It's urgent to add answers to the exercises

It's urgent to add answers to the exercises

Fill in the blanks:
1.She is _____ (walk,walking) now.
2.Mother is ______ (feed,feeding) birds.
3.They are _____ (sitting,siting) on the chair.
4.Cindy is _____ (watch,watching) TV.
5.Joe is _____ (jogging,joging) in the garden.
6.Look,Nick is _____ (coming,come).
7.The cat is _____ (lieing,lying) on the rug.
8.Listen,she is _____ (singing,sing).
9.Look,the girl is _____ (run).
10.The cat is _____ (eat) now.
11.Look,the baby is _____ (smile).
12.My mother and my father are _____ (dance).
13.Uncle Jerry is _____ (drive).
14.The fish is _____ (swim) in the river.
15.She is _____ (shop).
Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese meaning
Where are you going_____ ?
2. Nick is climbing the climbing frame_____ (climb) the jungle gym.
They are reading_____ books.
Grandfather is smoking_____ .
I am doing my homework_____ (do) my homework.
My mother is cooking_____ .
Jerry is drinking lemon juice_____ lemon juice.
He is writing a letter_____ a letter.
Look, Cindy is coming______ .
We are singing_____ now.
Fill in the proper form of the verb be
1.He _____ drinking water.
2.The eagle _____ flying in the sky.
3.Children _____ playing in the playground.
4.They are _____ working now.
5.I _____ going to the supermarket.
6.I _____ coming.
7.He _____ walking in the woods now.
General present tense and present continuous tense exercises
English general present tense and present continuous tense exercises
General present tense and present continuous tense exercises
A collection of exercises in the present continuous tense
1、 Rewrite sentences as required
1.? The boy is playing basketball.
Negative sentences:____________________________
General questions:_________________________
Yes__________________________ Negative answer:__________________________
Question on "the boy":__________________________
2. Make sentences:
1) . she, the window, open, now_____________________
2) . is, who, the window, cleaning______________________
3) . she is closing the door now______________________
You are doing your home______________________
5) . they, the tree, sing, now, under____________________
6) . the young pilots are helping the old woman__________
2、 Single choice
I am looking after the children
(A)I am looking after the baby.(B)I'm look aftering the baby.
(C)I look am aftering the baby.(D)I looking after the baby.
( )2._____ friend's making______ a kite.
(A)I,me (B)My,my (C)My,me (D)His,his
( )3.Is the woman ______ yellow your teacher?
(A)in (B)putting on (C)wearing (D)having
( )4.Look!The twins_____ their mother do the housework.
(A)are wanting (B)help(C)are helping (D)are looking
( )5._____ are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree.
(A)Who (B)What (C)How (D)Where
?( )6.Is she____ something?
(A)eat (B)eating (C)eatting (D)eats
What are you doing?
(A)What is you doing? (B)What are you do?
(C)What are you doing? (D)What do you do?
( )8.What are you listening_____ ?
(A)/ (B)for (C)at (D)to
I am listening to him
(A)I listening to him. (B)I'm listening to him.
(C)I'm listen to him. (D)I'm listening him.
( )10.They are_____ their clothes.
(A)makeing (B)putting (C)put away (D)putting on
( )11.Listen! She____ in the classroom.
(A)is singing (B)sing (C)to sing (D)is sing
( )12.Today Jim______ his white shirt and brown trousers.
(A)is putting on (B)wear (C)put on (D)is wearing
( )13.______ are you eating?I'm eating______ meat.
(A)What,some (B)Which,any (C)Where,not (D)What,a
( )14.They______ TV in the evening.They do their homework.
(A)are watching (B)can't watching (C)don't watch (D)don't watching
( )15.The children_____ football.
(A)is playing (B)are playing (C)play the (D)play a
( )16.They are flying kites.
(A) They like flying kites. (b) are they flying kites?
(C) They are flying kites. (d) they often fly kites
( )17.Look,They are swimming in the river.
I want_____ you.
(A)to go with (B)go with (C)helping (D)help
( )18. Look.Lucy is_____ a new bike today.
(A)jumping (B)running (C)riding (D)takeing
3、 Complete the following sentences with the present continuous tense
1.What_________ you__________ (do)?
2.I_____________ (sing) an English song.
3.What________ he____________ (mend)?
4.He______________ (mend) a car.
5.______ you__________ (fly) a kite?Yes,_______ .
6.______ she___________ (sit) in the boat?
7.______ you_____________ (ask) questions?
8.We_______________ (play) games now.
Refer to the answers when you are in progress
1、The boy isnot playing basketball.
Is the boy playing basketball.
Yes, he is. No, he is not
2、She is opening the window now.
Who is cleaning the window?
She isnot closing the door now.
I am doing your homework.
They are singing under the tree now.
Are the Young Pioneers helping the old woman?
2、 Single choice
3、 Complete the following sentences with the present continuous tense
1、are doing 2、 am singing 3、is mending 4、is mending 5、Are flying I am
6、Is sitting 7、 Are asking 8、are playing
General past tense
Please fill in the blanks with the correct verb form
1. I _________ (have) an exciting party last weekend.
2. _________ she _________ (practice) her guitar yesterday? No, she _________ .
3. What ________ Tom ________ (do) on Saturday evening?
He ________ (watch) TV and __________ (read) an interesting book.
4. They all _________ (go) to the mountains yesterday morning.
5. She _________ (not visit) her aunt last weekend.
She ________ (stay) at home and _________ (do) some cleaning.
6. When ________ you _________ (write) this song? I __________ (write) it last year.
7. My friend, Carol, ________ (study) for the math test and ________ (practice) English last night.
8. ________ Mr. Li __________ (do) the project on Monday morning? Yes, he _________ .
9. How _________ (be) Jim's weekend? It _________ (be not) bad.
10. ________ (be) your mother a sales assistant last year? No. she __________ .
Answer: 1
2.Did practice didn't
3.did do watched read
5.didn't visit stayed did
6.did write wrote
7.studied practiced
8.Did do did
9.was wasn't
10.Was wasn't
Practice in the present tense
1、 Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words
1.What time_________ his father_________ (do) the work?
2.He _________ (get) up at five o’clock.
3.__________ you _________ (brush) your teeth every morning.
4.What ________ ( do ) he usually ________ ( do ) after school?
5.Tom ________ ( study ) English, Chinese, Maths, Science and Art at school.
6. Kitty sometimes __________ (go) to the park with his sister.
7.At eight at night, she __________ ( watch ) TV with her parents.
8. ________ Mike________ ( read ) English every day?
9.How many lessons________ your classmates______ ( have ) on Monday?
10.We often___________ ( play ) football in the playground.
2、 Choice
( ) 1. _____ you have a book?
A. Do B. Are C. Is D. Have
( )2. They _________ on a farm.
A. working B. is work C. work D. is worked
( ) 3. Does Peter like to watch TV?
__________ .
A. Yes, he like B. No, he doesn’t C. Yes, he’d like D. No, he likes
( )4. She doesn’t __________ her homework in the afternoon.
A. doing B. to do C. does D. do
( )5. How ____________ Mr. Brown ___________ to America?
A. do,go B. is,go C. does,go D. does,goes
( )6. Where’s my camera? I____________ It.
A. am not finding B. am not seeing C. can’t find D. can’t look at
( )7. How ___________ he go to work?
He ___________ to work by bike.
A. does ;go B. do;goes C. do ;go D. does;goes
( )8. ______ you usually late for school?
No, _____________ .
A. Do ; I am B. Does ;not C. Are ; I’m not D. Are ; I aren’t
( )9. _____ she _____ home at six every day?
A. Is , leave B. Does , leave C. Is , leaves D. Does , left
( )10. Mr. Yang ____________ English this term.
A. teaches our B. teaches us C. teachs us D. teach our
Answer: 1. Does, do 2. Gets 3. Do, brush 4. Does, do 5. Studies 6. Goes 7. Watches 8. Does, read 9. Do, have 10. Play
2、 1 --- 5 a C B D C 6 --- 10 C D C B
Well, what's the topic?
There are, and I'm doing it
English present progressive tense exercises,
After the corresponding point of a number on the number axis moves 5 units to the right, the corresponding point of its opposite number is obtained, and the number is calculated
Let this number be a
Then a + 5 = - A
The solution is a = - 5 / 2
So this number is - 5 / 2
This number is 5 / 2
-2.5 - 2.5 or 2.5
Point a on the number axis represents - 4.8. If point a moves three unit lengths to the left along the number axis and reaches point B, what is the number represented by point B
The corresponding numbers of two particles A and B on the number axis are - 8, 4. A and B move at a certain speed respectively, and the speed of point a is 2 units / second. (1) two points a and B start at the same time and face each other, and meet at the origin to calculate the speed of point B; (2) two points a and B start at the same time with the speed in (1) and move in the positive direction of the number axis, and the distance between them is 6 points in a few seconds Unit length; (3) a and B start at the same speed in (1) and move in the negative direction of the number axis. At the same time, point C starts from the origin and moves in the same direction. In the process of movement, there is always CB: CA = 1:2. After a few seconds, C stays at - 10. Find the position of point B?
(1) Let the velocity of point B be x, and a and B start at the same time and travel opposite each other, then their time is equal, 82 = 4x, the solution is x = 1, so the velocity of point B is 1; (2) let the passing time be t, then B is in front of a, the distance of point B - the distance of point a = 6, then 2t-t = 6, the solution is t = 6
There are two particles AB on the number axis, and the corresponding numbers are - 8 and 4. Each of the two points moves at a certain speed,