This is a glass of juice .This is a glass of water. Change to a choice question

This is a glass of juice .This is a glass of water. Change to a choice question

Is this a glass of juice or a glass of water?
This is a glass of juice .This is a glass of water.
The choice question is:
Is this a glass of juice or a glass of water?
For you
Is that a glass of juice or a glass of water?
Hope to adopt!!
May I have a glass of juice ,please?Juice?There is( )left ,but you can have some water.
A.a little one C.nothing D.none
Explain why, especially CD
I'm glad to answer it for you. The correct answer is: May I have a glass of justice, please? Justice? --- there is [none] left, but you can have some water
The boundedness and periodicity of Dirichlet function are discussed
D (x) = 1 when x is a rational number;
D (x) = 0 when x is an irrational number
Obviously 0
When do English verbs use the ing form
The verb ing is used in the following places:
: indicates an action in progress
I'm reading now.
: an action in progress at some time in the past
I was reading at 8:00 this morning.
3. Future continuous tense: an action that will be in progress at some time in the future
I will be reading at 8:00 tomorrow morning.
To change a verb into a noun
Seeing is believing.
Would you mind my opening the window?
It is often used to indicate an active action or an ongoing action
I saw Jim crying yesterday.
They begin running. Generally, they end with ing, e.g. go going, and end with E(
And at the end of IE, change ie into y plus ing, e.g.die (dead) - dyning
It's just a part of it
In general, in the
Add the ending - ing
eg.go – going; do – doing; ask – asking; read --- reading
Special attention: This is not the same as the third person
The ending of a verb changes differently“
+When y "is the same, it is directly followed by - ing – studying;
ing; fly – flying; worry – worrying;
b) After a verb ending in a silent e, remove E and add - ing
eg.come – coming live – living dance – dancing make – making
c) In
After verb, with
A polysyllabic verb at the end, with only one at the end
When you do this, put this
Double write (except x), then add – ing
sit – sitting; run – running; begin – beginning; forget – forgetting
d) After a few verbs ending with - ie: Change - ie to y and add - ing
eg.die – dying; tie – tying lie – lying
It is proved that Dirichlet function is discontinuous everywhere
According to the density of real numbers
There are infinitely many irrational numbers in every field of rational numbers
The more, the better
1. Most verbs directly add - ing at the end of the word, such as: go going, work working, study studying, look looking, do doing, eat eating, play playing, read reading, wash washing, plant planting, borrow boring, pick picking, paint in
Become become become became became becoming
Cut cut cutting
Die dying
Lie lying
Take taking
Ride ride ride
Run ran running
In what way is Dirichlet function expressed?
Dirac delta function is also a generalized function
Dirichlet function:
It can also simply express the form of piecewise function d (x) = 0 (x is irrational) or 1 (x is rational)
Analytical properties
1. Discontinuous everywhere
2. No guidance everywhere
3. Riemann is not integrable in any interval
4. Functions are measurable functions
5. On the unit interval [0,1], Lebesgue is integrable, and the Lebesgue integral value is 0 (and the Lebesgue integral value on any interval & lt; a, B & gt; and on R or even on any measurable subset of R (whether the interval is open or closed and finite or not) is 0)
The explanation of property 5: Although m (R / Q) = + ∞, there is f (x) = 0 on R / Q, which conforms to the integrable condition (in the explanation, q is a set of rational numbers)
&Google search wolfram Dirichlet function, & nbsp; & nbsp; has modified Dirichlet function image
Which verbs are followed by the verb ing form
For example, what are the + ing after "enjoy"? Of course, there are some special ones, such as "look forward to + doing"? In addition, our teacher said "4321.5", which is dedicated to memorizing these verbs, but I forgot, so I also asked!
Avoid practice disliking disgust admit accept representregret acknowledge admit enjoy enjoy escape avoid deny postpone delay resentresentresentresentresent mind miss miss risk risk finish avoid avoid delay delay delay
What is the application of Dirichlet function in real life and what is its practical significance
This function is very special in mathematics, it can overturn many statements, but mathematics is for life, so what is the significance of Dirichlet function to real life
Can we say that Dirichlet function is only useful in pure theory and has no help in real life?
The definition of Dirichlet function on real number is
This is a measurable function which is discontinuous everywhere
Properties of Dirichlet function
1. Defined on the whole number axis
2. Unable to draw image
3. Take any positive rational number as its period (so there is no minimum positive period)
4. There is no limit, discontinuity and derivation everywhere
5. It is not Riemannian integrable on any interval
6. Even function
7. It is Lebesgue integrable on [0,1]
In many cases, just to illustrate some problems
This function is very special. As a counterexample of many things, this function has no limit at any point and is a periodic function with any rational number as a period (rational number added to get rational number, irrational number added to rational number or irrational number). At the same time, this function also has applications in integrals. This function is Riemannian non integrable, but integrable in other integrals
It doesn't make sense --
Dirichlet function is only useful in pure theory, and has no special help for real life
It's Dirichlet function. It's very important. It's widely used in statistics in the future. It mainly studies the change direction of data. It is a very practical convergence function
On the present continuous + ing in English
Why don't you use double P when you use the English word sleep + ing?
The rule is: in the stressed closed syllable, when there is only one consonant at the end and only one vowel before the consonant, double write the consonant
Because there are two vowels before P