What is the use of the verb ing?

What is the use of the verb ing?

1. Used in all kinds of continuous tense, past continuous tense, present continuous tense, future continuous tense, past perfect continuous tense, present perfect continuous tense, future perfect continuous tense
2. Used as a verb after a preposition~
When will be become ing
For example, "it just makes me think they are being lazy"
What is the usage of "being" in that sentence?
This is the progressive usage of the collocation of "dynamic adjective" and be. According to its lexical meaning, English adjectives can be divided into static adjectives and dynamic adjectives. Static adjectives describe the static characteristics of people or things, such as tall, short, deep, ugly, solid, etc
Why is the addition of "s" to a verb in an English sentence other than the third person singular?
Let's be specific~
That's why some verbs add s
First of all, you have to find out what the third person singular is. The third person is like him, she, they are, but the singular is only the first three. In addition, singular nouns, demonstrative pronouns, and individual names are all three. Why is the addition of s so stipulated? You may think that since it is singular, it should not be added
But my knowledge level is limited~
For example, the word "towards" has s, which may be a fixed collocation of its own
Sorry, it's really hard to say! ]
That isn't my backpack
Those aren't my backpacks
Please click the "select as satisfactory answer" button below,
Those aren‘t my backpacks。
When do you use the third person singular form of a verb in English,
For example, he likes playing football very much. In which like is added s, because he in front of it is the third person. Like is also a verb!
What is the plural of that
How to add s to the third person singular of verbs in English
What are the rules
General plus s helps ask smiles
Adding es watches, teachers washes goes fixed ending with SH, CH, s, x, O
Add y to consonant letter, change y to I, add es studies tries carries
I wish you progress in your study!
Hope to adopt, thank you^_^
Is it a desk
Are they desks?
What are the rules of the third person singular form of English verbs
The rules are the same as the plural
1. Add s
2. With ce.se , Ze D (g) e with s at the end, read as / iz/
3. With s.x ch.sh Add es at the end to read / iz/
4 ends with a consonant letter and Y. change y to I and then es
There is a box on the desk
There are boxes on the desk.