A large quantity of is followed by the plural form of a noun. Should the predicate be singular or plural But some books say singular numbers can be used

A large quantity of is followed by the plural form of a noun. Should the predicate be singular or plural But some books say singular numbers can be used

Singular, which is consistent with the form of quantity
If it is large quantities of followed by a noun, the predicate verb is plural
Please click "satisfied" in the top right corner of the client,
The statistical method of contract is based on Fujian college entrance examination
Is the predicate verb of a box of apples singular or plural
The key to this problem is to see what the noun's head is. A box of apples emphasizes a box, not a single apple. Therefore, the head is box. According to the singular and plural of box, it is singular, so it is singular. For similar structures, in general, the head is the word before of
Singular, because it is a whole, we mainly look at the a box in front, not the apples behind
Singular, which means a box of In terms of quantity, it is singular
One more apples or one more apples,
Another apple. The number of apples has nothing to do with the total number. Just look at the number in front of more. If it's one, it's singular. If it's two three That's the plural
Right antonym take antonym he plural the PRC synonym gift synonym peace noun say simple three here homonym
The antonym of right is wrong
Take antonym bring
He plural they
The PRC synonym post office
Present, a synonym for gift
Peaceful noun peace
Say three
Here homonym hear
Beauty adjective real adverb I nominal possessive pronoun white antonym sad synonym bad antonym
Answer in order
beauty - beautiful real - really I-mine white - black sad - unhappy(doleful) bad-good
The complex number is 5 / 1 + I ^ 3, which is in the form of a + bi. That's the third power of I. don't read it wrong. The final answer is 1-i,
So the original formula = 5 / (1-I)
The answer is wrong
Multiply the conjugate complex number of denominator to get 5 / 2 + 5I / 2
The answer is no, yes
English Creative antonym loud antonym success adjective South adjective love adjective
Creative antonym dull
The antonym of loud is quiet
Success adjective successful
The adjective South
The adjective "love" or "loving"
The antonym of creative is uncreative
The antonym of low
Success adjective successful
The adjective South
The adjective love
The opposite of creative is implicit
The antonym of loud is silent
Success adjective successful
The adjective South
The adjective love
The angle problem of complex number in the form of S = a + bi
For example, z = 15 + J20 = 25 ∠ 53.13 ° this result is how to get the calculation process and its formula!
The complex z = a + BJ is transformed into the trigonometric R (COS θ + jsin θ) which can be abbreviated as R ∠θ, where the module r = √ (A & # 178; + B & # 178;); the complex angle θ is solved by Tan θ = B / A and takes its value (principal value) in the range of 0 ≤ θ < 360 °. For example, 1. Complex 15 + 20j: ∵ r = √ (15 & # 178; + 20 & # 178;) = 25, and θ takes 15 and 20 as two direct values
A synonym for "smart" a synonym for "funny" a noun usually an adjective hit past tense
3q, thank you, English master, give points
Smart synonym Cleaver
Fun noun fun
The adjective usually
Past tense
Fiy past tense
The antonym of handsome is ugly
The antonym of East is latest
The most exciting
Same synonyms: wise, Cleaver
Fun noun: Fun
Usually adjective: usually
Past tense: hit
Fly past tense: fly
Antonym of handsome: ugly
Antonym of easier: more difficult
The most exciting
The one upstairs should be wrong / easier. The antonym can't be latest. You may be earlier
Smart: cool / smart: Cleaver
easiest:hardest/the most difficult
exciting:the most exciting
easiest--more diffcult
exciting--most exciting
If the complex number (2 + I) / I is expressed as a + bi (a, B ∈ R), then the value of B / A is?
Choose a