Is the data the subject and the predicate singular or plural? The data stored in that computer seened twice as large as _______ In this computer?

Is the data the subject and the predicate singular or plural? The data stored in that computer seened twice as large as _______ In this computer?

the data show that such leaps are unusual.
The data show that this jump does not occur very often
For the worst-off,the data are catastrophic.
For the poor, the data is disastrous
Most CIOs admit that their data are of poor quality.
Most information managers admit that their own data quality is not high
The data are made available for convenience of Contractor.
These data are provided for the convenience of the contractor
Is the predicate after the students each singular or plural
the students each =each of the students?
When each comes after a plural subject, the verbs and their pronouns are still plural: the suits each have their own private offices
In mathematics, the parity of function and the monotonicity of function?
1: If the function y = KX + B is odd, then 3B + 2=________
2: If the function y = x & # 178; + BX + 4 is even, then 5-b=________
3: The function f (x) = x + 2x & # 179; - x to the fifth power is_______ Functions (odd, even, non odd, non even)
4: If f (x) = ax & # 178; + BX + C (a ≠ 0) is even, then G (x) = ax & # 179; + BX & # 178; + CX is even_______
5: It is known that f (x) is an even function on R. if f (- 2) = 5, then f (2)=_______
1. The function y = KX + B is odd, so B = 0, then 3B + 2 = 2
2. Function y = x & # 178; + BX + 4 is even function, B = 0, then 5-b = 5
3. Odd function, because f (- x) = - f (x)
4. The function f (x) = ax & # 178; + BX + C (a ≠ 0) is even, so B = 0, G (x) = ax & # 179; + CX, is odd, because g (- x) = - G (x)
5. F (2) = 5. Because it is even function, f (- x) = f (x)
When a noun ending in o becomes plural, how to judge whether it is an answer with s or es,
Add es to living things, such as potatoes and tomatoes
Add s to inanimate things, such as photos
See if the phonetic sign of O is a vowel. I remember that's how I remember it
There are only four words added with es: hero, Negro, tomato, potato. Just remember that heroes and blacks like tomatoes and potatoes.
In addition, zero plus s or ES can be used.
Let f (x) = 2 ^ X-2 ^ - x, where x belongs to (- 1,1), f (1-m) + F (1-m ^ 2)
(1) F (- x) = 2 ^ (- x) - 2 ^ x = - (2 ^ X - 2 ^ (- x)) = - f (x), odd function f '(x) = 2 ^ xln2 - 2 ^ (- x) (LN2) (- 1) = (2 ^ x + 2 ^ (- x)) LN2 > 0f (x) is an increasing function (2) f (1-m) + F (1-m ^ 2) 0 (M + 2) (m-1) > 0m > 1 or m < - 2 (d) combination (c) (d): 1 < m < √ 2
F (- x) = 2 ^ - X-2 ^ x = - f (x) odd function
x1>x2 f(x1)-f(x2)=2^x1-2^x2-(2^-x1-2^-x2)
2 ^ x1-2 ^ x2 > 0 2 ^ - x1-2 ^ - X2F (x2) increasing function
m> 1 or M
When to add s and when to add es
1. Living general plus es, such as: tomato, potato, hero, Negro
2. There is no life in the general plus s, such as: Radio, zoo, photo
1. Things that end with "O" are added with "es", such as "tomato", "potato", "mangoes" and "hero" followed by "es"
2. "Inanimate" things ending with o are added with s, such as radio, piano and photo followed by - S
3. Some nouns, such as volcano and tobacco, can be plural with - s or - es.
The relationship of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division between odd and even functions?
If the definition is tight, first judge whether the domain is symmetric, otherwise the new function does not have parity
Then, according to the definitions f (- x) = - f (x) and G (- x) = - G (x), it is easy to know
Odd function ± odd function = odd function
Even function ± even function = even function
Odd function × odd function = even function, odd function / odd function = even function
Even function × even function = even function, even function / even function = even function
Odd function × even function = odd function, odd function / even function = odd function, even function / odd function = odd function
And y = 0 is both odd and even
When a noun ending with a consonant letter + y becomes I, then es and proper nouns ending with y are added, or when a noun ending with a vowel letter + y becomes plural, s is added directly to become plural
Baby --- babies consonant letter + y ending change y monkey --- proper noun with y ending, or vowel letter + y how to see an English is consonant letter + y ending or vowel letter + y ending
I don't know much about English just now. Please don't laugh. Can I teach you something
Consonants (1) total number of consonants: B / P / M / F / V / D / T / N / L / g / K / h / T F / F / V / DS / w / Z / T / J / w / DR / TR / R
The vowel a e io u is equivalent to the initial consonant in pinyin.
The rest are consonants.
According to the order of Chinese initials, English consonants are recorded. Chinese initials B, P, m, F, D, t, N, l, G, K, h and English consonants / B /, / P /, / M /, / F /
/ D /, / T /, / N /, / L /, / g /, / K /, / h / are basically the same; Chinese initials J, Q, x, Zh, CH, SH, R, Z, C, s, W are compared with English phonetic symbols / DZ /, / TS /, / S /, / w /, / J /, / w /, / DR /, / TR /, / R / are recorded separately.
2. The expansion of Pinyin B, P, m, f
According to the order of Chinese initials, English consonants are recorded. Chinese initials B, P, m, F, D, t, N, l, G, K, h and English consonants / B /, / P /, / M /, / F /
/ D /, / T /, / N /, / L /, / g /, / K /, / h / are basically the same; Chinese initials J, Q, x, Zh, CH, SH, R, Z, C, s, W are compared with English phonetic symbols / DZ /, / TS /, / S /, / w /, / J /, / w /, / DR /, / TR /, / R / are recorded separately.
2. The pronunciation of Chinese Pinyin B, P, m, f is one / more than English phonetic symbols / B /, / P /, / M /, / F /; J, Q, x, Z, C, s, R is one / I / separated from English phonetic symbols / DF /, / TF /, / F /, / DZ /, / TS /, / S /, / w /, / Z /, / T /. Put it away
On the function parity of the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of odd and even functions
Let f (x) g (x) be even functions
F (- x) + G (- x) = f (x) + G (x), so f (x) + G (x) is even function
Other similar launches
How do nouns ending in X become plural
Plus es
Add es as box, and the complex number is boxes
Some add es, some add s,,,
Plus es
Like box
Its complex number is boxes