What's the difference between the singular and plural predicate verbs of one of and the only one of clauses?

What's the difference between the singular and plural predicate verbs of one of and the only one of clauses?

In attributive clauses, if the antecedent after one of is plural of countable nouns, the predicate verb is plural, and the predicate verb after the only one of is singular
e.g.Tom is one of the boy students in our class who are often late.
Tom is the only one of the boy students in our class who is often late.
the only one of … Do you want to use the singular or plural? If you're not sure, don't answer,
Who can give an example of the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division properties of odd and even functions
For example: odd + odd = odd
Odd + even = not odd, not even
Odd + odd = odd
Odd + even = not odd, not even
Odd odd = odd
Odd even = non odd non even
Even odd = non odd non even
Odd * odd = even
Odd * even = odd
Odd / odd = even
Odd / even = odd
Even / odd = odd
Can nouns be plural with - s or - es at the end?
Is it OK to add - s or - es at the end of a noun?
Specific analysis of the specific situation, the plural usage of the noun summed up very good!
A number is added, subtracted, and divided by itself. The sum, difference, and quotient are added again. The sum is 8.6. What is the number?
This number is x; from the meaning of the paper, you can get: (x + X + X + X (x + x) + (x-x-x) + (x-x-x) + (x-x-x-x) + (x-x-x (x-x) + (x-x-x) + (x-x-x) + (x-x-x (x-x-x) + (x-x-x) + (x-x-x \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\- 1 = 8.6-1, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;                  2x=7.6,                   2x÷2=7.6÷2,                    &A: the number is 3.8
What's the rule of plural of nouns with "O" at the end?
It's a noun of modern things, if it ends with "O" and "s"
For the original thing, that is, since there are historical records, the noun is usually followed by "es"
(but there are two '0' at the end, such as: zoom, bamboo... Add s directly)
She, Negro, zero, tomato, potato
In general,
A living life
Lifeless plus s
Food plus es, non food plus s
When a number is added, subtracted and divided by itself, the sum difference quotient of them is 18.8, and this number is ()
Five minutes! Come on! Thank you~~~~~
The best answer is the one who plays the process first, not the equation
Eight point nine
8.9 question: what about the process
How do nouns ending in o become plural?
Life plus es, no s, photos, potatoes
When a number is added, subtracted, and divided by itself, its sum, difference, and quotient add up to 18.2
Let this number be X
The solution is x = 8.6
I hope you can adopt it
Eight point six
Do you have any followed by singular or plural?
do you have any dog or dogs
It mainly depends on whether the noun after any is countable or uncountable. If the countable must be plural, dog is countable, and dog is plural