English translation 1. Shuttling in space 2. Some new things 3. Free access 4. Whole summer 5. My life 6. Visiting somewhere 7. Works of art 8. Keeping quiet 9. Looking forward to doing something 10. Paying attention to someone / something / doing something

English translation 1. Shuttling in space 2. Some new things 3. Free access 4. Whole summer 5. My life 6. Visiting somewhere 7. Works of art 8. Keeping quiet 9. Looking forward to doing something 10. Paying attention to someone / something / doing something

1, the shuttle in space2, some new things3, free entry4, the summer (2)5, my life (2)6, a place (3)7, works of Art8, keep quiet9, look forward to doing sth10, pay attention to sb / sth / doing sth
English translation
1、heavy rain for a time
2、make paris of
3. We still expect your talk to last an hour
1. A period of heavy rain
2. Make Paris of
3. We hope your conversation can continue for another hour
4 for an hour
It's been raining heavily for some time.
2. Make a pair of
We still want to talk with you for another hour. Last an hour is an hour.
1. The heavy rain lasted for a period of time. 2. This phrase may be wrong, but Paris means Paris. I suggest you see if you remember. 3. We still expect your conversation to last for an hour,
1. Wait for a period of heavy rain
2. I guess it's the wrong number
3. I still hope to talk with you for the last hour
A cup of milk or a glass of milk?
Glass is more accurate
Look at the milk ads are glass, transparent, cool
Cup refers to the cup used for coffee and tea, and glass is the glass
a glass of milk
It depends on what kind of cup you use. Generally speaking, cup is made of materials other than glass, such as coffee cup, tea cup, ceramic or plastic. Glass is the glass. It seems that it is common to drink milk from glass
A glass of milk is more accurate. Cup mainly refers to tea cup. It's best to drink milk with a glass!
Hehe, these two are right, a glass of milk, or a (glass) of milk
A glass of milk is better. If it's tea, it should be a cup of tea
Proof: if f (x) satisfies f (a-x0 = f (x-a), f (b-X) = f (X-B), then f (x) is a periodic function, and the period is 2 (a-b). A ≠ 0, B ≠ 0, a ≠ B
The adverbials of time in the present continuous tense and the general future tense
The adverbial of time used in conjunction with the present continuous tense and the general future tense
present progressive
Now, at the moment, etc
future indefinite
There is no adverbial of time. You can use specific time, such as tomorrow, next year
For the periodic function, please explain the reason in detail,
If the minimum positive period of the function y = f (x) is t, then the minimum positive period of the function y = f (Wx) is t / w (w ≠ 0), please explain the reason
I feel that it is established, but I always feel that my reason is not good enough
The minimum positive period of y = f (x) is t, so f (x + T) = f (x)
So the minimum positive period of = f (Wx) is t / w (w ≠ 0)
1. Y = x-sinx + 3 / cosx-2, find the range 2. Can we get any value of SANA + SINB = √ 2 / 2 cos (a + b)? Yes, what is SANA??? I haven't seen it
Present continuous tense adverbial of time
Now,at,this time,days,etc,look,listen
I typed it myself, not copied it
Find the period of the following function:
This kind of problem does not have process, set formula directly
T = 2 π / | w | (W is the coefficient before x)
(1) Y = 2-cosx is to translate - cosx, so the period is the same as - cosx, that is, t = 2 Π / 1 = 2 Π
The second part of junior high school focuses on Grammar: the meaning of the general present tense, the adverbial of structure and time, the meaning of the present progressive tense, the adverbial of structure and time
General present tense: Meaning: habitual action. Structure: when the subject is the third person singular, the verb uses the third person singular form. When the subject is the first person or the second person plural, the verb uses the original form. Time adverbial: never always of commonly some time
A mathematical function problem, bothered me for a long time!
If f (x) is an even function with a period of 3 over R and f (2) = 0, then the minimum number of solutions of the equation f (x) = O in the interval (0,6) is?
The solution of F (x) = 0 in the interval (0,6)
At least 2 is an even function, so - 2 is, period is 3, so 1 is
2 is the period, 3 is the period, so 5 is the period
1 is 4, so there are at least 1,2,4,5,4 solutions