a big piece of paper和a piece of big paper呢? 哪個正確

a big piece of paper和a piece of big paper呢? 哪個正確

當然是a big piece of paper big修飾量詞piece

would like to和want to的區別
would like to和want to都是想要的意思,有的句子裏用would like to,可有的句子中“想要”的意思卻用want to來表示,所以有一點搞不清它們在不同句子裏的用法,想求它們的意義和用法上有什麼具體的區別.

would like to比want to語氣更委婉一些,一般用於正式的書函,函電啊
want to比would like to語氣更强烈一些,也在口語中常見一些.

What would you ______do A.want to B.like to

B.like to

這兩個句子對嗎?Would you like to和Do you want to的區別
Do you want to become a successful person?
Would you like to become a successful person?

Would you like to這個相對於Do you want to更委婉些,這就是區別,

I want to do sth I would like to do sth I feel like doing sth各造一個的造句

I want to travel around the world
I would like to hang out with my friends tomorrow.
I feel like having a drink.

want to .would like後面是不是加動詞原形啊?

want to後面是接動詞原形,但是would like後面應該是接名字了吧~would後就已經接了個動詞原形了.

would like後面加動詞的什麼形式原形還是to do

would like to do sth

would like to do sth和want to do
would like to do sth和want to do sth的區別是什麼.


Would you like another bowl of rice的同義句是什麼?

Do you want another bowl of rice?

Jim's father would like a small bowl of rice改為一般疑問句

有would like的句子,一般疑問句就是把would提前,就可以了