Past tense and past participle word list (irregular) It's going to be arranged from a to Z

Past tense and past participle word list (irregular) It's going to be arranged from a to Z

The past participle am, are, were, be born born born beat, be atenbecome, be come begin, be gan begunblow blew
There are often irregular verbs in the past tense and past participle
It's just a common one, as many as you have
On the past tense and past participle of irregular verbs
Irregular verb past tense and past participle a. the original form is exactly the same as the past tense and past participle
cost----cost----cost cut----cut----cut put----put----put
let----let----let set----set----set hit----hit----hit
Shut --- shut --- shut --- hurt --- hurt read --- read --- read pronunciation / E/
Lie lie lie lie lay lay lay lay lay lay lay
Lay --- lain
eg. The hens don’t _______ eggs during such cold weather.
She _____ her books on the table. ____
B. The past tense is exactly the same as the past participle
1. The past tense and past participle contain ought, aught, and the pronunciation is [: T]
bright----brought----brought think----thought----thought buy----bought----bought
catch----caught----caught teach ---- taught ----taught
2. In the original form of the verb, e is O, becoming past tense and past participle
get----got----got sell----sold----sold tell----told----told
3. In the original form of the verb, I means a sit----sat----sat spit----spat----spat
In the original form of the verb, I is O win----won----won shine----shone/ shined----shone / shined
5. In the original form of the verb, an is OO stand----stood---stood understand----understood----understood
6. Ay in the original verb is AI say----said----said pay----paid----paid
7. A) d in the original verb is t send----sent----sent lend----lent----lent
spend----spent----spent build----built----built
B) change the last letter of the original verb form to t smell----smelt----smelt lose----lost----lost
C) add a letter T after the original form of the verb Learn --- learn --- learn mean --- mean --- mean pronunciation / E/
D) remove the letter E from EE in the original verb form, and then add T. the letter E is pronounced / E at the end of the word/
feel----felt----felt sleep----slept----slept sweep---swept----swept
keep---- kept----- kept
Other meet --- met --- met have --- had --- had hold --- held --- held
make----made----made dig----dug----dug hear----heard----heard
find----found----found hang----hung ----hung
C. The prototype is the same as the past participle
come----came----come run----ran----run become----became----become
D. The past tense is totally different from the past participle
1. In the original form of the verb, I should be changed into a past tense, u into a past participle
begin ---- began -----begun drink---drank----drunk ring----rang-----rung
swim----swam----swum sing----sang----sung
2. Change "O" into "e" in the original verb form and add "n" at the end of the original verb form to become "past participle"
blow----blew----blown grow----grew----grown know---knew---known
Throw --- throw --- throw fly --- fly / flu: / --- flow (similar to above)
3. The past participles of the following verbs all end with en, so they are classified into one category
A) in the original form of the verb, change I to o to become the past tense, and add n at the end to become the past participle
Drive --- drop --- drive rise --- rose --- rising write --- write --- written
Ride --- ride --- ridden (double write d)
B) change EA to o in the original verb form, add e at the end of the word to become the past tense, and add n after the past tense to become the past participle
speak----spoke----spoken steal----stole----stolen break----broke----broken
C) change some letters or letter combinations in the original form of the verb to o to become the past tense, and add n after the past tense to become the past participle
wake----woke----woken freeze----froze----frozen
Choose --- choose --- choose forget --- forget --- forget
d) Other past participles ending in EN
eat----ate----eaten beat---- beat ---- beaten fall----fell----fallen
give----gave----given see----saw----seen take----took----taken
Mistake --- mistook --- mistaken hide --- hid --- hidden
E. Verbs without past participles
can ----- could - may---- might - shall---- should- will ---- would -
am, is ---- was----- been are-----were----- been do-----did----- done
draw-----drew----- drawn/ :/ go-----went----- gone show----showed----shown
wear--- wore ---- worn
The past tense of irregular verbs
The past tense of irregular verbs is not only the focus of students' study, but also a difficulty. Students should find out the law of change through the original forms of irregular verbs and their past tense
1. Change o in the original form of the verb to a and change it into the past tense
become—became, come—came
2. Change I in the original form of the verb to a and change it into the past tense
begin—began,drink—drank,give—gave,ring—rang,sing—sang,sit—sat,swim—swam ,sink—sank,
3. Change "I" in the stressed open syllable to "O" in the past tense
4. In the original form of the verb, e is changed to O and becomes the past tense
5. The original form of the verb "eep" is changed to "EPT" and becomes the past tense
6. In the original form of the verb, an is changed to OO and becomes the past tense
7. Change aw / ow in the original verb form to EW, and change it into the past tense
Draw draw, grow great, know know know, throw throw (except the verb show, show shown)
8. Change the original form of the verb "eak" to "oke" to "past tense"
9. The original form of the verb "ell" is changed to "old" to "past tense"
10. The past tense ending with "ought" and "aught" and pronounced "t"
11. The past tense of modal verbs ending in ould and pronounced 〔 UD 〕
12. Add D or T after the original form of the verb to become the past tense, and the sound changes
hear〔hi 〕—heard〔h :d〕, say〔sei〕—said〔sed〕,
mean〔mi:n〕—meant〔ment〕, dream—dreamt 〔dremt〕
The past tense of a verb is the same as its original form
cut—cut, hit—hit, hurt—hurt, let—let,must—must,
There are two forms of the past tense of verbs
dream—dreamed/ dreamt learn—learnt/ learned shine—shone/ shined
smell—smelt/ smelled wake—woke/ waked
The past tense of verbs does not conform to the above rules
feel—felt,find—found,fly—flew,go—went,have /has— had,hide—hid,
might,run—ran,see—saw, smell—smelt,take—took,wake—woke,
Cost cost
Cut cut cut
Hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit
Let's let's
Put put put put down
Read read read read
Hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt
2. Type A --- a --- B
Beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat
... unfold
Cost cost
Cut cut cut
Hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit
Let's let's
Put put put put down
Read read read read
Hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt
2. Type A --- a --- B
Beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat
3. Type A --- B --- A
Come come come
Became became became
Run ran run
4. Type A -- B -- B
(1) Add a consonant D or T after the original verb form to form the past tense or past participle.
Burn burn
Learn learned / learn learned / learn
Mean mean mean
Hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear
(2) Change the last consonant letter "d" of the original verb form to "t" to form the past tense or past participle.
Build build
Lent lent lent lent
Lose lost
Send send
Spend spend spend spend
(3) Others
Pay paid
Lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay
Say said said
Bring Brown
Buy buy buy
Think thought thought
Sleep sleep
Keep keep keep
Sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep
Stand stock
Understand understand understand understand
Win won
Shine shine / shined shine / shined shine
Catch catch
How to teach
Feel feel feel
Fight fought
Find found
Get got got
Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang
Have had had
Hold hold hold
Leave left
Make make make
Meet met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met
Sell sold sold
Shot shot
Tell told told
Smell, smell, smell
Sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit
Dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig
5. Type A --- B --- C (present tense, past tense and past participle are all different)
(1) Add - N or - en after the original verb form to form the past participle.
Eat ate eat
Fall fell
Steal stole stolen
Give gave given
Freeze freeze freeze
Take tool take
See see see see
Write write
Ride ride ride
Drive drive
Throw throw
Blow blow blow
Grow grow
Know know know
Fly fly flow
Draw draw
Show shown
(2) The past participle is formed by adding - N or - en to the past tense.
Speak spoke spoke
Break break break
Wake up / wake up / wake up
Choose choose
Forget forget forget forget
(3) The vowel "I" in the stressed syllables are "a" (past tense) and "U" (past participle).
Begin begin begin begin begin
Ring rang rung
Sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing
Sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink
Swim swim
Drink drink
(4) The change of other irregular verbs.
Be (am, is) was / were been
Be (are) were been
Do did
Go went
Lie lay lain
Wear away
What are the rules for plural pronunciation?
case name side place
picture passage message machine license timetable advantage influence
differencephone bicycle vegetable table fire home date lake compute course cake movie favorite age village science snake nose orange
If the pronunciation before e is:
(1) Clear consonant
(2) Voiced / vowel
(3) Common consonant
The pronunciation of a common noun when the singular number changes to the plural number [pronunciation] regular plus - s or - es plus - s [S] [Z] [iz] clear consonant plus - s read [S] voiced consonant [and vowel] plus - s read [Z] words ending with - Ch - SH - X - S - Z add - es
Is there any difference between the verb be (am, is, are) and the auxiliary verb do?