The difference between a lot of / a great deal of / a good many

The difference between a lot of / a great deal of / a good many

The first one can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns, the second one only modifies uncountable nouns, and the third one only modifies countable nouns
The first is many
The second is a large number
The third is a lot of (this is not often used, just understand the above two)
What's the difference between a good deal and a good many of?
The difference is that a good deal modifies uncountable nouns, a good many of modifies countable nouns, but a good many of is followed by the pronoun form of nouns, and a good many is the final noun
Find the sum of factorials from 1 to 20
Passed the test,
void main()
{ double sum=0,n=1;
int i;
A number axis, from left to right, is - 1, C, B, 0, 1, a
Simplify | A-B + C|
From the order of the numbers you give on the number axis, we can see that a > 1, C and B are less than 0, and the absolute values of C and B are smaller than 1
So a + C > 0, because B is negative, so - b > 0
So a + C-B > 0, that is A-B + C > 0
So | A-B + C | = A-B + C
How to find the sum of factorials from 1 to 20?
#include "stdio.h"
void main()
int i,n;
long fact=1,sum=0;
Long fact = 1, sum = 0; should be changed to long double fact = 1L, sum = 0l; or fact and sum should be changed to double type;
Long double is a constant double precision type. If your result has 19 digits, long can't do it! Long can have 10 digits at most!
The positions of rational numbers a, B and C on the number axis are shown in the figure. (1) judge the positive and negative, and fill in the blanks with ">" or "<": c-b______ 0,a+b______ 0,a-c______ (2) simplification: | C-B | + | a + B | - | a-c |
(1) It can be seen from the figure that a < 0, b > 0, C > 0, and | B | a | C | C-B > 0, a + B < 0, a-c < 0; so the answer is: >, <, <; (2) the original formula = C-B + [- (a + b)] - [- (A-C)] = c-b-a-b + a-c = - 2b
Write a program to calculate the factorial of 1 plus the factorial of 2. Add the factorial of 20
#include "stdio.h"
void main()
int sum=0;
int n=1,i;
What is the one-to-one correspondence with all the points on the number axis?
A all rational numbers B all positive and negative numbers C all irrational numbers d all integers, fractions and infinite acyclic decimals
Rational numbers and irrational numbers are called real numbers, that is, the points on the whole number axis correspond to real numbers one by one
The factorial of 20 is equal to 20! = 2432902008y7664x000, find X-Y
20! There are 10 * 5 * 2 * 15 * 4 * 20, which multiply by at least four zeros at the end, so x = 0
And 20! Can be divided by 9, so the sum of all digits can be divided by 9, there are 2 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 53, so x + y = 1 or 10
And x = 0, so y = 1
So X-Y = - 1
Because there are 5 10 15 20, there are 4 zeros in the last 4 bits
20! Is a multiple of 11
So the sum of odd even terms is a multiple of 11
=26 + y-27 is divisible by 11
20! =2432902008176640000
What is the one-to-one correspondence with the point on the number axis
real number
real number
real number
real number