think you've heard about it
I am sure he will have got the information.
I believe he must have got the information
It is proved that when x →∞, f (x) = xcosx is unbounded, not infinite
Please give the process
First, there is no m > 0
Make | xcosx | 0
There is always P > 0 when 0
1) Infinity is a variable whose limit is infinity, but f (x) = xcosx when x →∞, there is no limit.
Take two sequences
x= (2n+1/2)π n=0 1 2... f(x)=0
x= 2nπ n=0 1 2... f(x)→∞
2) Suppose f (x) is bounded, that is, there exists a constant M (M > 0) which satisfies that any X has - M
Make sentences with five tenses of watch: the simple present tense, the simple past tense, the simple future tense, the present continuous tense and the past continuous tense
The best translation, thank you
I often watch TV in the evening
They watched a football match yesterday
We will watch a basketball match tomorrow
4. Now my mother is watching a romantic movie
When my mother arrived home yesterday, I was watching TV
I'm watching TV now
I watched TV just now
I watch TV this moring
The others haven't been learned yet
What is a periodic function?
For the function y = f (x), if there is a non-zero constant t such that when x takes every value in the domain, f (x + T) = f (x) holds, then the function y = f (x) is called a periodic function, and the non-zero constant T is called the period of the function. In fact, any constant KT (K ∈ Z and K ≠ 0) is its period
General present tense, general past tense, general future tense, present continuous tense, past continuous tense, present perfect tense and past perfect tense
Some common tenses are as follows:
In the present tense, am / is / are + past participle
In the past tense, was was + past participle
Will be + past participant
It's a little more complicated to finish,
Have + be + past participant
Had + been + past participant
Will have been + past participant
It's rare to use the passive voice in the progressive
To sum up the rules, it is to add the corresponding form of be verb before the past participle in different tenses (the characteristics of tense are shown in be verb, while the past participle does not change in different tenses)
In addition, the past participle has two functions: one is used in the passive voice, the other is to help form the perfect tense