Write the verb past tense and past participle~ In order not to trouble you, the following verbs, the irregular can be written out, the rules do not need to write, but to 100% accurate oh~ 1. Exercise 2. Skateboard 3. Surf 4. Believe 5. Camp 6. Plan 7. Hike 8. Dependent 9. Worry, But worried seems to be adj.) 10.mean 11.laugh 12.care 13.peel 14.pour 15.mix 16.boat 17.check 18.hiccup 19.golf 20.perform 21.skate 22.hum 23.major 24.save 25.travel 26.communicate 27.fold 28.had 29.forbid 30.star 31.remember 32.order 33.dress 34.bake 35.fail 36.fit 37.complain 38.include 39.push 40.imagine 41.follow 42.kid 43.climb 44.shout 45.kill 46.murder 47.ring 48. Close (closed seems to be adj?) 49. Destruction 50. Store 51. Cough 52. Sniffe 53. Have 54. Enclosure 55. Motion 56. Fear 57. Exception 58.brush 59.shop 60 prefer Write down both the past tense and the past participle,

Write the verb past tense and past participle~ In order not to trouble you, the following verbs, the irregular can be written out, the rules do not need to write, but to 100% accurate oh~ 1. Exercise 2. Skateboard 3. Surf 4. Believe 5. Camp 6. Plan 7. Hike 8. Dependent 9. Worry, But worried seems to be adj.) 10.mean 11.laugh 12.care 13.peel 14.pour 15.mix 16.boat 17.check 18.hiccup 19.golf 20.perform 21.skate 22.hum 23.major 24.save 25.travel 26.communicate 27.fold 28.had 29.forbid 30.star 31.remember 32.order 33.dress 34.bake 35.fail 36.fit 37.complain 38.include 39.push 40.imagine 41.follow 42.kid 43.climb 44.shout 45.kill 46.murder 47.ring 48. Close (closed seems to be adj?) 49. Destruction 50. Store 51. Cough 52. Sniffe 53. Have 54. Enclosure 55. Motion 56. Fear 57. Exception 58.brush 59.shop 60 prefer Write down both the past tense and the past participle,

Worried is also adj
18. Hiccupped (also can not double write P)
29. Both forbad and forbade are OK
That's about it
Worried is also adj.
Li Xiaoyin's is obviously a copy of mine
Serial number Chinese original past tense past participle
1 drink drank drank
Ring rang rung
Past tense and past participle of verbs
Lie down------
Located in lie------
Lie lie-----
Lie / lay
Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie
Lay --- laid --- laid
Absolutely right, use at ease
Past tense and past participle of irregular verbs in new target English junior high school
Am was been
Are we been
Wake wake wake wake up
Bear bear
To beat; beat
To become; become
Begin begin begin begin begin
Bet bet... Unfold
Past tense and past participle of irregular verbs in new target English junior high school
Am was been
Are we been
Wake wake wake wake up
Bear bear
To beat; beat
To become; become
Begin begin begin begin begin
Bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet bet
To break; break
Bring Brown
Build build
Burn burn
Buy buy buy
Catch hold of
Yes, I can
Choose choose
Come come come
Cost cost
To cut; cut
Do did
Does did
Dream dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt
Drink drink
Drive drive
Eat ate eat
Fall down
Feed feed
Feel feel feel
Fight, fight, fight
To find; find
Fly fly flow
Forget forget forget / forget
Get got got / got
Irregular verbs past tense and past participle list
Give gave given
Go on
To grow; grow
Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang
Have had had
Has had had
Hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear
Hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit
Hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold
Hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt
To keep; feed
To know; know
Lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay
Learning / learning learning
To leave; stay
Lent lent lent lent
Let's let's
Lie lay lain
Lose lost
To make; make
Mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean
Meet met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met
May might
Mistake mistook mistaken
Must must
To pay for; compensate
Put put put hang
Read read read read
Ring ring
Rose Rose
Run ran run
Say said said
Irregular verbs past tense and past participle list
See see see see
Sell sold sold
Send; send
Set installation
Shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake
Shine shine / shined shine / shined shine
Show showedshow / showedshow
Sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing
Sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit
Sleep sleep
Smile smile
Speak spoke spoke
To spell; spell
To spend; spend
Stand stock
Sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep
Swim swim
Take, take, take
How to teach
Tell told told
Think through
Throw; throw
Understand understand understand understand
Wake woke / waked woken / waked woken
Wear wear
Win won won
Write write
Will you put it away
Lie lay lain
Lie --- lied --- lied
Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie
Finding the plural of a word
The words are as follows:
desk eraser friend boy box class watch wish leaf family
wife dictionary man woman child foot
That's all. Please help
desks erasers friends boys boxes classes watches wishes leaves families
wives dictionaries men women children feet
desks erasers friends boys boxes classes watches wishes leaves families wives dictionaries men women children
How to use auxiliary verbs and copulars, that is, do, does and is, am and are respectively?
It seems that you are a beginner. To put it simply, it depends on the sentence structure. If it is a subject predicate structure, you may need to use am, is, are. If it is a subject predicate structure, it means that there are action verbs as predicates, so you can't use am, is, are indiscriminately
I am a student. --- I am not a student. --- are you a student? Yes, I am
He studies hard. --- he doesn't study hard. --- does he study hard? No, he does n't
I don't know if you can understand. If you have any questions, please continue to ask
Find the plural of several words
hair food meat rice homework music fish bread milk juice water tea
The plural of these words
This is homework
It's urgent
The most common uncountable nouns are: advice.baggage.change (change) furniture.hair.homework . information.knowledge.luggage . money.news.progress Other uncountable nouns are: absence.age.anger .coura...
What are the auxiliary verbs in English, more than verbs, verbs,
What is the first person? The second person? The third person?
Auxiliary verb: do does did
Be verb: am is are
Verbs: dynamic words
First person: I
Second: you your
Third: he she it
Auxiliary verb -- do / does / did / will / shall / have / has / had
Be verb -- am is are / was were
Verb: a word indicating action or state
First person singular: I
First person plural: We
Second person singular: you
Second person plural: you
Third person singular
Auxiliary verb -- do / does / did / will / shall / have / has / had
Be verb -- am is are / was were
Verb: a word indicating action or state
First person singular: I
First person plural: We
Second person singular: you
Second person plural: you
The third person singular: he he / she she / it
The third person plural: they put it away
Write the plural of the word
On the usage of the. Be verb am is are in English grammar
What is your nationality? Why is it not replaced by are? What nationality are you? It's the same as the first sentence. But it can be used as are. Why is it not the singular and plural of the second person? Why is it with is? I've been thinking about it for a few days, and it's going to explode
Because the nouns behind the copulars are different, just like the subjects are different. Look at what follows. For example, the first one is followed by your nationality, which is singular. Use is. And the second one is followed by you. What we usually say is, you are XXX
Are refers to the singular and plural of the second person, but the subject in what is your nationality is your nationality as a whole, not you
It's the same as what's your name.
Go Cup Watch chicken yose clzss that box pear bike match by ush tree
Goals cups watches chips hats boxes peaches bikes trees (yose clzss byush)
What is the difference between the verb be (are, is, am) and the auxiliary verb do? Where are they mainly used?
What does he do? I don't like mokeys. What does he do? I don't like mokeys