How to use a great deal of and a great number of

How to use a great deal of and a great number of

A number of and a great deal of have the same meaning but different usages. A number of can only be followed by the plural of countable nouns, while a great deal of can only be followed by uncountable nouns
A great deal of
A great number of
That is the difference between countable and uncountable
A great number of (many) + countable plural nouns, to be distinguished from a great deal of, a great deal of (many) + uncountable nouns!
The usage of a great deal / number / amout of, a mass of, plenty of,
These groups of words are followed by countable and uncountable nouns
A great deal of and amount of are uncountable
A number of followed by countable
A mass of, plenty of can be either countable or uncountable
The positions of the points representing the three numbers of A.B.C on the number axis are shown in the figure. Simplify | A-B | + | B + C | - ||
-2 -1 0 1 2
If it is greater than or equal to 0, then it is itself. If it is less than or equal to 0, then it is its opposite number. Now let's look at the question: ① A-B | from the number axis, we can see that a < 0, B > 0, then A-B is less than 0
a. The position of B and C on the number axis is shown in the figure, simplifying / A / + / A + B / + / B + C / + / a-c/
a b 0 c
a b 0 c
This question is about absolute value
First of all, a and B are negative; C is positive
|B + C | = C-B
Finally, a + (a + b) + (C-B) + (a + C) = 3A + 2C
Known: A, B in the number axis position as shown in the figure: simplification: | B | - | - a | + | A-B | + | - A + B |
According to the number axis, a > 0 > b, so the original formula = - B-A + a-b-a-b = - a-3b
The position of the real number AB on the number axis is shown in the figure, simplifying √ A & # 178; - √ B & # 178; - √ (a-b) &# 178;
Choose the best answer~~
The positions of rational numbers a, B and C on the number axis are shown in the figure. Try to simplify | a + C | - | a-b-c | - | B-A | + | B + C|=______ .
According to the position of the point on the number axis: C < B < 0 < A, and | a | B | B | C | a + C < 0, a-b-c > 0, B-A < 0, B + C < 0, then the original formula = - a-c-a + B + C + b-a-b-c = - 3A + b-c
Given the position of numbers a, B and C on the number axis as shown in the figure, the result of simplifying | a + B | - | C-B | is______ .
From the position of the point on the number axis, we can get: C < a < 0 < B, and | a < B | a + B > 0, C-B < 0, then | a + B | - | C-B | = a + B + C-B = a + C
Given the position of numbers a, B, C on the number axis as shown in the figure, try to simplify
A + B - A + B + C - B-A + B + C
A + B - A + B + C - B-A + B + C
As shown in Figure 3, it is known that the corresponding numbers of two points AB on the number axis are - 1 and 3 respectively, and point P is a moving point on the number axis, and its corresponding number is X
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