On the solution set of inequality (a + b) x + (2a-3b) 0 of X

On the solution set of inequality (a + b) x + (2a-3b) 0 of X

Given the inequality x ^ 2-4x > = m about X, then if any x belongs to (0,1], then the value range of real number m?
Please be clear,
Let f (x) = y = x ^ 2-4x. (quadratic function)
Because a = 1 > 0, the opening of the image is upward, and y has the minimum value
The axis of symmetry x = - B / (2a) = - (- 4) / (2 * 1) = 2 does not belong to (0,1]
f(0)=0 f(1)=1*1-4*1=-3
So when x belongs to (0,1), y belongs to [- 3,0]
That is, Ymin = - 3
So m (max)
Draw the parabola with several lines, and know that the axis of symmetry is x = 2, and the opening is upward
Therefore, when x = 1, the maximum value of m on the left is less than or equal to - 3
This is a problem of variable function with definite interval. For this x ^ 2-4x + M = 0 is a quadratic function, the key to solve the problem is to make the symmetry axis X = 2 move on the X axis, and discuss the minimum value. As long as the minimum value is greater than m, then the inequality is satisfied, that is, it holds. Note that there are three cases of X
What does (a + b) equal
Square of a + 2Ab + square of B
Who knows the math problem
I borrowed 500 from my father, borrowed 500 from my mother, bought a pair of shoes, and used 970. The remaining 30 yuan, I returned 10 yuan to my father, 10 yuan to my mother, I left 10 yuan, I owed 490 yuan to my father, I owed 490490 yuan to my mother, 490 yuan + 490 yuan = 980 yuan. Plus my 10 yuan = 990 yuan, where are the other 10 yuan?
First of all, in terms of borrowing, borrowing 500 from your father and 500 from your mother, so 500 + 500 = 1000. In terms of buying leather shoes, 970 + 30 = 1000. Then separate the leather shoes and say that you owe 485 to your father and mother, and the remaining 30 is just 1000. That is 485 + 15 to each person. Then you pay 10 to each person, that is 495 + 5 to each person, or 1000
Take a look at the question "three people live in a hotel, 10 yuan per person".
It's in the cost of buying shoes
Do you want to know where the 10 yuan went? In fact, I borrowed 1000, spent 970, and you still have 30. Return 10 yuan to mom and dad respectively, that is, return 490 yuan to mom and dad respectively, which adds up to 980 yuan,. If you have 10 yuan left and you spend 970 yuan, that's 980 yuan. That's the same. Your 10 yuan is the original 1000 Li loan, not the later 980 Li loan
This is called the problem of income and expenditure. Your shoes are 970, and you owe your parents 20, which adds up to 990, plus your 10, which is 1000
980 is the money you owe your parents. 10 yuan is your money. You can't add the two together. It doesn't make sense
If you know something about accounting, it will be clear
Shoes used 970 yuan, also 20 yuan, I still have 10 yuan, just add up to 1000 yuan borrowed.
490 to Dad, 490 to mom, that's right
What does it mean to add your own 10 yuan = 990? Why do you add 10 yuan? What is this 990? The account should have a name. What is the name of 990?
Return father 10, return mother 10, return a total of 20 yuan, still owe 980 yuan, 980 yuan bought a pair of shoes 970, oneself still have 10.
The 980 I owe my parents and the 10 I have left are liabilities and assets. They can't add up, they can only subtract,
That is: 980-10 = 970 (money for shoes)
The most simple, the remaining 30 when also parents 15, there is no such thing
It's in your pocket
I borrowed 1000, spent 970, and you have 30 left. Return 10 yuan to mom and dad respectively, that is, return 490 yuan to mom and dad respectively, which adds up to 980 yuan,. If you have 10 yuan left and you spend 970, that's 980. That's the same
What is the mathematical formula a three - B three equal to?
Do you want to ask the cubic difference formula? A ^ 3-B ^ 3 = (a-b) (a ^ 2 + AB + B ^ 2) a ^ 3 + B ^ 3 = (a + b) (a ^ 2-AB + B ^ 2)
A circle is in a square. The side length of the square is exactly the diameter of the circle. The side length of the square is 10cm. How much less is the area of the blank part of the figure than that of the shadow part (that is, the area of the circle)?
Square area: 10 * 10 = 100 square centimeters
Circle area (10 / 2) ^ 2 * 3.14 = 78.5 square centimeter
Blank area: 100-78.5 = 21.5 square centimeter
The area of blank part is less than that of shadow part: (78.5-21.5) / 78.5 ≈ 72.6%
What is the square of a plus the square of B?
There is no simpler formula. If it is converted, it can be converted to (a + b) ^ 2-2ab
Who knows the answer to this math problem?
Year / yield / variety [Sorghum] [corn] [millet] [wheat]
Last year 1450kg 2500kg 1200kg 4800KG
This year 1740kg 2860kg 1500kg 5400Kg
What is the percentage of this year's increase over last year
Well It should be understood? It is to calculate the percentage of these plants this year over last year
For example, sorghum is (1740-1450) / 1450 * 100% = 20%. The answer is the percentage of yield increase. The rest is the same method. Just calculate it by yourself····
What are the mathematical units
Length area volume weight
20 words of interesting stories for the fourth grade of Mathematics
1. The product of four continuous natural numbers is 5038, which are (), (), ()
2. There are 10 red, yellow, blue balls in one pocket. You should feel the same color balls at one time, at least () balls at one time
3. There are two groups as follows:
Group A: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
Group B: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
Each time from a, B two groups to a number, add sum, different results have ()
4. A garment worker can produce 4 coats or 7 pairs of trousers per person per day. One coat and one pair of trousers are a set of garments. There are 66 workers producing them. How many suits can they produce per day at most?
Xiao Wang has three stamp albums. One fifth of all the stamps are in the first book. N divided by 8 (n is a non-zero natural number) is in the second book. The remaining 39 stamps are in the third book. How many stamps does Xiao Wang have?
6. Xiaoming looks at his score table and predicts: if the next math exam is 100 points, then the total average score is 91 points. If the next exam is 80 points, then the total average score is 86 points. How many times has Xiaoming's math statistics table taken the exam?
7. A number multiplied by 4 / 3, careless Xiao Ming regarded 4 / 3 as 3 / 4. What's the correct answer?
Xiao Li and Xiao Wang went to the bookstore to buy the same book, but they didn't have enough money. Xiao Li was 4.5 yuan less than Xiao Wang, and Xiao Wang was 0.6 yuan less than Xiao Li. They decided to buy the same book. The money was just enough. How much was the book?
Group A:
1. The two brothers count in turn. The elder brother counts odd every time, the first time is 1, and then counts 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15. The younger brother counts even every time, the first time is 2, and then counts 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. Please answer quickly, how much less is the sum of the eight numbers of the elder brother than the sum of the eight numbers of the younger brother?
2. If two adjacent even numbers are multiplied by a certain number, the difference between the two products is 100?
3. In the 100 numbers from 1 to 100, there are () pairs of which the divisor quotient of two numbers is 2. The pair with the smallest divisor and divisor is () and (), and the pair with the largest divisor and divisor is () and?
4. How many pieces of a rope can be cut by folding it in half, then cutting it from the middle?
5. My mother said to Xiaoqin, "I'll give you 90 cents. You can go to the post office to buy stamps. There are only three kinds of stamps, three points, four points and eight points. Each kind has the same number." how many stamps can Xiaoqin buy back at most?
6. Choose five numbers from the six numbers 8, 9, 16, 19, 23 and 27 so that the sum of three numbers is twice the sum of the other two numbers?
7. The product of a number multiplied by 4 is 900 less than that of a number multiplied by 40. What is the number?
8. The sum of number a and number B is 3 times larger than that of number a and number C. what is the difference between number C and number B?
Group B: control group
9. Divide 100 into the sum of 12 numbers, so that each number has the number "3"?
10. There are 9 balls in the pocket, and each ball is marked with a number, which is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. A, B, C, d each take two balls from the pocket. The sum of the two balls in a is 10, the difference between the two balls in B is 1, the product of the two balls in C is 24, and the quotient of the two balls in D is 3?
11. There are 22 common forest animals in the circus. The 22 animals have a total of 40 feet. The animals with two feet are twice as many as those with four feet. How many animals have two feet? (Note: are there any snakes with feet)
12. Each of the five brothers has some candy, the bigger one is much more than the smaller one. The eldest brother gives some of his candy to everyone, and who has as many as he has. Then the second brother gives some of the existing candy to everyone, and who has as many as he has now. The third, fourth and fifth brothers also do the same. Finally, each of the five has 32 candy. How many candy did they have?
Group C:
13. The calf said to someone, "yesterday, I played chess with two chess masters. There were two chessboards in front of me. I played two chessboards by myself and played against the two masters at the same time. Guess who won and who lost?" "you must have lost both sets." people know that the calf just learned to play chess, and he can't even remember how to walk. "No, in the first time, both sets were draw. In the second time, I lost one, Win a game. No matter how many times I play, I won't lose two games at the same time. "" you boast. "
Two chess masters came out to prove: the calf didn't boast, and we didn't let him play chess. He took a clever way to play chess with us. What clever way did the calf use
14. I'm going to buy something for 2 yuan. As long as it's not more than 2 yuan, no matter how much I buy, I can get the right amount. I don't need the change of the salesman
But I don't want to take a lot of change. I only want to take the least coins and notes. How many coins? How many notes?
15.1×2×3×… It's a very large number to multiply 50 numbers from? 1 to 50. It's very difficult to calculate by pen. It's a 65 bit number by computer. There are many zeros at the end of the 65 bit number. Now, how many zeros are there? (Note: not 10 zeros)
Group A: 1.8; 2.50; 3.50 pairs, 2 and 1100 and 50; 4.5 segments; 5.90 △ (3 + 4 + 8) = 6,6 × 3 = 18 sheets; 6. (8 + 19 + 23) ± (9 + 16) = 2 times; 7.900 ± (40-4) = 25; 8. The number of B is 3.5 times larger than that of C
Group B: 9.100 = 30 + 30 + 13 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3; 10.7; 11. According to the title, the number of feet of two legged animals is the same as that of four legged animals, 40 △ 2 = 20 (feet), 20 × 2 = 19 (feet); 12
Group C: 13. For the convenience of explanation, we might as well give two names to the two players: one is Gao Ming, the other is Bi Sheng. In the game played by calf and Gao Ming, let Gao Ming go first; in the other game, let Bi Sheng go later. Then, calf looks at how Gao Ming goes, and moves over to Bi Sheng, and then moves back to Gao Ming, In fact, it's Gao Ming and Bi Sheng against each other. Gao Ming and Bi Sheng can't win at the same time, and the Mavericks won't lose both sets. 14. Coins: 1 Fen 1, 2 fen 2, 5 fen 1, a total of 4; banknotes: 1 jiao 2, 2 Jiao 1, 5 jiao 1, 1 yuan 1, a total of 5. 15, There are 6 zeros at the end of the product of multiplication; there are 5, 15, 25, 35, 45 numbers at the end of 5, and there are 6 zeros at the end of the product of multiplication with even numbers without 0 at the end,