Is it better to use a glass of coffee or a cup of coffee?

Is it better to use a glass of coffee or a cup of coffee?

The most authentic is a cup of coffee. Because cup means small tea cup and glass is glass cup. Coffee is usually made from tea cup
A cup of coffee is a typical and common one
Because foreign countries usually use porcelain cups to drink coffee instead of glass cups.
a cup of coffee
A cup of coffee, Westerners all have mugs to hold coffee, rarely use glasses, basically not
I think it's better to use a cup of coffee, because glass has the meaning of glass, while coffee cups are usually porcelain.
A cup of coffee is better.
The difference between a bar / bottle / cup / loaf / bag / glass of
A bar of chocolate. A bar of chocolate
A bottle of
A cup of tea
A loaf of bread
A glass of glass
6. A kilo of 7, a cup of 8, a glass of 911, a bar of one, a piece of 12, a loaf of one, one, one A
A bar of chocolate. A bar of chocolate
A bottle of
A cup of tea
A loaf of bread
A glass of glass
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Can only non continuous verbs use the present continuous tense to express the meaning of the general future tense
If so
If I say he is going to Shanghai
In my opinion, there is no definite stipulation in grammar about which verb can express the meaning of the general future tense. To investigate, we should strictly define what is a continuous verb and what is a non continuous verb. Many words are ambiguous
One problem of periodic function
If the period of function f (x) is 3, then the period of F (2x + 1) is 3_______
How to do it?
If the period of function y = f (x) is 3, then f (x + 3) = f (x)
For y = f (2x + 1), f (2x + 1 + 3) = f (2x + 1)
If f [2 (x + 3 / 2) + 1] = f (2x + 1)
The period of y = f (2x + 1) is 3 / 2
What are the verbs that use the present continuous tense to express the future tense
The more, the better
The general present tense of the following verbs: come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return indicates the future
The train leaves at six tomorrow morning.
When does the bus star?It stars in ten minutes.
play see
In fact, it's very simple. You don't have to memorize it. There is a theorem that every verb has a consonant letter at the end and a vowel letter before the consonant letter.
leave start fly come go begin
Ask a periodic problem of function
Let f (x) be a function with a period of 2. When x belongs to (1, - 1], f (x) = x ^ 2, then f (2)=
I don't understand if you can explain it in detail
Let f (x) be a function with period 2
So f (x) = f (x + 2)
So f (2) = f (0)
When x belongs to (1, - 1], f (x) = x ^ 2
The present continuous tense of the instant verb expresses the future
For example: come, it is an instant verb, just an instant action, there can be no continuous action
He's coming
He is coming now?
Although come is an instantaneous verb, it can also indicate a state in different tenses. For example, fall is also an instantaneous verb, but it is falling can indicate a state, which is in the process of falling. Therefore, he's coming means a state, which is on the way to come, and has the meaning of coming
It is known that f (x) is an even function with period 2. When x ∈ [0,1], f (x) = X. if in the interval [- 1,3], the equation f (x) = KX + K + 1 (K ∈ R, K ≠ - 1) of X has four roots, then the value range of K is___ .
From the known function f (x) can be drawn image, first draw f (x) on X ∈ [0,1], use the properties of even function to draw the image on X ∈ [- 1,0], and then use the periodicity of function to draw the image on R, the following is the function on x ∈ [- 1,3], as shown in the figure: we can also see that the equation y = KX + K + 1 (K ≠ 1) constant crossing point m (- 1,1) about X is drawn in the figure above Lines l0, L1, L2, obviously, only when these lines passing through the fixed point m (- 1, 1) lie between l0 and L2, such as L1, can they have four intersections with the function f (x). Because the slopes of lines l0 and L2 are K0 = 0 and K2 = - 13 respectively, the value range of K should be: - 13 < K < 0, so the answer is (- 13, 0)
The verbs used in the present continuous tense, the general present tense, the general future tense and the general past tense form the markers
Now, at the moment
Will + be
Will + V will have time in the future
Be going to
Is am are + other
Subject + Verb + every day, of course, always, etc
General past subject + was / were + other
Subject + verb past + other
Present tense
The rules of verb change
(1) Generally, it is directly at the end of the word + s runs like
(2) Verbs ending with s, SH, CH, x, O are at the end of the word + es goes passes
(3) Verbs ending with the consonant + y change y into I + es
study ---studies
(4) Verbs ending with the vowel + y are directly followed by + s stays plays
present progressive
The change rules of present participle
(1) Generally, it is directly at the end of the verb + ing reading
(2) For verbs ending with silent e, remove e + ing live --- living
(3) For verbs that stress the end of a closed syllable and have only one consonant at the end, double write the consonant and add ing
Note: stress the closed syllable: Fu + yuan + Fu, and the vowel is a vowel
(4) Special memory verbs die --- dying lie --- lying tie --- tying
General past tense
The past tense of the verb:
(1) Generally, it is directly at the end of the verb + ed work --- worked
(2) The verb ending with E is at the end of the word + d like live
(3) For verbs that stress the end of a closed syllable and have only one consonant at the end, double write the consonant and add ed stop --- stopped
(4) Verbs ending with the consonant + y change y into I + ed
(5) Special changes (table)
A problem about periodic function
If f (x) > 0 in the interval (negative infinity, positive infinity) and f (x + k) = 1 / F (x) when k is a constant greater than 0, then f (x) in the interval (negative infinity, positive infinity) is?
F (x + 2K) = f [(x + k) + k] = 1 / F (x + k) = f (x), so f (x) is a periodic function;
I don't know why the topic requires "and when k is a constant greater than 0"? Since it is a periodic function, it is OK for non-zero constant K. why the topic requires "and when k is a constant greater than 0"?
I think that K greater than o is redundant, but it is just a supplementary condition of the title ~ because x = any number, then x + k is also equal to any number, what is the value of K
It's just the definition of the title. You're right