I want to learn as many past tense and past participle as possible

I want to learn as many past tense and past participle as possible

be was(were) been beat beat beaten become became become begin began begun blow blew blown break broke broken bring brought brought build built built buy bought bought can...
A list of English irregular verbs (with past tense and past participle)
It's better to have words to explain it
The past tense and the past participle of English irregular words are as follows
Why is the population of Canada so small
Such as the title
Cold. Most of the people in the north can't live there, and it's a relatively new country
The neighbor is America. Everyone has gone to America
Noodles and singular or plural verbs?
Noodles, uncountable nouns and singular!
Mr. Brown is Canadian
Mr Brown is Canadian.
Mr. brown is a canadian
Mr. Brown is a Canadian.
Mr. Brown is a Canadian.
Mr Brown is a Canadian.
Mr Brown comes from Canada.
When one book or two and two books or three are subjects, is the predicate singular or plural
1. A / an + singular + or two "mostly followed by singular predicate:
Only one or two students are absent
2. "One or two + compound name" is followed by plural predicate
One or two students are absent
3. Two books or three with plural predicate
One book or two, two books or three
How do you pronounce the s after the plural
For example, do students and dogs read Z and s at the same time?
For example, students 2 read / Z / after voiced consonants and vowels. For example, boys girls 3 ends with X, s, SH, CH, and a few ends with O
One or two is the subject, is the predicate singular or plural
A / an + singular + or two "mostly followed by singular predicate:" one or two + compound "followed by plural predicate. E.g
① Only a word or two is (are) needed
② One or two reasons were suggested
How to read English nouns plural with s after the original sound
Like employees
If the letter at the end of a noun is a clear consonant, for example, read / CI when t. is followed by S/
If the letter at the end of a noun is a voiced consonant, for example: R. read / Zi when followed by S/
There are also some sounds / Z / / s/
/Z / or / iz/
Read Zi
1、 The plural form of most countable nouns is to add the suffix - s at the end of the word. The plural forms of some words remain unchanged. Pronunciation change: keep the original sound. Example: fish → fish;
If one or two students is the subject, is the predicate singular or plural?
A / an + singular + or two "mostly followed by singular predicate:" one or two + compound "followed by plural predicate. E.g
① Only a word or two is (are) needed
② One or two reasons were suggested
One or two students as the subject, the predicate verb is plural
"A / an + singular + or two" is mostly followed by singular predicate; "one or two + compound" is followed by plural predicate.
A / an + singular + or two & quot; mostly followed by singular: & quot; one or two + compound & quot; followed by plural. e.g. ①Only a
The plural is used because there is a principle in English, and two students is closer to the predicate