Effective ways to memorize English words

Effective ways to memorize English words

Phonetic alphabet is the most basic, so the building owners must learn it well. After learning phonetic alphabet, the building owners know how to connect phonetic alphabet with letter, what letter to read what phonetic alphabet, such as egg, e is the phonetic alphabet of E, G is the phonetic alphabet of GG. Then read it several times, you will have a preliminary impression, and you can remember it after reviewing it in the future. This is a common way to memorize words, and hope the building owners adopt it
Learn how to memorize English words
It's a waste of time to memorize words by rote. Read more articles and look up English English dictionaries. The so-called memory method is a summary and classification of the first impression of a new word when you see it, but it's not a means of rote. For example, its function should be that when you read an article with words for postgraduate entrance examination, When you see a new unfamiliar word, first guess its meaning according to your memory rules and context. Then read through the article and look up the meaning of the single word you guessed before. Finally, summarize the rules and strengthen your memory, Then I can think of the key words in this article. Of course, the role of memory method is very obvious. It is the first step to summarize and classify and enhance the psychological intimacy. For the words that can be guessed correctly for the first time, don't worry, you can't forget it
Car a and car B leave from the two places at the same time. Car a travels 80 kilometers per hour. Car B's speed is seven eighths of car a's. after three hours, the two cars are still 10% of the whole distance. How many kilometers are there between the two places?
Car a and car B leave from two places at the same time. Car a travels 80 kilometers per hour. Car B's speed is 7 / 8 of car a's speed. After 3 hours, the car is still 10% of the whole distance. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places
500 km
80 × 7 / 8 = 70 (km / h)
(80 + 70) × 3 = 450 (km)
450 ÷ (1-10%) = 500 (km)
The distance is x km
(X-10% x): (divided by) (80 + 80 * 7 / 8) = 3
X-10% x actual distance 80 * 7 / 8 B speed encounter problem basic formula distance divided by speed sum = encounter time
B: 80x7 / 8 per hour = 70km
(80 + 70) x3 ÷ (1-10%) = 500 km
The distance between the two places is 500 km
What is mathematics
Ln is the natural logarithm, which is the logarithm with E as the base
What does it mean in math problems
Tick is an operator, √ 2 is the square of 2, which is the inverse operation of the square, √ 2 multiplied by itself equals 2
What does in mean in mathematics and how to use it?
Ln is the natural logarithm, which is the logarithm with E as the base
What's the meaning? There's a math problem!
For example, let a △ B = a + B + AB 3 △ 2 = 3 + 2 + 6 = 11 5 △ 5 = 5 + 5 + 25 = 35, let a * b = (a + b) △ 36 * (5 * 4) = 3 (1) solve this kind of problem
A special symbol: Er, can you be more specific?
What does ∑ mean in mathematics
In mathematics, what do the superscripts and subscripts of ∑ mean? For example, what do the superscripts n-1 at the top of the head and I = 1 at the foot of ∑ mean
Capital ∑ is used for the sum sign in mathematics, such as ∑ PI, where I = 1,2,..., t is the sum of P1 + P2 +... + Pt. Lowercase σ is used for the standard deviation in statistics. The C of Cyrillic letter and s of Latin letter are evolved from sigma
Also refers to the summation, which means ∑ J = 1 + 2 + 3 + +n.
·Detailed explanation
1. The sign of ∑ denotes summation, and the pronunciation of ∑ is sigma, which means sum in English. The method of summation with ∑ is called Singa notation, or ∑ notation. Its lowercase is σ, which is often used to represent area density in physics. (correspondingly, ρ represents volume density, η represents line density)
2. Usage of ∑:
Σ K I is the lower bound, n is the upper bound, K starts from I and continues until n, all of which are added up
Σ I can also be expressed in this way, which means to sum I, I is a variable
For example:
One hundred
∑ i = 1+2+3+4+5+.+100
Two hundred
∑ i = 5+6+7+8+9+.+200
Five hundred
∑ i;= 10+11+12+13+14+.+500
Four hundred and forty-four
∑ Xi = X
Read "higma", sum in mathematics
The sum operation, for AI, is to add A1 to an-1
The sign of sum means sum. The pronunciation of sigma means sum. The method of summation with ∑ is called Singa notation, or ∑ notation. Its lowercase is σ, which is often used to express area density in physics. (accordingly, ρ is the volume density, η is the linear density) 2. Usage of Σ: n Σ K I is the lower bound, n is the upper bound, and K is taken from I until n, all of which are added up. I ∑ I can also be expressed in this way, which means summation of I
The sign of sum means sum. The pronunciation of sigma means sum. The method of summation with ∑ is called Singa notation, or ∑ notation. Its lowercase is σ, which is often used to express area density in physics. (accordingly, ρ is the volume density, η is the linear density) 2. Usage of Σ: n Σ K I is the lower bound, n is the upper bound, and K is taken from I until n, all of which are added up. I ∑ I can also be expressed as sum of I, I is a variable, for example: 100 ∑ I = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +... + 100 I = 1 200 ∑ I = 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 +... + 200 I = 5 500 ∑ I; = 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 +... + 500 I = 10 444 ∑ xi = x & # 8321; + X & # 8322; + X & # 8323; + X & # 8324; +... + X & # 8324; - # 8324; ₄ I = 150 Σ I = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +... + 50 = 1275 I = 170 Σ x = x + X + X + X +... + x = 70X I = 1
Capital ∑ is used for the sum sign in mathematics, such as ∑ PI, where I = 1,2,..., t, which is the sum of P1 + P2 +... + Pt. Small Sigma is used for statistical standard deviation. Both the Cyrillic C and the Latin s evolved from sigma. Also refers to the summation, which means ∑ J = 1 + 2 + 3 + +n。
Detailed explanation
1. The sign of ∑ means sum. The pronunciation of ∑ is sigma, which means sum in English. The method of summation represented by ∑ is called s... expansion
Capital ∑ is used for the sum sign in mathematics, such as ∑ PI, where I = 1,2,..., t, which is the sum of P1 + P2 +... + Pt. Small Sigma is used for statistical standard deviation. Both the Cyrillic C and the Latin s evolved from sigma. Also refers to the summation, which means ∑ J = 1 + 2 + 3 + +n。
Detailed explanation
1. The sign of ∑ means sum. The pronunciation of ∑ is sigma, which means sum in English. The method of summation with ∑ is called Singa notation, or ∑ notation. Its lowercase is σ, which is often used to express area density in physics. (accordingly, ρ is the volume density, η is the linear density) 2. Usage of Σ: n Σ K I is the lower bound, n is the upper bound, and K is taken from I until n, all of which are added up. I ∑ I can also be expressed in this way, which means to sum I, I is a variable
For example: 100 ∑ I = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +... + 100 I = 1 200 ∑ I = 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 +... + 200 I = 5 500 ∑ I; = 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 +... + 500 I = 10 444 ∑ xi = x & # 8321; + X & # 8322; + X & # 8323; + X & # 8324; +... + X & # 8324; - # 8324; - # 8324; - # 8324; I = 150 Σ I = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 +... + 1 = 50 I = 170 Σ x = x + X + X +... + x = 70X I = 1
You can type it, but you don't know what it means. It's also a bit interesting. The following is the lower limit of summation, and the data above is online, which means that one by one accumulation is added from 1 to n-1. If you don't understand it, you can read more than that
Σ is the meaning of summation, you said the problem is from n = 1 to n-1 number summation
Capital ∑ is used for the sum sign in mathematics, such as ∑ PI, where I = 1,2,..., t, which is the sum of P1 + P2 +... + Pt. Small Sigma is used for statistical standard deviation. Both the Cyrillic C and the Latin s evolved from sigma. Also refers to the summation, which means ∑ J = 1 + 2 + 3 + +n。
2. Usage of ∑:
Σ K I is the lower bound, n is the upper bound, and K is taken from I until n, all of which are added up.
Y = 2 / X-1, the definition field is (- ∞, 1) ∪ [2,5), and the subrange of this formula is obtained
The answer is x ∈ (- ∞, 1) ∪ [2,5]
So X-1 ∈ (- ∞, 0) ∪ [1,4]
1/x-1 ∈(-∞,0)∪(1/4,1]
I don't know the meaning of the third step
He said, how do you get this 1 / X-1?
It said "derivation" is to find the reciprocal. Maybe it is misprinted
However, "derivation" can also be done
Let X-1 = a, then y = 2 / A
Derivation y-prime = [- 2] / [X-1] 2, where two is the square of denominator
So x decreases monotonically over 0
So the range of 2 / X-1 is (- ∞, 0) ∪ (1 / 2,2]
Hello, landlord~~
By deriving 1 / y, we can get that 1 / y is monotonically decreasing in the range of (- ∞, 0) and (0, + ∞). Therefore, when X-1 ∈ (- ∞, 0), it is obvious that 1 / X-1 ∈ (- ∞, 0); when X-1 ∈ [1,4], bring in the boundary value, then we can get the maximum and minimum value, and get 1 / X-1 ∈ (1 / 4,1).
What it says about "derivation" is to find the reciprocal. Are you thinking about it?
Maybe the printing is wrong.
This is the field of Y derived from the X field, but should your expression be written as y = 1 / (x-1)?
What does the sign in X mean in mathematics
It should be LN, not LN IN.ln LNX is a logarithmic function. E & # 186; = 1, ln1 = 0; E & # 185; = e, lne = 1; E & # 178; = 2, lne & # 178; = 2
Let e be the logarithm of base X.
The denominator is X
It's the wrong number. You should be talking LNX, lower case LNX.
LNX is the logarithm of X with E as the base, e = 2.718281828459, which is a constant.
In is a function, and X is a power