英語翻譯 1.spray the orchard 2.paint the barn(只要是barn不認識)3.in between such chors 4.do reporting for the freelance articles 5.pursue her own demanding schedule 6.crawl into black bear dens 7.hitch up dogsled racing teams 8.set aside 9.tolerance for solitude 句子:1.there have been a few anxious moments since then,but on balance things have gone much better than we had any right to expect. 2.we've been able to make up the difference in income by cutting back without appreciably lowering our standard of living. 3.就在那時,家鄉的父老接過了養育我(my upbringing)的責任. 4.這些玩具必須得在達到嚴格的安全要求後才可出售給兒童. 5.作為新聞和輿論的載體,廣播和電視補充了而不是替代了報紙. 6.至於這本雜誌,它刊載世界各地許多報紙雜誌上文章的摘要.

英語翻譯 1.spray the orchard 2.paint the barn(只要是barn不認識)3.in between such chors 4.do reporting for the freelance articles 5.pursue her own demanding schedule 6.crawl into black bear dens 7.hitch up dogsled racing teams 8.set aside 9.tolerance for solitude 句子:1.there have been a few anxious moments since then,but on balance things have gone much better than we had any right to expect. 2.we've been able to make up the difference in income by cutting back without appreciably lowering our standard of living. 3.就在那時,家鄉的父老接過了養育我(my upbringing)的責任. 4.這些玩具必須得在達到嚴格的安全要求後才可出售給兒童. 5.作為新聞和輿論的載體,廣播和電視補充了而不是替代了報紙. 6.至於這本雜誌,它刊載世界各地許多報紙雜誌上文章的摘要.

3 At that time,the elders and folks in my village take over my upbringing responsibility.
4 These toys can be sold to children after meeting the strict security standards.
5 As the carrier of news and public opinions,broadcast and television supplement instead of replacing the newspapers.
6 As to this magazine,it publishes many abstracts from the newspapers and magazines all over the world.