What's the difference between a good many, a plenty of, a variety of, a great deal?

What's the difference between a good many, a plenty of, a variety of, a great deal?

A good many only modifies countable nouns
Please of countable or uncountable
A variety of modifying uncountable nouns
A great deal of
There are no a great deal and a plenty of. They are wrong phrases
It's better to look it up in a dictionary by yourself. The explanation in the dictionary is very clear. In this way, we can distinguish it clearly and remember it firmly
A good many only modifies countable nouns
Please of countable or uncountable
A variety of
A great deal modifies uncountable
A great number of / a good amount of / a great many of / the number of words
1.At the beginning of the term,students always get _______ new books
2.To my teacher's surprise, ______ the students added up to 60 in my class
3.In summer,we need _____ water
4.______ these,students came here to listen to Mr Wang's lecture
1. A great number of refers to a large number of, which can modify countable nouns or uncountable nouns
2. The number of means the number of something
3. A good amount of refers to a large number of names, such as water
4. A great many of means a large number of, which can only modify countable nouns
To be frank, both a great number of / a great many of can modify countable nouns, indicating a large number of
The difference and usage of the phrase a good many / a good number of / a great amount of / a great deal of
a good many
a good number of
a great amount of
a great deal of
What is the difference between the above four phrases?
A good many + plural noun
A good number of + plural noun
A great amount of + uncountable or quantifiable plural
A great deal of + uncountable nouns
Welcome to ask
A good many + countable plural
A good number of + countable plural
A great amount of + uncountable or countable plural
A great deal of + uncountable nouns
As shown in the figure, we know that the line AB = 20 cm, M is the midpoint of AB, P is the midpoint of Pb on MB, and Nb = 4 cm
Because AB is 20 cm and M is the midpoint of AB,
So MB is 10 cm,
And because P is on Nb and N is the midpoint of Pb,
So PN = NB
NB = 4cm
So Pb = 8 cm
So PM = mb-pb = 2cm
PM = 2 cm
As shown in the figure, given the line AB = 80cm, M is the midpoint of AB, P is on MB, n is the midpoint of Pb, and Nb = 14cm, find the length of PA
∵ n is the midpoint of BP, M is the midpoint of ab ∵ Pb = 2Nb = 2 × 14 = 28cm ∵ AP = ab-bp = 80-28 = 52cm
As shown in the figure, given the line AB = 80cm, M is the midpoint of AB, P is on MB, n is the midpoint of Pb, and Nb = 14cm, find the length of PA
∵ n is the midpoint of BP, M is the midpoint of ab ∵ Pb = 2Nb = 2 × 14 = 28cm ∵ AP = ab-bp = 80-28 = 52cm
As shown in the figure, given the line AB = 80cm, M is the midpoint of AB, P is on MB, n is the midpoint of Pb, and Nb = 14cm, find the length of PA
∵ n is the midpoint of BP, M is the midpoint of ab ∵ Pb = 2Nb = 2 × 14 = 28cm ∵ AP = ab-bp = 80-28 = 52cm
As shown in the figure, given the line AB = 80cm, M is the midpoint of AB, P is on AB, n is the midpoint of P, Nb = 14cm, find the length of PA
a m p n b
∵ n is the midpoint of Pb, Nb = 14cm
And ∵ line AB = 80cm, M is the midpoint of ab
∴ am=m b=ab/2=40﹙㎝﹚
N is the midpoint of P, Pb = 2Nb = 28cm
I wish you progress in your study.... Would you please write down the reason for that? My junior one, because of what so what, and because of what so what write clearly? Because n is the midpoint of P, Pb = 2Nb = 28cm, PA = AB Pb = 80-28 = 52cm, is that ok.... ... unfold
N is the midpoint of P, Pb = 2Nb = 28cm
I wish you progress in your study.... Follow up: please write down the reason why? My junior one, because of what so what, and because of what so what write clearly? I beg
Given the line AB = 80cm, point m is the midpoint of AB, point P is on MB, point n is the midpoint of Pb, and Nb = 14, calculate the length of PM
The position of numbers a and B on the number axis is shown in the figure, and the simplification | A-B | + | a | = ()
a 0 b