The evolution of tax rate calculation formula The project tax has three parts: business tax, urban maintenance and construction tax and education surcharge Combining the three kinds of taxes, the tax rate is {1 / [1-3% * (1 + 7% + 3%)] - 1} * 100% What I do is 3% * (1 + 7% + 3%) I want to know how it's deduced

The evolution of tax rate calculation formula The project tax has three parts: business tax, urban maintenance and construction tax and education surcharge Combining the three kinds of taxes, the tax rate is {1 / [1-3% * (1 + 7% + 3%)] - 1} * 100% What I do is 3% * (1 + 7% + 3%) I want to know how it's deduced

The tax rate formula is {1 / [1-3% * (1 + 7% + 3%)] - 1} * 100%, which is based on the conversion formula of project cost excluding tax;
The tax rate formula of 3% * (1 + 7% + 3%) is based on the project income tax formula
How to calculate the interest rate?
It's better to have all the formulas,
If you deposit 100 days before August 15 and 265 days after that, the interest tax is 1000 * 100 / 365 * 20% + 1000 * 265 / 365 * 5% = 91.1, that is, the percentage of days before the change of interest tax in one year multiplied by the interest tax rate before the change, which is the same after the total interest is calculated, Interest tax is calculated on a daily basis
Use letters to represent two learned formulas and algorithms
The area formula of circle: S = π R 2; the distribution law formula of multiplication: a * (b c) = a * B a * C perimeter = 2 π * r perimeter = a BC 1:2
Equivalent relation
Speed difference × overtaking time = overtaking distance
Overtaking distance △ speed difference = overtaking time
Distance / a speed (Chase) - B speed (run) = chase time
Ah, what? "Pursuit"?????????
Speed difference × overtaking time = overtaking distance
Overtaking distance △ speed difference = overtaking time
Sometimes it depends on your own understanding,
A first + a second = B first
It's 1500 meters from a to B by boat. It takes 30 minutes to go downstream and 50 minutes to go backward (B to a). If you want to return within one hour, and you can't stop halfway, the route will not change. When should the ship turn back? Please list the formula
When teaching "scale", we can introduce how to calculate "distance on the map" or "actual distance" according to "scale", and how to draw drawings according to "scale", which plays an important role in architecture, scientific research, military and so on
From what we know, we can get that the time ratio of sailing with and against the water for the same journey is 3:5
Because the distance is equal if you need to go back and forth in an hour, the time ratio is still 3:5 in this hour
So 60 * 3 / 3 + 5 = 60 * 3 / 8 = 22.5, that is to say, it will return in 22 minutes and 30 seconds!
Saving money, current and fixed deposits, zero deposit and lump sum deposit and lump sum withdrawal, etc. interest is different. In the short term, you can put the interest forward and then deposit it as capital. Which is more cost-effective.
What is the cooling area of the room and how many air conditioners need to be installed.
Fifth grade math story
Every grain is hard. On Friday night, I went to my brother's house and had dinner there. My brother ate with relish and filled the table with grains of rice. I really couldn't see it any more and said, "brother, have you ever recited" compassion for the farmers "? My brother closed his eyes and said:" weeding day, noon, sweat... "" stop, I know what it means
Fifth grade mathematician's short story, to be short
It took little Gauss one night to make a regular 17 sided shape that hasn't been solved for more than 2000 years. When the teacher asked Gauss how to do it well, he said, "if I know this is a puzzle that hasn't been solved for more than 2000 years, I will not have the confidence to do it."
Elementary school fifth grade mathematics diary, has the wood to have, has the wood to have?
In life, there is mathematics everywhere. For example, we need to use mathematics to buy vegetables, stationery and cloth. This semester, the teacher taught us a new knowledge, which is decimal multiplication and division. This knowledge has helped me a lot!
Last night, my mother went to buy oranges together. Oranges cost 1.8 yuan per kilo. My mother bought 4.5 Jin, which should have paid 8.1 yuan. But the salesperson was careless and didn't know how to calculate it. It turned out to be 9 yuan. Fortunately, I took advantage of this semester's Protestant knowledge and corrected the salesperson's mistake immediately after I calculated it in my mind
Not only the saleswoman's aunt praised me for being smart and able to multiply and divide decimals in such a small city, but also on the way home, my mother praised me and saved her 0.9 yuan, and the knowledge she learned could be used in life. Yes! If I didn't learn this math well, I would lose more than 0.9 yuan, maybe hundreds, thousands, even hundreds of millions!
At noon today, I was doing my summer math homework. Unfortunately, I encountered a very difficult problem. I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't come up with a solution. However, this problem is as follows:
There is a cuboid, the product of the front and the top two areas is 209 square centimeters, and the length, width and height are prime numbers. Find its volume.
When I saw it, I thought: this problem is really difficult! What we know is only the product of the areas of two surfaces. We also need to know the length, width and height of the volume, but it doesn't give any hint at all. How can we start!
Just as I was scratching my ears in a hurry, one of my mother's friends was unfolding
At noon today, I was doing my summer math homework. Unfortunately, I encountered a very difficult problem. I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't come up with a solution. However, this problem is as follows:
There is a cuboid, the product of the front and the top two areas is 209 square centimeters, and the length, width and height are prime numbers. Find its volume.
When I saw it, I thought: this problem is really difficult! What we know is only the product of the areas of two surfaces. We also need to know the length, width and height of the volume, but it doesn't give any hint at all. How can we start!
Just as I was scratching my ears, one of my mother's colleagues came. He first taught me to use the idea of equation to solve, but I'm not very familiar with this method. So, he taught me another method: list the numbers first, and then exclude them one by one. We first list a lot of numbers according to the requirements of the topic, such as: prime numbers of 3, 5, 7, 11, etc., then we start to exclude them, and then we find that only 11 and 19 are left. At this time, I think: one of these two numbers is the common edge length on the front of the cuboid in the question; the other is the front of the cuboid except the one above
The sum of the edge lengths (all of which are prime numbers). So I began to distinguish between the two numbers.
Finally, I got the result, 374 cubic centimeters. My formula is: 209 = 11 × 19 19 = 2 + 17 11 × 2 × 17 = 374 (cubic centimeter)
As like as two peas, I used the knowledge I learned this semester: decomposition of the quality factor to check the problem.
After solving this problem, I feel happier than anyone else. I also understand a truth: mathematics is full of mysteries, waiting for us to explore. Put it away
Do you have a math diary?!! Ask: Yes!
How to write 300 words in the fifth grade math diary
One piece is OK ~ I'm from Lu'an ~ 300 words, please,
Feeling of reading "mathematics story"
One day, the king called Avanti into the palace and said to Avanti, "Mr. Avanti, I heard that you often speak ill of me outside. Well, people say you are very smart. I have a question here. If you can answer it, I will acquit you. If you can't answer it, you will be punished more severely.", The king wanted to use this method as an excuse to revenge Avanti. The king asked people to take three boxes and said to Avanti, "only one of the three boxes has a pearl in it. There is a sentence on each box, but there is only one truth. The rest are lies. You can find out which box the pearl is in." Avanti saw that the first box is red, It said: "the pearl is here"; the second box is blue, it said: "the pearl is not in the red box"; the third box is yellow, it said: "the pearl is not here". After reading the words on the box, Avanti thought a little, and immediately pointed out which box the Pearl was in, All of them were so surprised that they couldn't speak for a long time. The king had to let Avanti go
In real life, everything follows a rule, either this or that. It's impossible to be both. This rule is called the law of excluded middle. If the pearl is in the red box, naturally the pearl is not in the yellow box. Then the words on the red box and the words on the yellow box are true, which is contradictory to "only one sentence is true", so it's impossible, Naturally, the pearl is not in the red box and the yellow box, so the words on the blue box and the yellow box are true. Therefore, it is impossible. Because the pearl is in one of the three boxes, since it is not in the red box and the blue box, it must be in the yellow box
Well, I've also written a math diary. You can find things about numbers in your life, such as:
What do you see in the supermarket and how much it costs? Then ask your parents how much they used to pay. You can compare the present with the past. You can also put forward mathematical problems based on something and solve them,
Well, it's actually like a Chinese diary, but you make it mathematically.. That's it ~... Unfold
Well, I've also written a math diary. You can find things about numbers in your life, such as:
What do you see in the supermarket and how much it costs? Then ask your parents how much they used to pay. You can compare the present with the past. You can also put forward mathematical problems based on something and solve them,
Well, it's actually like a Chinese diary, but you make it mathematically.. That's it. Put it away
My room is up to me
Today, our house is moving. I jump three feet.
Moved into a new home, where my father with a ruler in my room left and right, I asked my father: "Dad, where are you doing?" "I'm measuring the width and length of your room?" Dad replied. After two minutes, finally, the exact amount out: 6 meters long, 4 meters wide.
But dad said, "by the way, we have to buy ceramic tiles for the floor, otherwise it's too ugly." I asked, "how big are the tiles?" "We'll see... Then
My room is up to me
Today, our house is moving. I jump three feet.
Moved into a new home, where my father with a ruler in my room left and right, I asked my father: "Dad, where are you doing?" "I'm measuring the width and length of your room?" Dad replied. After two minutes, finally, the exact amount out: 6 meters long, 4 meters wide.
But dad said, "by the way, we have to buy ceramic tiles for the floor, otherwise it's too ugly." I asked, "how big are the tiles?" "I'll see it then." Dad said.
We got dressed and went out.
When we get to the store, let's look left and right. Some are eight meters long and seven meters wide, others are six meters long and four meters wide. After about 6 minutes, I fell in love with a piece of ceramic tile, which is also very beautiful, with red roses carved on it. The length of this ceramic tile is 200 cm. "Boss, I want 200 cm long and 200 cm wide tiles!" I cried. After shouting, everyone was shocked. "How do you calculate, son?" Dad asked. "Use the greatest common factor." I answered. "How clever!" Dad praised me.
I bought it back. It's just full. I'm so happy!
My room is up to me! Put it away