Is there a good way to memorize English words

Is there a good way to memorize English words

1. 2. Don't memorize words in alphabetical order, it's easy to imprison your thinking. 3. Try to combine each word with an example sentence, and use it flexibly. 4. Review more, a few times, don't be greedy every day, and review in time, Strive for once every three days. 5, the words you can't gather together, take with you, usually read more, unknowingly will, it's amazing
Two high school history problems, please ask the solution, thank you!
From 1900 to 1920, the output value of China's agriculture and handicraft industry accounted for 86% of the total output value of industry and agriculture, while modern industry only accounted for 14%. In 1920, the total output value of China's industry, agriculture and transportation industry accounted for only 7.84% of the total output value, and traditional industry accounted for 92.16%
This reflects that at that time
A. The traditional economic form is still dominant
B. The development of modern industry is slow
C. The imperialist economic aggression against China intensified
D. China's capitalism lacks space for development
I chose B, online answers say a is right and C is right. I want to ask you, these four answers are not wrong, and the meaning is very similar, and they have some connection with the materials. How to do this kind of multiple-choice questions!
Another example is statistics: in Britain, more than 4 million acres of wasteland were reclaimed from 1700 to 1790; in 1700, a farmer could support about 1.7 people; in 1800, he could support 2.5 people; agricultural productivity increased by 47% in 100 years From 1600 to 1800, the per capita output of agricultural workers in England increased by 73%
A. Agricultural economy is the pillar of national economy
B. Industrial output value gradually exceeds agricultural output value
C. Industrial Revolution promotes the development of agricultural economy
D. Agricultural science and technology innovation improves agricultural productivity
I chose D, and the answer is B. I think it's the industrial revolution that brings innovation in agricultural science and technology and productivity, and D is closer. Isn't that right? It's because the promotion of agricultural workers, so you want to promote the development of agricultural economy? Thank you for waiting online
The answer to the first question is a. at that time, the great powers were busy with World War I and relaxed their economic aggression against China
The answer B to the second question is better
Induction formula 200 points
1. Simplification: sin (30 ° + α) × Tan (45 ° + α) × Tan (45 ° - α) sec (60 ° - α)
2. Evaluation: Sin & sup2; 1 ° + Sin & sup2; 2 ° + Sin & sup2; 3 ° +. + Sin & sup2; 89 °
3. Given that θ = (0,2 π), and sin θ and cos θ are the roots of the equation x & sup2; - KX + k-1 = 0, find the values of K and θ
4. Sin α + sin β + SINR + 0 is known, and cos α + cos β + cosr = 0
Proof: cos (α - β) = negative half
1. Simplification: sin (30 ° + α) × Tan (45 ° + α) × Tan (45 ° - α) sec (60 ° - α) = sin (30 ° + α) × Tan (45 ° + α) × Tan (45 ° - α) / cos (60 ° - α) = sin (30 ° + α) / [cos (90 ° - 30 ° - α] × Tan (45 ° + α) × Tan (90 ° - 45 ° - α) = s
sin(30°+α)×tan(45°+α)×tan(45°-α) sec(60°-α)
=sin(30°+α)×tan(45°+α)×tan(45°-α)/ cos(60°-α)
=[sin(30°+α)/ cos(60°-α)]×tan(45°+α)×tan(45°-α)
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319 × 37.3% ≈ 119 (pieces)
A: there are about 119 cities with grade three air quality
319 × 37.3% = 319 * 0.373 ≈ 119.
Formula: 319 * 37.3% = 118.987
Therefore, there are about 118 cities with grade III air quality