Do you want to add ing to the capital Playing football. Calm dowm. Why not use the second sentence? If not all verbs need to add ing, what are the forms of the verbs at the beginning of the sentence

Do you want to add ing to the capital Playing football. Calm dowm. Why not use the second sentence? If not all verbs need to add ing, what are the forms of the verbs at the beginning of the sentence

The first sentence is a subject verb to change the noun, so the verb as the subject must change ing to be the first subject of the sentence
The second sentence is imperative sentence, which indicates that the sentence pattern with command suggestion is to use the original verb form at the beginning of the sentence, and the imperative sentence is in the form of omitting the subject EG.Sit down .GO out
There are three forms, doing to do. Do is generally used in imperative sentences
The key is not whether to put it at the beginning of the sentence, but what to do and what tense.
As a gerund, it is in the form of ing
As an attributive, it may be progressive, past or prototype according to the tense of the context
Be going to + V
General present tense: I, yuo plural + V original single three person + vs
Be (is are AM) + ving
It depends on what you are
Is the singular or plural after the?
How to tell?
Look what you added after the
For example, the pen is red
This pen is singular
If it's the Jiaren's surname or adjective list
Use the plural
For example, the rich are always unhappy
The rich are always unhappy
In the simple present tense, what is the form of "never + verb" after the third person singular?
The most accurate
Is "never" just a negative, or a third person singular
Make the following words plural
mother father brother sister
friend grandfather grandmother
Summarize the rules for plural nouns:
Irregular this that——
How to introduce your family
The rules for words to be plural are as follows:
1. Generally, the singular noun is followed by "- s", such as:
2. For words ending with s, SH, CH, x, etc., add "- es" to the plural, such as:
3. For nouns ending with F and Fe, it is necessary to change f and Fe into ves
4. Most of the words ending with o are added - es
A few words with - s, such as:
5. For the plural form of nouns ending with consonant + y, first change y to I, and then add "- es", such as:
6. Singular and plural nouns, such as:
7. The plural of a few nouns is irregular
this -- these that -- those
is -- are
To introduce your family is to introduce your father, mother, sister, brother and so on
Change the following English verb phrases into third person singular verb forms
①:at home
②:at school
③:at work
④:go to bed
⑤:get up
⑥:go to school
⑦:go home
⑧:at the weekend
⑨:have lunch
⑩:take exercise
①:at home
②:at school
③:at work
④:goes to bed
⑤:gets up
⑥:goes to school
⑦:goes home
⑧:at the weekend
⑨:has lunch
⑩:takes exercise
At home / at school / at work / at the weeks
goes to bed
gets up
goes to school
goes home
has lunch
takes exercise
①:is at home
②:is at school
③:is at work
The first three are at home, at school and at work. If the subject is the third person singular, then the verb be can be used as is without changing the phrase. )
④:goes to bed
⑤:gets up
⑥:goes to school
⑦:goes home
These four are going to bed, getting up, going to school
①:is at home
②:is at school
③:is at work
The first three are at home, at school and at work. If the subject is the third person singular, then the verb be can be used as is without changing the phrase. )
④:goes to bed
⑤:gets up
⑥:goes to school
⑦:goes home
The four are going to bed, getting up, going to school and going home. For those ending with O, add es, and for others, add s)
⑧:is at the weekend
Are you sure this preposition is at? Usually, it's on weekend
⑨:has lunch
⑩:takes exercise
These two are lunch and exercise. Have special memory. The last plus (s) is folded
Change that isn't my CD
Those are not my CDs.
Those aren't my CD.
Those aren't my CDs.
The change of the third person singular verbs in English
Why don't you add "s" in "what does he say in the letter"?
Why don't you add "s" to "like" in "he doesn't like fish at all"?
I hope students with good English can help me
In learning the third person in English, we should pay attention to a principle called "borrowing and returning"
There is a does in the first sentence to show the third person singular, so say should be reduced to say
The second sentence is "dosen't"
In interrogative sentences, use the auxiliary verb do and es
Because you have the auxiliary verb does in the first sentence, when there is an auxiliary verb in the sentence, the verb uses the original form
In the second sentence, doesn't is also the negative form of the auxiliary verb, which is equal to does not
In a declarative sentence, the singular third person in the present tense is usually followed by s or es
But in interrogative and negative sentences, the auxiliary verb should be advanced. For example, do in these two sentences should be changed into does or doesn't
That isn't a watch?
Those aren't watches.
Those aren't Are these dictionaries? It's a photo they are photos. That are't English books. That isn't an English book
This is a dictionary
What are the rules for the formation of the third person singular of verbs in English?
There are some rules and some irregular ones. Take a look at the rules that I gave to see the original form of verbs changing into the third person singular. The singular and plural of the same name words are roughly the same. Please see: 1. Most verbs add "s" at the end of the word, such as: ① stop stops, make; ② read, play; 2
The definition of verbs (basic verbs) in English: verbs are words that express actions or states. Have (has) past participle, has used for the subject is the singular third person
There are some rules and some irregularities. Let's see what I give you
The rules of changing the original form of verbs into the third person singular are roughly the same
1. Most verbs end with "s"
①stop-stops, make-makes
②read-reads , play-plays
2. For those ending with a consonant letter and "Y", first change "Y" into "I", and then add "es"
Fly flies, carr
There are some rules and some irregularities. Let's see what I give you
The rules of changing the original form of verbs into the third person singular are roughly the same
1. Most verbs end with "s"
①stop-stops, make-makes
②read-reads , play-plays
2. For those ending with a consonant letter and "Y", first change "Y" into "I", and then add "es"
3. If it ends with "s, x, CH, SH", add "es" at the end of the word
teach-teaches ,watch-watches
4. For verbs ending in "O", add "es"
go-goes, do-does
I don't know if you like my opinion. I hope it can help you... Put it away
The plural of that