

1.She is_u_u_u u(walk,walking)now.
2.Mother is_う_u_u_u u(feed、feeding)バーディー.
3.They are_u u_u u(sitting、siting)on the chair.
4.Cindy is_u__u_u u(ウォッチ、ウォッチ)TV.
5.ジョーリス(ジョグ、ジョギング)in the garden.
6.Look、Nick is_u_u_u(comming、come)
7.The cat is_u_u_u u(lieing、lying)on the rug.
8.Listen、she is_u u_u(singing,sing)
9.Look、the girl is____u_u(run)
10.The cat is_u_u_u u(eat)now.
11.Look,the baby is____u_(smile)
12 My Mother and my father are e e e_u_u u_u u u(ダンス)
13.アンクルJerry is_u u_u u_u(drive)
14.The fish is_u_u u(swim)in the river.
15.She is_u__u(shop)
1.どこに行きますか?Where arou_u u u_u u?
2.Nickは登山台を登っています。Nick is_u_u_u u_u u(climb)the jungym.
3.彼らは本を読んでいます。They areyiブックス.
5.宿題をしています。(do)my homework.
6.私の母が料理をしています。My Mother is_u___u u_u u。..。
7.ジェリーはレモンジュースを飲んでいます。ジェリーはis_u_u u_ulemon juice.
8.彼は手紙を書いています。a letter.
9.見て!Cindyが来ました。Look、Cindy is_u_u_u_u..。
1.ヘウホdrinking water.
2.The eagles_u_u u_u uflying in the sky.
3.チルドレンplaying in the playground.
4.They areこげworking now
5.I___u_u u_going to the supermarket.
6.I___u_u u_comming.
7.He_u_walking in the woods now.
1.The boy is playing baskeetball.
否定句:_u u_u u_u u_u u u_u u u_u u u u_u u_u u u u_u u u_u u u_u u u u_u u u u u_u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u
一般的な疑問文:_u u_u_u u_u u_u u u_u u u_u u_u u u_u u u_u u u_u u u_u u u_u u u u_u u u u u u u u u_u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u_u u u u u u u u u
“The boy”に対して質問します。
1)she,the window,open,now.(現在進行中の連語で文を作っています。)
2)is、who、the window、cleaning?
3)She is closing the door now.(否定文に変えます)_____________________________________
4.You are dong your homework.(「I」を主語として文を書き換えます)________________u__u_u_u u__u u___
5)they,the tree,sing,now,under.(現在進行中の連語で文を作る)
6)The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(一般的な疑問文に変えます)
(A)I am looking after the baby.(B)I'm look aftering the baby.
(C)I look am aftering the baby.(D)I looking after the baby.
()2.グウグウfriend's making_u u_u_ua kite.
()3.Is the woman___u_u_u uyellow your teacher
(A)in(B)putting on(C)wearing(D)having
()4.ロク!The twins_u__u_their Mother do the housework.
(A)are wanting(B)help(C)are helping(D)are looking
()5.グウグウare the birds dong?They are singing in a tree.
?()6.Is she_u_u usomething
(A)What is you dong?(B)What areyou do?
(C)What are you dong?(D)What doyou do?
()8.What are you listening_u_u u_u u?
(A)I listening to him.(B)I'm listening to him.
(C)I'm listen to him.(D)I'm listening him.
()10.They arewu_u u_u utheir clothes.
(A)makeing(B)put away(D)putting on
()11 Listen!She_u_u u_in the classroom.
(A)is singing(B)sing(C)to sing(D)issing
()12 Today Jim___u_u_uhis white shirt and brown trusers.
(A)is putting on(B)wear(C)puton(D)is wearng
()13.グウグウare you eating?I'm eating_u u_u umeat.
()14.They___u_TV in theevinng.The yドゥザirホームワーク.
(A)are watching(B)can't watching(C)don't watch(D)don't watching
(A)is playing(B)are playing(C)play the(D)playing a
()16 They are flying kites.
()17.ロク、They are swimming in the river.
I want_うう_u u uあなた.
(A)to go with(B)go with(C)helping(D)help
()18.Look.Lucyアイリスa new bike today.
1.What_u u_u u_u u_u u_u uあなたが_う_う_u u u_u u_u u u_u u u(ド)
2.I_____u_u_u_u u_u u_u u u_u u u u_u u u u u u(sing)an English song.
4.ヘガイガイガイガイ(mend)a car.
5.グウグウあなたが_う_う_u u u_u u_u u u_u u u(fly)a kite?Yes,_____..。
6.グウグウシュウグウグウ(sit)in the boat
7.グウグウあなたが_う_う_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u u_u u u_u u u u u u u u(ask)questions
8.We_______u__u__u_u_u_u u_u u_u u_u(プレー)games now.
1、The boy isnot playing baskeetball.
Is the boy playing baskeetball.
肯定回答Yes,he is.否定回答No,he isnot
2、She is opening the window now.
Who is cleaning the window?
She isnot closing the door now.
I am dong your homework.
They are singing under the tree now.
Aree the Young Pioneers helping the old woman?
1、are dong 2、am singing 3、is mending 4、is mending 5、Aree flying I am
6、Is sitting 7、Aree asking 8、are playing
1.I___u_u_u u_u u_u u(have)an exciting party last weekend.
2.グウグウグウシュウグウグウ.(practice)her gitar yester day?No,she_u___u_u_u u_u u..。
3.What_u_u u_u u_u uトムが_u u_u u_u u u u_u u u(ド)on Saturday evinng?
He____u_u u_u(watch)TV and_u_u____u_u_u u u_u(read)an interesting book.
4.The y all_u u_u u_u u_u u(go)to the mountains yesterday moning.
5.She__u_u_u_u u_u u_u u(not visit)her aunt last weekend.
She____u_u u_u u(stay)at home and_u____u_u u_u u u u_u(ド)some cleaning.
6.When_u_u u_u u_u uあなたが_う_う_u u_u u_u u u_u u u(write)this song?I________u u_u(write)it last year.
7.My friend、Carlol、___u_u_u_u u u_u u(study)for the math test and_u u_u u_u u_u u u(practice)English last night.
8.グウグウグウMr.Li__u_u_u u_u u_u u(ド)the project on Mondy moning?Yes,he_u___u u_u..。
9.How_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u(be)Jim's weekend?It_u_u_u_u_u u_(be not)bad.
10.グウグウグウ(be)your mother a sales assitant last year?No.she_______u_..。
2.Did practice didn't
3.did dowatch read
5.didn't visit stayed did
6.did write wrote
7.studied practiced
8.Did do did
9.was wasn't
10.Was wasn't
1.What time me_u u_u u_u u u_u uhis father_u_u__u_u_u u(ド)the work
2.ヘルウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウ(get)up at five o’clock.
3.グウグウグウあなたが_う_う_u u_u u_u u u_u u u(brish)your teeth everry moning.
4.What_u_u u_u u_u(ド)heusualy__u__u_u_u(ド)after school
5.トム(study)English、Chinese、Maths、Science and Art school.
6.キティソメティクス(go)to the park with hister.
7.At eigh at night、she__u_u_u_u_u u_u_u u_u u(watch)TV with her parents.
8.グウグウグウミケガイガイガイガイ(read)English everday?
9.How many lessons_u___u_u_u u_u uyour clastimas__u_u u_u u(have)on Monday
10.We off ten_u_u u_u u_u u_u u(プレー)football in the playground.
()1.グウグウあなたのhave a book
A.Do B.Aree C.Is D.Have
()2.They_u_u_u_u u_on a farm.
A.work B.is work C.work D.is work d
()3.Does Peter like to watch TV?
A.Yes,he like B.No,he doesn’t C.Yes,he’d like D.No,he likes
()4.She doesn’t______u__u_u_u_u u_uher homework in the afternoon.
A.dong B.to doc.does D.do
()5.How__u_u_u_u_u_u_u u_u u_u uMr.Brown___u___u_u_u_u u_u u uto America
A.do、go B.is、go C.does、go D.does、goes
()6.Where’s my camera?I_u u_u u_u u_u u_u_u u_u uit.
A.am not finding B.am not seeing C.can’t find D.can’t look at
()7.How__u_u_u_u_u u_u u_u u u_u u u uヘgo to work
He_呷_to work by bike.
A.does;go B.do;goes C.do;go D.does;goes
()8.グウグウあなたのusualy late for school?
No,_______u_u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u u u u..。
A.Do;I am B.Does;not C.Aree;I’m not D.Are;I arn’t
()9.グウグウシュウグウ.home at six every day?
A.Is、leave B.Does、leave C.Is、leaves D.Does、left
()10.Mr.ヤンググググググググググググEnglish this term.
A.teaches our B.teaches us C.teachs us D.teach our
1.1.does、2.gets 3.Do、broush 4.does、do 5.studies 6.goes 7.watch 8.Des、read 9.do、have 10.Play
二.1--5 A C B D 6---10 C D B
http://wenku.baidu.com/view/e 97 ba 08262 caaed33 d 4 f 1.
http://wenku.baidu.com/view/43 f 3 d 4 b 14 e 852458 fb 5728.
軸上の2つの質点A、Bに対応する数は-8、4、A、Bの2点はそれぞれ一定の速度で上を移動し、A点の運動速度は2単位/秒です。(1)点A、B 2点は同時に出発して、原点で出会って、B点の運動速度を求めます。単位長;(3)A、B 2点は(1)の速度で同時に出発し、数軸の負の方向に移動します。それと同時に、C点は原点から同方向の運動をします。そして、運動中、ずっとCB:CA=1:2があります。数秒後、Cは-10に止まって、この時B点の位置を求めますか?
(1)B点の運動速度をxとし、A、Bの2点を同時に出発して対向すると、彼らの時間は同じである。82=4 x、分解x=1であるため、B点の運動速度は1である。(2)経過時間をtとすると、BはAの前方、B点が通る道のり-A点が6である。2 t=6で、解得t=6.AはBにある。